Revenge from the Reject | Teen Ink

Revenge from the Reject

October 9, 2015
By SandraHartwell BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
SandraHartwell BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Revenge from the Reject
November third. Today is my birthday. Today is the day I find my mate and he saves me from this place. My name is Rosaline. I currently live with the Silver Eclipse Pack. I’m the Omega, or lowest pack member. I have long blonde hair that reaches my waist and big, blue eyes. I’m 5’7” and seventeen years old. Currently I’m lying in bed but I have a feeling that my peace will end soon. The next thing I know my door is thrown open and I’m slapped in the face by my brother.
“I thought I told you to make breakfast! Get off your fat, lazy butt and go make my food!”
   He slapped me again then started kicking me in the stomach. My brother James was the future Beta, or second in command, of the pack. Today is his birthday too. He is one of my worst tormentors, other than the future Alpha of the pack, Max. When he was done beating me I got up and made my way downstairs, my new bruises burning in the process. After breakfast was made I went upstairs to get ready for school.
*At school*
I was making my way down the hall to my next class, getting pushed into lockers, called names, and punched by members of my pack. As I walked into my history classroom, I smelt the most amazing smell, S’mores and rain, my two most favorite things. Rain,my wolf, was getting very excited. She kept screaming, “Mate! Mate! Go to mate!” in my head, giving me a headache. As I looked up I saw the most handsome man I have ever seen. There were a lot of emotions flickering across his face, love and lust, but that soon changed to hatred and…disgust? I mean I know I’m not that pretty but seriously, disgust? Rain was whimpering and begging him not to do what he did next.
“I, Max Black, reject you Rosaline, as my mate and Luna.”
Rain was howling and crying in pain but I just stood there motionless. I could tell he expected me to cry and beg him to take it back, but then again, I’m not that type of girl. I just flipped him off, turned around, and walked away. When I got to the end of the hallway I turned around and looked at him.
  “I accept your rejection and I’ll make sure you regret it.” With that I walked out of the school. I went home and ran to my room. I packed a bag with all my money, my diary, and some clothes, then another with food and water. I then went outside and shifted into my white wolf and started running.
*Two weeks later*
Dear Diary,
I have been running for two weeks. My legs are sore and my food is mostly gone. I made a new friend yesterday. His name is Rylee. He’s seventeen like me and really nice. I met him when i went into town for the night.
I was sitting on the floor in the elevator, gasping for breath. I have always had a fear of tight spaces, ever since I first got locked in the cells for not cleaning fast enough. Anyways, I was about to pass out when the elevator opened. I ran out and collapsed on the floor crying. He had been waiting for the elevator and came over to me.
“Are you okay?” He asked me.
“I’m sorry did I disturb you?” I ask in a quiet voice.
“No, I just came to check if you were alright?”
“I’m okay. Thank you.”
He came over to me and held out his hand. On instinct I flinched and scooted against the wall. He looked upset when I did that and I hid my head on my knees. He slowly came and sat next to me. Soon we started to talk and get to know each other. I learned that he was a rogue too. His pack was destroyed when he was young. I told him about my life and he got really mad and didn’t calm down until I started to cry. He decided he would come with me and be my ”protector” as he likes to call himself. Since we have been running we ran into some unfriendly rogues. He fought them off while I climbed a tree and watched. Ever since our first rogue encounter I had begged him to teach me to fight. I can gladly say that I can now kick his wolfy butt into next week.
*End Flashback*
Right now we are at a stream in the woods. The smell of other Weres is overpowering. I think we are on pack grounds. Maybe the-
“Rose we should get moving. This is pack grounds, we can’t stay for long.”
As always Rylee was watching out for me. I closed my diary and  went to stand up but stopped when I heard a loud growl. I turned around and saw we were surrounded by wolves. They were all pretty dull with brown or red fur but one caught my eye right away. He was a huge black wolf with the most mesmerizing gray eyes I’ve ever seen. When he looked at me my breath caught in my throat and my eyes went wide. Rain kept screaming mate!mate!  I was so confused because I had already found my mate. He went behind a tree and shifted. He came back with basketball shorts. Like his fur, his hair was black and he had grey eyes. He must have been at least six foot and maybe nineteen to twenty  years old. Judging by his powerful aura he was the Alpha. Great. Another Alpha mate. Maybe he will accept me. HA! Like that would happen. He’s probably just another player.
