The Secret | Teen Ink

The Secret

October 9, 2015
By bslone BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
bslone BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It had only been five minutes outside and Isabella was already sweating through her clothes, and puddles of her sweat were forming in the bottom of her work boots. The Kentucky heat this year had been unbearable! The animals in the barn were suffering from heat exhaustion, and the only way the cows in that pasture were finding shade was underneath the willow tree. If only Isabella and her father had the money to upgrade the farm. Their farmhouse wasn't exactly a mansion, but it was every farmer's dream to have a house this size. Large apple and peach trees surrounded the whole house kind of like the house was playing hide and seek.
Isabella finally finished her work in the garden, and strolled through the large grass up to the air conditioned house. As she opened the back door that led to their mud room, her father greeted her at the door with a smile. He had blonde hair, tall legs, and was muscular which was perfect for his career as a cop.
“Great work in the garden today Isabella, hopefully next year the heat won’t be so excruciating.” Her father told her.
“Yes, that would be nice not having wilting plants and dead vegetables.”  Isabella answered.
‘You deserve the rest of the day to yourself, Isabella.” her father answered.
“Thanks dad.” Isabella said as she gave him a smile.
As Isabella trudged up the stairs, her father walked down the dirt driveway to the old, and plain mailbox. Neither Isabella or her father had checked the mail in over two weeks so he was frightened about what sat inside that smelly wooden mailbox. Isabella’s father reached slowly into the mailbox to only find one thick letter with the word “Important Notice” printed largely on the front. You could tell that her father was worried about the letter the minute he saw it. He stared at the letter as he took one step at a time back towards the house.
Isabella had changed into her everyday clothes, and as always it included something blue. Isabella had always been a blue kind of person, the blue streak in her blonde hair was what completed her look. There was one thing that Isabella hadn’t told anyone before though. She had a gift, and let’s just say that this “gift” Isabella had, nobody else in the world had.
The doorbell rang and it’s sound echoed throughout the house. Isabella ran down the stairs and skipped a couple steps, almost falling flat on her face. She looked through the peephole to see that it was Gwyneth and Corey, Isabella’s best friends since kindergarten. As she opened the door for them, she didn’t even have time to say hi, as her father entered the house and slammed the back door.
“Isabella!” her father yelled across the house.
“What is it, dad?” Isabella asked with a worried tone in her voice.
“I need you to come take a look at this letter we received in the mail.” her father answered silently.
Isabella headed towards her father who was currently pacing back and forth in the kitchen. As her friends trailed behind her, they gave each other a glance that signaled this was not going to be a good conversation. The open letter was sitting on the table and Isabella picked it up off of the table and started reading it aloud. We are sorry to say that you no longer have money to pay for your farm or house. The bank now owns the house, farm and all of your animals. Though just yesterday a couple came and took everything off our hands. You need to be out of the house by tomorrow evening or we will have to kick you into the streets. Sincerely, The Manager.
“Oh my gosh.” Gwyneth and Corey said in unison.
Corey and Gwyneth knew what Isabella was going to do so they followed her out to the garage, leaving Isabella’s father in confusion. Isabella picked the garage door lock with a bobby pin she had in her hair because she had forgotten to grab the key on the way out the door, and was in too much of a rush to go back and grab it. As she heard the lock click, she grabbed the handle on the old rusted wooden garage door and pulled the door open.
“You guys coming with me?” Isabella asked as she opened the door to her blue Ford F-150.
Isabella’s question was answered as Gwyneth and Corey hopped in the backseat of the truck. She backed out of the garage not bothering to close the garage door and she sped down the dirt driveway leaving a trail of dust behind her. As she turned onto the paved road she thought to herself, whoever is doing this to my family, I will get revenge, even if it means exposing my “gift.”
“Isabella, who do you think is doing this?” Corey asked.
“You know what! I think I know who would do such a thing like this!” Isabella screeched.
“Who?” Corey and Gwyneth asked excitedly.
“Think about it you guys....who are the only people who would be brave enough to mess with my dad?" Isabella questioned sternly.
"Everybody in town is scared of your dad except for, Clint and Jacelyn Potts!" Gwyneth answered.
“Exactly, which means they are the only ones who could have done this!” Isabella said proudly.
Knowing who did this made Isabella more furious than she already was, but it also made her feel good because she knew Jacelyn and Clint’s weaknesses. Mr. and Mrs. Potts were not small at any cost, they weighed twice of what Isabella’s father did. Isabella’s father weighed almost 200 pounds, and that is including muscle mass. Mr. and Mrs. Potts were not muscular, if they needed something carried downstairs they would call their son, Parker Potts, who was one of Isabella’s childhood friends and she knew for a fact he was not like his parents at all. As they sped down the paved road they could tell that they were getting into town because the breeze carried the smell of McDonald’s into the truck. Isabella could see the Potts’s store coming into view. The large sign on the top of the store was hard to miss even if you were half blind, you could see it from almost two miles away. As Isabella pulled into the parking lot of the store she saw that Clint was setting a new sign outside the front door.
“What is it Corey?”
“Look what the sign says!” Corey told her.
“Country Inn opening soon, ask inside for more details.” Isabella read outloud with a confused expression.
Isabella parked the truck and turned off the ignition, they all jumped out of the truck and Isabella didn’t even bother to lock it. Corey and Gwyneth had a frightened look on their face as Isabella ran into the store looking like she was going to murder Clint and Jacelyn. Gwyneth started for the store and Corey followed closely.
“Hello Miss Patriot.” Clint happily said.
“We have some things to discuss Mr. Potts.” Isabella sternly said as she gave him the death glare.
“I’m sorry Miss Patriot but we have no time for discussions right now, it will have to wait for another day because we have so much going on at this moment.” Clint calmly replied.
“Well I’m sorry but this needs to be discussed now!” Isabella said as she picked up Mr. Potts by the collar of his shirt. 
Isabella heard gasps from the customers and the next thing she knew, the store was empty except for Isabella, Jacelyn, and Clint. Corey and Gwyneth were in shock so they followed the crowd out the door. Isabella looked around as she continued to hold Clint in midair, and she saw the look of shock on Jacelyn’s face.
“So have you decided yet Mr. Potts, are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?” Isabella asked Clint with a hint of attitude in her voice.
“I think he wants to discuss things the easy way Miss Patriot.” Jacelyn said with a fearful tone.
Isabella lowered Clint to the ground and walked outside for a brief moment. She opened the glass door and motioned for them to come back inside. Corey and Gwyneth jumped off of the tailgate of the pickup and ran into the store. When they opened the door they saw Isabella, and the Potts’ standing around the check-out counter.
“My father received a notice in the mail today and it stated that someone took our farm and house off of the bank’s hands. We aren’t even sure how the bank bought our farm or house anyway, because my father never signed any papers handing our property over to the bank. I know you had something to do with this predicament Mr. and Mrs. Potts.” Isabella sternly stated.
“Why would you think we would do anything like this Miss Patriot?” Clint asked.
“You have never liked my family, and you are the only people in our town who are brave enough to do anything this harsh. You have the money to get people to do whatever you want them to. Even though it may not have been you who committed this, you had something to do with it therefore you are the ones the cops and me will be after!" Isabella shouted.
"There is no way that you can prove we had anything to do with this Miss Patriot." Clint chuckled.
"You wanna bet!" Isabella screamed.
Clint and Jacelyn had left Isabella no choice but to use her "gift" Isabella could move things with her mind, and she had ice breath. Since she wanted to keep her powers a secret, she was regretting the choice to use them, but on the other hand if she used them there was a higher chance of her getting evidence out of the Potts. Isabella looked at the cash register and all of a sudden it was floating in mid-air. With a rush of excitement Isabella slammed the cash register down onto Clint's fingers. As he screamed and attempted to pry the fifty pound cash register off of his fingers, Isabella turned around and looked at Corey and Gwyneth who were standing in front of the door laughing like little kids.
"Why do you guys think this is so funny?" Isabella asked.
"When did you have time to go to the prank store to get invisible fishing line?" Gwyneth asked with a chuckle.
Isabella thought to herself, if they didn't know that wasn't a prank they would be looking at Isabella with a blank expression. At this moment Clint was done with Isabella's "interrogation" and he staggered over to Isabella with purple fingers.
"There is no way that you are ever going to figure out who did this to you and your family because you are just a teenager and teenagers aren't smart." Clint stated.
"The files are in the back room Miss Patriot," Jacelyn quickly said.
“Thank you for your cooperation Mrs. Potts. Now for you, Mr. Potts, I am very sorry to have to do this, but you have left me no choice.”
Isabella looked Clint straight in the eye and blew on him as hard as she could. From the angle that Corey and Gwyneth were at, all they could see was Mr.Potts icy head. Isabella turned and ran to the back room to get the files. As she sped to the back room, Gwyneth, Corey, and Jacelyn all glanced at each other with a look of shock on each of their faces. Corey and Gwyneth decided that Isabella could find the files on her own, especially now that they figured out what she has been hiding for so long. All of a sudden Isabella came stumbling out of the back room.
“Guys, I found proof that they were the ones who did this! This folder has their whole plan written down in it. They were not smart enough to throw away the papers as soon as they were done making my life miserable.”
Isabella, Corey and Gwyneth raced to the truck, and drove away to the bank. During the drive to the bank, Corey and Gwyneth stayed silent the whole ride.

