Project T.L | Teen Ink

Project T.L

October 15, 2015
By IAmMegieMoo BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
IAmMegieMoo BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The dim lights above Leslies head reflected down upon his snowy white hair and the dark blood stained floor below his frantically moving feet. His shaky sprint stays at a constant feared speed as he rushes away from the hideous monster behind him. The things legs were twisted backwards and its head…Why was its head so…Smashed? What happened to this place!? Desperately trying to pull open a door he had crashed into, his frantic heart beat picks up and thumps loud as if a drum was beating constantly and wildly in his ears. The thing was inching closer and closer by the second. The suddenly working clock above his head ticket as if it was waiting for him to be devoured. The thing seemed hungry for his flesh and bones that are shaking fearfully beneath the thin layer of skin that’s supposed to protect his insides. It’s somewhat of a mouth was dripping with blood as its tongue hangs out lazily to the side with spit dripping off the tip making small ticks of the floor like a leaky faucet. With one last final push he is squeezed through the door and it slams shut as the monster lets out a cry of distress as for his food has just gotten away.
Leslie’s pale feet, now red, burned and were bleeding from running for what seemed like endless hours away from that thing just on the other side of the rustic door. Sliding to the floor, tears flood his bright sky blue eyes and drip to the floor. Why is this happening to me? He wonders as his shoulders shake and his vision blurs. Why had he agreed to be a part of this?
Only an hour ago he was in the world called his home full of laughter and sanity. That was until he agreed to Mr. Laudtry request to try and destroy T.L. He wasn’t to sure T.L. was but how could Leslie deny when Mr. Laudtry stared at him with those reassuring black beady eyes, or were they a dark brown? Leslie couldn’t tell exactly. Mr. Laudtry had put his perfectly tanned hand upon his shoulder and the words Leslie has never heard before escaped the man’s lips, “I am in full trust that you can take on this responsibility. I am counting on you.” He had met this man whose suit was always pressed and wrinkle free at a local grocery store. He was lounging around behind the grocery store counter ripping the red peeling paint off the wall beside him creating silver patches where the paint once was lied to rest many, many years ago. It seemed as if he was looking for someone important. His curly raven hair was swishing across his face with every turn of his head as he searches the crowd for that certain someone. Their eyes had met and instantly Leslie was captured in a world of curiosity.
The man strode up to him from behind the counter and greeted him with a warm smile and a simple, “Hello.”
Leslie was not so sure how to react to this attractive man but he smiled back and greeted him as well with his own simple, “Hi.”
The man was charming enough to persuade him into going on a walk. Leslie knew deep down in his brain his mothers’ words to stay away from strangers were there, but it was slowly drifting away as if it had been a dream he once had. He accepted with a joyful grin and walked along side this man who was very charming, attractive, and persuading. They had went out on the beautiful summer day to the park which was full of laughter from children of all ages. Dogs barked and growled with glee as they chased their furry friends about the green fields of trees and flowers and children. Leslie ran to the swings and pulled Mr. Laudtry along with him while laughing the whole way. After swinging and playing around like a bunch of goofballs that’s when Mr. Laudtry told him he was the one for the job. Leslie accepted it without a second thought of what he may be doing. Now he regrets all the things they had done that day. He was careless and didn’t see what was coming for him.
Now because of his stupid choice he is stuck here, in the immortal world. He doesn’t even know what to call this repugnant place. It is disgusting and full of hatred. He hated it to his bones and inner core. The floor he is now sitting on is blood stained and smells like rotten fish. Like the smell of a women with yeast infection. The walls are ancient and moldy with what… looks like…vomit!? There was vomit on the walls from the people who were once here in this building that was probably full of life and laughter. Not anymore.
Pulling himself up off the floor he sways back and forth with his shirt yanked up over his nose and mouth to try and mask the horrible scent surrounding him in this retched room. Maybe I should…should take my time to look around? He asks himself while sneezing up some blood. Great! It’s just too dry in here! Wiping his nose on his sleeve he takes a chance to observe the things sprawled out around the room. He had been in this hospital before and it had been horrible. Only about two weeks ago was he released and he would never want to relive those years anytime. While searching around the dusty old room he finds just what he needed, a file on T.L. Apparently this T.L. person is a boy by the name of Travis…Laudtry?! What! Leslies mind starts to jumble about as he tries to piece this little information together. So…Travis (T.L) is Mr. Lautry's brother? Or is it his son?
"Ah hah hah hah. I see you found information on E.V. now haven't you?" Mr. Laudtry's voice booms through the office and echos all around Leslie making his ear drums shake violently from the evil laugh that erupts from his wicked mouth.
