Robbed | Teen Ink


October 9, 2015
By rrowland BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
rrowland BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As Lilly peaks out of her eyelids, She sees an orange glow beaming through the small window in her large room.  She feels the heat of the scorching summer sun coming in through her window.  She hears her own dog which is a goldendoodle, Macy, breathing next to her on the carpeted floor.  Lilly quickly realizes what time it is and springs out of her soft, warm, cozy bed wishing she could stay in it longer.  She limps over to her walk-in closet she limps because she was born without a right leg.  When she gets over to her closet she looks around and only sees outfits that are striped and polka dotted which is her usual outfit of the day.
When she is done getting ready for the long day ahead of her, she goes and plays with Macy. Macy is the sweetest most well behaved dog ever.  Lilly decides it is time for breakfast so she makes the long journey down the stairs and slowly sits down at the one person kitchen table.  She pours herself a cup of coffee and eats a yogurt and a bagel as Macy is beneath her feet.  She takes Macy out for a short jog up the street and back.  Finally it is time for her to go to work.
When she gets to work she sits down at her large desk and checks the computer for any robbers over the night while she was sleeping.  Slowly scrolling down the page she sees the name Jimmy Hill accused of robbing everything in Linda Mcgraw’s house.  She also sees that they are on a manhunt to find him. She decides to join the manhunt. It is really easy to find a person in a small town in South Dakota with a population of ninety people. First thing she does on every mission she joins is go and meet the person who got robbed.
When she meets Linda Mcgraw at her house, she is dabbing her eyes because she had been crying.  She was so devastated because everything is gone out of her house.
She began by saying “I am so sorry for making you come so early.”
She said, “This is my job so I come early so the police do not come while I am here and I do not get busted for being a detective.”  Then I started looking around where I can find fingerprints and maybe some footprints.  Linda was also helping me look.  As looking around slowly I realize that she must have had numbers of valuable and expensive things.
I asked Linda, “If she had security cameras in her house.”
Linda said slowly “No.”
Then she decided to start testing for fingerprints, even though they knew who it was already. Jimmy could have other people with him. S he had already had Jimmy’s fingerprint memorized so she knew when she was done testing the fingerprints that only Jimmy had been there.
Later that day, she went to her house to check on Macy and to get her PT.  She could track down Jimmy.  She searched his name and it came up.  All she could see was a little tiny blob but she knew exactly where he was.  Finally she got in her Jeep and sped down the highway to the road that she saw that little tiny blob on. She tapped refresh on the page and it gave her Jimmy’s licence plate number.Finally she could track him down but did not seem to see him on that particular road.  All of a sudden she heard a ding sounding like her email.  She checked it and it was from her head boss.  It read that the PT(Person Tracker) was down. It said that it is reading the wrong addresses of where the people are.  She sighed madly then read the last part of the email and it said that we were allowed to go home.  She did not follow that command. She instead went to the police station and asked them for more information about the case.  She lied and said that she was Linda Mcgraw’s lawyer when she really wasn’t .
They said that they did not know where he was but they were looking for him.  She thought to herself I will know where he is spot on when the PT starts working again.   She finally left the police station with no new information.  She then decided to go home and eat supper then hit the hay because in her mind she knew it was going to be a long day ahead of her tomorrow.
As she opens her eyes the next morning she decided to look what time it was.  It was 7:00 AM and she normally gets up at 6:30 AM.  When she got up she went quickly to see if the PT was fixed. When she got there it had been fixed over night. Lilly jumped up in enjoyment.   She got done with her morning routine very quickly and was out the door at 7:15 AM.  She did not even go to work, she went right to where her PT said Jimmy was.  It took two and a half hours to get to the building that Jimmy was in.  On her way there she forgot to refresh the PT.  She sighed sadly.Jimmy had already gone out of the building.  Then all of a sudden she hears a ding and she thought to herself I hope this is not an email about the PT being down again.  She took out her phone and looked just at the subject of the email and who it was from and sighed angrily.  She decided to not even read the email.  Instead she turned around and started for Linda Mcgraw’s house.  When she got to Linda’s house Linda was happy to see her.
She asked, “ Have you found Jimmy yet?”
I said sadly, “No because the PT has been off on for the last two days.”
LInda said, “ Ok, What is a PT?”
I answered, "It is short for person tracker."
Then we sat down and I talked about how I am going to find him and catch him.  After talking for awhile, I hopped in my car and went home for the evening. When I got home I fed Macy then took her for a long walk because it was still daylight out when I got home.  Normally it is not, Finally it was time for Lilly to go to bed.  She went to bed with a lot on her mind.
Lilly gets up the morning, she looks outside and it is storming.  She thinks to herself Well this is going to put a damper on things!  But she goes on with her day and gets dressed,eats breakfast then heads out for work. She decides to go in because she is going to ask about the PT.  When she gets there she sees a note on her desk...It says the PT is working now go out and find Jimmy!
  As Lilly was on the road that Jimmy was, she spotted him.  She checked the license plate number again on her PT and it confirmed it was Jimmy.  So she sped up so she could get close to his car, then she gets close enough that she flashes her orange light.  The orange lights prompts Jimmy to pull to the side of the road.  She followed his car to the side of the road as well.  Once they were both pulled over, Lilly asked Jimmy to step out of his car, slowly and that she told him she was a detective.  After getting out of the car, Jimmy recognized Lilly because she had worked on another case that he was a part of before.  She asked Jimmy to get in the back seat of her car.  Jimmy got into the back of the car without much trouble and Lilly was surprised.  Lilly told Jimmy she was taking him to the police station for them to question him about a robbery that occurred at Linda’s home.
  On the way to the police station, Jimmy was very quiet...until, Lilly heard some rustling in the back seat of her car.  Lilly’s car had her protected by bars in the backseat similar to a cop car.  She turned around to see what the rustling was and BOOM, Jimmy shot Lilly in the head!  Lilly’s car was out of control before coming to a stop near the police station.  Jimmy jumped out of the car leaving Lilly’s lifeless body in the driver's seat, her head gushing blood into the car.  People around town came to the aid of Lilly, but it was too late.  Jimmy fled the scene and hasn’t been seen since that day.  Linda heard the news and was devastated...she had not only lost the best detective she knew, but also never got any of her possessions returned to her.
  Lilly was laid to rest later that week, many gathered in her memory.  Lilly will never be forgotten! 

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