“ Are you guys ok?” Isabella asked.
“Yes but we are extremely shocked,” Gwyneth answered for the both of them.
“Why didn’t you tell us about your powers?” Corey sadly asked.
“I didn’t tell anyone because I was afraid that you would not think of me as the same person anymore, and if anyone found out they would tell a scientist and that would mean I would be experimented on.” Isabella replied.
“Oh, well that does make sense.” they both replied.
  At the bank, they showed the papers to the manager of the bank and he was not pleased. He had said that he was utterly confused when Clint had come into the bank with pre-signed papers, for a whole farm and house, that a totally different person owns.
“Thank you for your consideration in fixing this big mess, sir.” Isabella said.
“No problem Miss Patriot, this mess will be fixed in no time.” the bank manager said.
Just like the manager said, the mess had been fixed in no time. The bank had been kind enough to give Isabella and her father money to fix up the farm and house, since they had been in the middle of all of this. Isabella’s father had used the money wisely and decided to make their house a Country Inn just like the Potts had planned to do. Isabella and her father had installed fans in the barns so the animals wouldn’t have to suffer so bad in the heat. As for the Potts, they had been taken into jail for the harmful things they had done, and all of their stores were sold. As for Isabella and her super power,well, let’s just say that her powers will not be a secret anymore.

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