Destroyed | Teen Ink


October 15, 2015
By Sydney88 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Sydney88 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I stare into the barrel of the gun I think about how I got to this point of time.
We rush out of our cabin and stand in front of it while it burns to the ground.  I turn toward Nick and slap him in the back of the head, and then I ask him,
“Now, what are we supposed to do now that you burned down our cabin?”
“I don’t know. You’re the leader you come up with something.”
Sylvia has to restrain me by arm barring me because as soon as he says that I charge at him ready to beat him to a pulp.
“Well, it was your bright idea to go to bed without making sure the oven was off,” Sylvia exclaims.
We both scream at Nick for the next hour while the ashes from our burnt down house blow away with the wind. It’s really cold outside but right now I don’t really care plus my veins are still pumped with adrenaline from having to get out of the house so quickly.
“Fine, you want an idea. Here’s an idea lets go back to Manhattan,” Nick yells that over both Sylvia and I.
“You idiot! Do you know what would happen if we went back there?” I screech it really loudly in his ear that if we went back to Manhattan Jason would capture us and torture us for information we don’t have and then he would discard of us like it never happened.
“Do we really have any other choice? We don’t have anywhere else to go,” Sylvia says it like I might yell at her like I yelled at Nick but I wouldn’t yell at her because she is right we don’t have anywhere else to go.
“Fine maybe there’s a chance Jason won’t find us and track us down.”
They just nod their heads because we all know what I just said won’t happen. We will get captured but maybe we can kill Jason before he has the chance to kill us.
    As we start our long hike to Manhattan, the adrenaline from earlier wears off and I realize something. It’s freezing cold outside and it gets bitterer as the snow seeps into my boots. I hike through the almost rock-solid snow. Step by step my feet get heavier and heavier. All I can hear is the labored breaths of my allies, Sylvia and Nick. I glance over at them and see that Sylvia’s razor- straight and bright purple hair is now curly and sticking to her forehead from sweat. Nick’s usual neon green straight up Mohawk is now lopsided and the smirk that I usually want to slap off his face has vanished. Even though they look exhausted and freezing I probably look much worse than they do. I can feel my usually curly red hair is now sticking to the sides of my face and it’s also extremely flat. I look around to check out our surroundings and I see that most of the trees in the forest are dead and are slanting like they might fall but haven’t yet.  The bottom of the forest is mostly bare except for a fallen branch here or there. As we walk further away from our small cabin in the forest that got burned down because Nick accidentally left the stove on after he went to bed and get closer to the city that we all used to live in, which is now destroyed, the silence between us becomes immensely uncomfortable. By the time we get to the edge of the forest and can actually see the whole city it makes me want to cry. The city was torn apart; cars and buildings are set on fire, bodies with blankets over them lying randomly in the street, and badly scorched people sitting in the street suffering in silence. We walk through the streets in silence until Sylvia finally broke it.
“So are we going after Jason or are we just going to stand around here like idiots?” Nick and I nodded because she was just saying what was on all of our minds.
I know they’re coming for me. Why else would I feel so nervous? That’s all I’ve been able to think about for most of the day. I mean I can’t really explain why else my stomach would be in knots. I’m positive it’s not because my Androids and Mutts are busy taking over America while I just sit in my skyscraper watching through the cameras I installed in the side of their heads. I remember when I first started assembling my plan and putting my plan to make Mutts into motion. It was about three years ago. I was sick and tired of everyone at my high school thinking that I couldn’t protect myself and bullying me because they knew I wouldn’t fight back, so I started to make up my plan. I would use my parents' money because they were rich and they didn’t care what I did with it as long as it didn’t bother them, and I would pay homeless people to let me experiment on them. I would hire scientists to make a pill that makes these people turn into hulking monsters that resemble werewolves, except these werewolves would not be able to think for themselves. After I had the whole plan figured out I started gathering homeless people and you wouldn’t imagine how greedy they get but it was just a price I had to pay to get what I want.
   After I had enough homeless people (about two-hundred) I went to a lab that was known to have scientists that would do anything for a few extra bucks. I made them a deal they couldn’t resist. I told them that they would have to remain at my house until we were done so that they couldn’t go out and expose my plan to anyone. Most of them were perfectly content with it but I did lose two of the scientists because they didn’t want to be away from their families for that long. So in total I had about one-hundred scientists. After I got the scientists back to my house I assigned half of them to making the pills and the other half to making the cameras with microphones that I wanted implanted into the side of the homeless people's heads. After about two to three months everything was ready to go and we started giving all of the homeless people I had in the house the pills and implanted the cameras afterwards since we realized that while the pills were transforming them and they didn’t feel anything. After we had all of the Mutts finished and locked away so that they were out of the way until we needed them, we started working on the Androids. The only reason I wanted the Androids was because I didn’t think the Mutts would be enough to take over North America so I had the scientists make up a body made of metal that looked exactly like a human without skin and we started making them and then we set the Mutts and the Androids loose at the same time and that’s how I got to where I am now.
   I hear this really annoying beeping sound coming from the computer that I usually watch the takeovers on, which pulls me out of my flashback. I open up the file that caused the irritating noise; it’s a picture of Alison, Sylvia, and Nick. God why couldn’t the Mutts find them and eat them or the Androids find them and torture them. I see one of my Mutts sneaking up behind them, a seven-foot tall wolf-like monster with thick muscles covering every inch of its body and I see one of my Androids sneaking up behind them also. If you can imagine a human with no skin and robotic parts then that’s what they look like. Thank goodness my plan is finally working out.