"W-Where are you! Why do I have to find this boy? How was I anywhere near close to be right for this task? I'm-I'm a nobody!" Shaking he drops the folder to the floor and the papers fall and fly about the area beneath his feet. One page strikingly different from the rest. A golden page with the words;
written across the top in bold letters with bright green ink.
"We need need this boy now! Do not go back on your duties or else the plug will be pulled!" Shaking his head, Leslie snatches the gold paper from the cement floor and rushes to the first door he sees. It has blood splattered across the centered window.
"You cannot run Leslie. I am here and you can't escape." A shadow is drawing up close behind Leslie as his feet pound loudly against the floor most likely attracting anything near by. The shadows hands rise and try grabbing at Leslie but only manages to graze its fingers against the top of his snow white hair.
"Where do you think your going Leslie? There's no place to run! I will always find you." The long shadow starts to fade behind him as Leslie uses his last will of energy to run as fast as his long thin legs will take him. At the end of the hallway is an ajar door with the handle swaying soundlessly in the pounding of his now once again bleeding feet. Squeezing his way through Leslie plunges into the darkest of the rooms he has come upon, which had really only been one. He can hear the chuckles of the man he once thought was amazing behind the door approaching at a fast rate. The only thing he can do now is hide. Feeling his way through the darkness making extremely loud bangs and snapping noises as he steps on pencils and hits his thighs and hips against desks. His hand lands upon a knob and his instinct kicks him and makes the split second decision for him and throws open the door slamming it shut behind him.
A scream erupts behind him and he snatches his hand over the persons mouth who seems scared to death behind him.
"SHHHHHH!" Leslie squeezes the kids mouth and hugs him close not really caring to find out who it is. Interrogation can be arranged later.
The door he entered before this one opens making a silent creaking noise against the eerily quiet room.
"Come out come out where ever you are." Mr. Laudtry says with a blood shaking laugh. A chair is thrown against the door Leslie and this boy...or girl are currently hiding behind. A slight wine is heard from the boy (or girl) and they turn their head to bury into Leslie arm. Trusting much? Leslie wonders in his mind.
"Oh I heard that! Why not make another noise huh?" Mr. Laudtry says with a vicious snarl to his voice. As if about to obey his words the boy trembles and holds his breath trying to keep another wine from escaping.
"Oh come on I just want to play." For what seems like hours the taunts and thrashing about the room is heard until finally  Mr. Laudtry seems to give up his search and says,
"I assume you will be wise and not forget you have a task at hand that needs to be finished. Leslie, I know your in there." Leslie was wrong. The door handle jiggles and clicking is made from the little lock moving about inside the handle. Soon the door is being pulled on and a loud snapping draws Leslie and the boy's attention the the back of this small hiding place. The entire front had been pulled forward creating a gap between the back that is nailed to the wall. All they need is to try and slip through silently and they could make it out alive and well.
Cupping his hands around the little boys ear he whispers in a hushed tone, "You have to trust me if you want to live. We must move through that gap and make it to the door. This is our only chance. Are you ready?" The boys head moves up and down his hair tickling the side of Leslies face which is wet from the little boys tears.
He grabs the kids hand in his and they quickly move the the gap and push them selves through before the entire front is completely taken off and tossed across the room. Leslie pulls the boy behind a desk and crouches, peeking around the corner to check on the ware abouts of Mr. Laudtry. At the moment he is scanning the inside of the cabinet, which is now what Leslie sees that's what they were in.  As silently as possible he makes his way around the other side of the desk taking the boy with him. They successfully make their way out the door with out being noticed my Mr. Laudtry while he stumbles about the room confused from Hell and back.
The two boys quickly run through the first archway they see, which leads to a community room where the patients use as a "Hang Out Room". Or that's at least what they called it when Leslie was here. Closing the big doors behind them they start pushing furniture and objects in front of them to keep anything from getting in with them.
During this time they have interrogation to be done. This boy looks familiar to Leslie. He feels as if he has seen him once before his mind is just having a blank space out directly at this moment.
The boy has raven black hair that's lazily hanging down to his collar bone. At the moment pieces are sticky and full blood as it drips down the poor kids face. His lips are a rosy red in contrast with his ghostly white skin. That bright blue eye is staring directly back at him with so much worry and fear placed inside that orb it just makes Leslie want to hug him. He has the body of a fragile kid but his appearance is one of a much older teenager. His face is close to the gaunt side as his cheeks are kind of tight and pushed in showing off his defined cheek bones and a rigged jaw line. This boy seems to real to be true. The only thing that throws him off is the fact that he has bandages wrapped around the right side of his head covering up the right eye. Blood is soaking through the bandage creating a circle in the bandages where the eye would be.
