White Star | Teen Ink

White Star

October 9, 2015
By ianbowser01 BRONZE, Atwood, Indiana
ianbowser01 BRONZE, Atwood, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

11 September, 2015       
Captain White Star        
Jason forgot to turn his alarm off. He had his own apartment because his parents past away before he turned ten. But it was already time for him to go to work. He didn’t like his job. You was a young boy working on his grandpa’s farm. He did his usual schedule before leaving. He would always take an ice cold shower. He was a poor young  boy who lived on a lonely planet called Sposher. There are no other planets around his own. His planet drifted out to space before his parents time. No one knows why it did that, so they just live their life like nothing happened.   
“DADDDD!” Jason yelled. “DADDDD!”
Jason was only eleven when the world split in half  and lost his dad when a building fell on his house.  He was outside play freeze tag with his dog. Yes that probably sounds weird but Jason didn’t have any friends around because he moved only a few days before everything went wrong. When he turned thirteen his dog was the only one to show up to his party. He always walked around trying to find reasons why the world split in half. When he found the edge of the planet, he dropped a rock and it blew up. He jumped back scared. He almost lost a hand. As he was walking back to his apartment, there was a strange figure following. He turned and said
"what do you want?" The strange figure stopped and laughed in the dark corner of the ally way.
"I want you." The strange figure said.
"Why?" John asked.
The strange figure pulled something out of his pocket and pointed it at John. It started to glow a slimy green and something shot out of it. John dodged that one and the next and the next but one of them got his foot and he was stuck on the ground. Then another shot out at him, that one stuck his hand to his shirt. He pulled away from his body as hard as he could but didn't get anywhere. He tried again and again, finally his shirt flew off and was stuck to his hand still. But one thing he didn't know was that he could just pull his shirt off the slime. His shirt slid off the slime, and the figure started to shoot more and more at him. He used his shirt as a shirt. He got hit in the leg with  the slime, but it slid off. He got unstuck and ran at the guy with a slime fist and jacked him right in his mouth. The slime stuck and John threw a hard left to the side of the man;s face and the slime didn't stick, it ripped a big chunk out of his face. The man started to bleed all over. The man screamed
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" John tried to run away but the man shot him in his back and John fell hard and busted his arm. The man walked over holding his bleeding face with one hand and a slime blaster in the other. The man shot John's hands together and took the slime of his back so John could breath. John stood up and the man took him to a ship and they blasted to the other part of the planet 100,000 miles away for the other half of the planet. 
When they arrived, there they all stood, the gods of the world. John was amazed at the size of the statues of the gods. They grabbed John and threw him in a cell, alone. A few minutes past and nothing happened. Then someone came by and pulled his keys out and unlocked the door. He took John to a lab with a bunch of people. A strange figure came out of the dark corner with something long and pointy. He pushed on the syringe and a strange green liquid came out. They strapped John down on a table and the doctor stabbed him with the needle.      
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" John yelled. A few hours later John woke up in his apartment. He stood up and blinked and shot out red lasers. He jumped back in surprise. When he looked in his mirror he saw that he had glowing green eyes.
"I wonder what else I can do." John ran to the window and jumped. Hopefully he could fly or he would fall to his death. He flew through the city, everyone looking at a man flying in red polkadot boxers. When he realized he didn't have any clothes on he was already in a different city. He flew back and put some clothes on and flew again. He ran in a building and put a big hole in the middle of it. He thought he was dead but he was indestructible. He flew for hours and hours and suddenly fell asleep and fell down a hole and landed on his back. When he woke up he was in a dark smelly cave. He looked to his right and saw a bear, the bear looked angry. Then the bear tried to slash his face off but his claws broke. John threw a mega uppercut and knocked the bear into the air. Making the bear hit his head on the cave ceiling. The bear roared in pain. John ran as far as he could. He step in a hole and his leg snapped. This time John yelled in pain. John was grabbing his leg and rolling away from the angry bear chasing him. John rolled into a big hole in the wall and rolled over a button that caused rocks to fall to the ground and landed in the bear trapping it. The big tubes came out of wall and held the bear upright.
"Looks like you need some help." A man walking out of the dark said.
"Yes I do. I... Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" John yelled in pain. 
More people came out of the shadows and helped with his leg. All of a sudden a rock fell for the ceiling and nicked him out. When he woke up he was laying on a bed with a bunch of lights flashing in his face. He sat up and looked at his leg, it was all healed up. Someone grabbed him and threw him back down.
"Lay down." And strange man said.
"This will only hurt a lot." Another man said.
"Wait, I never introduced myself." A man said. " I am Mr.Edward."
"Well I'm... Ahhhhh!" John yelled.
The doctor stabbed him with a needle and took all of his powers away. To give him good powers of course. When the evil doctor gave John a green slimy shot, it gave John bad powers. He gets all of his powers back, just better ones instead. He can fly longer and he can shoot his lasers whenever. When John woke up he was bigger than before and had super hearing. He heard a girl scream from downtown. He punched a hole in the wall and ran outside and the jumped so high he jumped over a building. He saw  the girl with his eagle eyes and flew down to help. But there was no one there. That was the problem.the problem was, the person there was indivisible. All of a sudden he got punched into red paint. He grabbed the red paint and spun around and threw all the red paint. Showing the bad guy and covering the girl. He grabbed the bad guy and took him to the water and threw him under. He made a big bubble so the guy could breathe but not die. The guy was stuck in the bubble forever. John was soon known as Captain White Star. 

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