We start heading towards Jason’s Skyscraper the only building in the entire city that wasn’t destroyed by the Mutts and Androids only more reason to take him down. When we are about halfway there we hear this unusual sound coming from behind us. We all spin around to face what was making the noise. It was a Mutt and an Android, wonderful. They start sprinting towards us, and we start firing at them with our assault rifles to slow them down. We shoot down the two and we’re very relieved until we see about five more of each coming towards us faster than the other two. Great!
“Can we just surrender and go to Jason’s Skyscraper so we can talk to him?” I screech towards the Mutts and Androids knowing that the cameras in the sides of their heads have microphones in them and that they could hear me even though they were still quite a ways away. They all come to an abrupt stop.
One of the Androids' mouths start moving and Jason’s voice comes out,
“What do you have to offer me; I already have your parents what more do I need?”
I know that’s a jab at Sylvia, Nick, and me. After this whole war started they all jumped on the first train to Jason’s Skyscraper and we haven’t seen them since that was about two-years ago when we were all still fifteen. It really hits my soft spot when I hear it but I know that if I attack them right now I will most likely get all of us killed.
“We don’t have anything to offer you but we would like to come help you,” I look directly at the Android while saying it.
“Good enough bring them in,” the response is short and choppy.
“Yes sir,” the other Androids say in unison.
They put restraints on our wrists and blindfold us. Three Androids take us roughly by the arms one on each arm and drag us all the way to Jason’s. All I can hear on the way there is the sound of our boots scraping against the cracked-up pavement. When we get there I only have a split-second to breath in the smell of smoke and metal before someone wearing plastic gloves shoves a needle roughly into my arm and whatever drug was in the needle knocks me out instantly.
They’re finally here! I can’t wait to watch the downfall of the people I despise the most. I walk into the control room on the sixth-floor of my building.
“So how is the torturing going? Have they gotten any information out of them yet?” I say with what I’m pretty sure is the world’s biggest smile because it is stretching my face so much it hurts.
“No sir but when they do give up information we will email you the information immediately, sir,” the head of the control room responds immediately.
“Ok but if I learn that you are withholding information from me you will end up like them,” I declare while pointing at the screen that displays Sylvia hanging upside down with huge bruises and cuts all over her arms, legs, and face. And then I point to another screen displaying Nick screaming at the top of his lungs and thrashing around because someone is currently trying to get information out of him. I saunter out of the room and all the way down to Alison’s cell, where she hangs upside down, probably still unconscious from the powerful drugs I had one of the Androids inject into her hours ago. I make sure I have my pistol in my holster before I enter the cell. I will end this once and for all.
______________________________________________________________________________ I wake a few minutes before Jason comes strolling into the room. He swings open the door which in result makes me close my eyes because the pouring into the room.
“Finally, you woke up. I thought I wouldn’t get the chance to talk you before you died.” Jason’s voice rings through the room giving me the world’s biggest migraine. I open my eyes and blink a few times so that I can look at Jason so that he knows I’m not afraid of him. I look around the room for a few seconds and see walls that have chipped black paint on them,
“Where are Sylvia and Nick?” My words come out slurred; I guess the drugs haven’t gotten all the way out of my system.
“I’ll show you.”
He waves to two of the Androids that came in with him and they bring in two body bags but I already know how/what is in them which makes this powerful wave of dread wash over me.
“Here they are,” he screeches with joy and right now he actually looks demented with his light brown hair unkempt, bloodshot eyes, and a smile that will probably give me nightmares, if I have a chance to have a nightmare again. The Androids open up the bags and in one of them Sylvia lays still with terrible black and blue bruises and cuts deep enough to almost see to the bone. Nick’s injuries are just as bad as Sylvia’s.
“How dare you!” I holler at the top of my lungs.
Then I start yelling absurd words at the top of lungs. After a few minutes Jason shuts me up by hitting me upside the head with the pistol that I guess he had the whole time that I just didn’t notice. When he hits me in the head I notice that there is a metallic taste in my mouth because he hit me so hard. And I’m surprised that he can actually caused that. I remember when we were freshman and even the other nerds could push him into the lockers and he would fall down. It’s funny how things have changed over the last two years.
“Well I don’t have any questions to ask you because I know you are completely useless so I guess the only thing left to do is…” He says softly like he might actually be reconsidering killing me.
But I know he hasn’t reconsidered when he puts the barrel of the gun in between my eyes. I can’t believe we were so stupid to think we could take down Jason. And as I stare into the barrel of the gun I knew it was over.

As I watch one of the Androids come in and carelessly toss Alison’s body into a bag similar to Sylvia and Nick’s, big and black. Now that no one is in my way I can finally do what I’ve wanted to do all along.  I walk out of the room and glide down the hallway to my office. When I walk into my office I see some of the scientists that I hired when we first started making Mutts.
“What can I do for you gentlemen today?” I look them straight in the eyes when I say it and they look away because they know there will be consequences if they try to stare me down.
“We wanted to just tell you that the virus you wanted to inject the Mutts with is ready.”
“That’s great, I will summon all the Mutts back and we can an inject them.”
“Yes sir.”
They all scamper out of the room and as soon as I hear the door to my office close I do a celebratory dance for a few minutes before I slip on the floor and fall. My life couldn’t be better with all my enemies gone and my plan is working out better than I could ever imagine.

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