"What happened to your eye." Is the first thing that escapes Leslie's mouth. The boy gulps and looks down then back up rubbing his left arm over the goose pimples that are raised against his porcelain skin.
" was the monster with red glowing eyes and twisted fangs. The one that chased you down...down the corridor to the large office room." His voice stutters and cracks every time he seems to get nervous or scared of what to say. 
"Oh well are you okay? did you know i got chased?" With a questioning look Leslies eyes move into slits and he cautiously walks forward towards the boy. How did he know?
"Uhm well I kinda saw you and I swear I was going to help its just...I was scared you would hurt me. I know that's' stupid but..." he trails off with a quiet sigh and hangs his head. Leslie slides down to the ground leaning up against an over turned table and pats the seat beside him motioning the young boy to him.
"It's alright. So, whats your name exactly. I don't Believe I ever caught it." Leslie leans his head back and scrubs the boys hair.
"I'm Travis Laudtry and i'm 19 even though I may not look it," he says with a laugh and swats at Leslie's hand. Leslie's face is pale and his hand drops to his thigh gripping it tightly. That explains why he seemed so familiar. This was the Travis (T.L) he has been sent here to...kill. But..why? This kid seems so nice but shy at the same time. Why would anyone want to kill him?
"Are you okay Leslie?" Travis asks with a concerned look present on his cute baby face. Leslie quickly stands up sending a now shocked look to Travis's eyes. He snatches him up into his arms and quickly carries him into the restrooms closest to them.
"L-Leslie! What is going on? Put me down!" He weighs so light in Leslie's hands that he just wants to hang on to him, and he will.
"We have to get out of here. Do you remember that man who we were hiding from, or I more like." Travis nods his head and gets ready to speak but Leslie shushes him with a finger as he sets him on a sink in the restroom. "We have to get out of here because he sent me here to kill you. I don't want to because you are so nice and amazing..erm I mean you know I would never do something like hurt you." A blush is spread across Travis's cheeks as Leslie picks him up once more placing a kiss upon his cheek. "We must go now okay?"
Travis is swooped up and carried out of the room after Leslie gets the door unblocked of the furniture they pushed in front of it to keep anything from getting in, well now they are getting out. When he steps out with Travis in his arms the atmosphere seems highly different. There is fog sliding across the dusty floor rising just above Leslie's knees and lapping at his hips like water. The air is hot and sticky with a repugnant odor in the air causing Travis to bury his face in Leslie's neck and Leslie to cover his nose.
He starts his trek back the way he came to get back to his starting point which is where he generated and is where Mr. Laudtry is most likely waiting their presents. This is the only way out.
The journey back to basically what he can call the base was highly uneventful. Travis took a nap in his arms so even though Leslie's arms ached with fatigued he was forced to continue carrying him, even though in reality he didn't want to stop holding him either way.
When they made it back it was just what Leslie expected, Mr. Laudtry was their awaiting their arrival with a sinister smile plastered to his suddenly ugly face. His younger brother is much more fascinating then him at this moment. The next thing he knows Travis is being ruthlessly ripped from his arm and thrown down to his knees right in front of him. This might of been a horrible idea. Two thug looking guys one bald and one on the balding side grab his arms and force him down as well. The already bald one grips his hair in a vice grasp and yanks his face up to look at Travis almost cracking his neck in the process.
A scream erupts from Travis as Mr. Laudtry presses a knife up against his neck cutting the skin. Leslie pulls and tugs wildly at his arms letting a string of profanities fly through his mouth like a enraged dog barking at an intruder. All he sees is Travis falling to his death before his own world goes black.

Waking with a startle sweat drips down his face and chest as his heart pounds like a drum. Glancing over to his side he sees an awake Travis sitting up staring at him with sleepy concerned eyes.
"L-Leslie? Are you alright? You were moaning and groaning and you just screamed so loud I think the neighbors heard." He touches Leslie's face lightly and is pulled into an enormous hug.
"It was just a bad dream. Go back to sleep okay?" Leslie says with a reassuring smile. Travis grins right back and places a peck against his husbands lips before cuddling down underneath the covers pulling Leslie with him. Soon enough Travis is passed out and Leslie and cuddling him close to his body feeling his warm skin against his own. It was all just one crazy dream and Travis is safe in his lovers arms. Mr. Laudtry is still in jail for abuse of his son and nothing can ever hurt them.

The author's comments:

My english teacher inspired me to write this when she told us about this writing project. At first I was all, uuuggghhh no! I had no ideas on what to do! She them gave us a list of generas to do and then it hit me. How about a fantasy type story! I really enjoyed this writing activity and i thank her for encouraging me to get it done. :)

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