I soon realized I was staring at him and looked away. He started walking towards me but stopped when Rylee growled at him. He didn’t look at all affected and growled back, continuing to walk towards me. When he got closer to me, I put my head down in submission and walked towards Rylee. By then I was already shaking in fear and it only got worse when he growled and picked me up. Throwing me over his shoulder, he started running in the direction of what I assumed to be the pack house. Imagine my surprise when we got out of the woods and there was a small cottage. I was punching his back, begging him to put me down. Tears were streaming down my face as he walked us through the door and put me on the couch. I curled up in a ball and started hyperventilating. Another one of my fears was being left alone with a stranger with no way to escape.
He looked like he didn’t know what to do. To be honest the only one that knows how to calm me down was Rylee and he wasn’t here.
“Rylee!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.
That caught him off guard and when he realized I wasn’t screaming for him, he growled and walked towards me. The closer he got the more I shook and screamed for Rylee. A few minutes Rylee ran into the cabin. He growled at the man and ran over to me. As soon as I was calm the stranger slowly made his way over to me.
“I’m not going to hurt you. Why would I? You’re my mate.” He said. He looked upset at the thought of me thinking he would hurt me but I couldn’t care less.
Rylee stood protectively in front of me.
“Why wouldn’t you hurt her. All her other mate did was hurt her. Everyone she’s ever met has hurt her.” He managed to growl out. His wolf was close to taking over. His wolf's name is Ryder and he is very protective of me. He treats me like his own pup and I’m grateful because my father hated me and often joins in the beatings the pack gives me. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry again but I know I have to calm Rylee down before he kills my “mate”. I walk over to him and whisper in his ear,
” shhh… Bubby It’s okay. He didn’t know it would scare me. I’m alright. Nobody’s hurt so calm down.” He stopped growling but still glared at the man. I really need to find out his name. I can’t keep calling him”the man” or “the stranger”.
“Well if you two are done freaking out I would like to introduce myself. My name is Gray and I’m the Alpha of the Red Blood Pack.”
“My name is Rylee and I’m a former member of the orange Flame Pack.”
“My name is Rosaline and I’m a former member of the Silver Eclipse Pack.”
“Alright Rylee, Rosaline, welcome to the pack.”
This is gonna be one nice adventure.
*Four Years Later*
It’s been four amazing years since I’ve found Gray and joined the pack. Gray and I dated for two years until we finally mated. Last year I was officially pronounced Luna and I couldn’t be happier. To say I’ve changed a little would be a huge understatement. Since I’ve lived here I’ve dyed my hair black, got darker clothes and black contacts, got a few piercings, a tattoo... or five, and even a motorcycle. I’ve gotten skinnier due to training , not to be c***y but, I am the best warrior in the pack. I even beat Gray.  Right now I’m sitting in his office waiting for him to get off the phone with a neighboring pack so we can go get pizza.
“...Yeah. Okay. See you then. Yup. Bye. Rose can I talk to you?”
“Depends. What about?”
“We need to visit a neighboring pack to train them. And I was wondering if you would mind going.”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?” Why is he nervous?
“ Because the pack we need to help is the Silver Eclipse Pack.”
“Why is that great. They hurt you! You’re okay with going back there?!”
“Babe calm down. Yes, I’m okay with going back there because now I can get my revenge.” I have been waiting for this opportunity for four years. By now I’m grinning like the Cheshire cat just thinking of all the ways to get my revenge on that worthless, pathetic excuse of a pack.
“When are we leaving?”
“In three hours so get ready.”
*seven hours later*
The trip there isn’t taking as long as it did to leave so I didn’t have much time to plan. As I pulled up in the familiar driveway on my bike I saw everyone waiting for me. I was the last one to arrive so no doubt Gray already introduced me. I mean, how many times do you see a Luna riding a motorcycle? My pack: lots. This pack: none. I was still plotting when I  got off my bike and took my helmet off. I saw a few people sniff the air as they noticed my scent. Soon everyone was growling but that didn’t bother me one bit. Neither was I bothered by the fact that Max was staring at me full of shock and… joy? Yeah right. I finally know how to get my revenge. If you kill an Alpha the pack will fall. And my family? Well if I kill them they will just be visiting their new home. Hell.
“Rose I’m so happy you’re alive! I can’t believe you’re back! Now the pack can have it’s Luna.”
He started walking towards me but stopped when my whole pack growled.
“Yeah I don’t think that’s gonna happen seeing as I have already found my mate.”
“ Yes. Me. I am your mate.”
“No you rejected me and now I’m Gray’s mate.”
I walked towards him and kicked him in the family jewels. He fell down groaning and a knelt down next to him.
“Just think of this as hmmm...revenge from the reject.” And with that I plunged a knife into his throat then snapped his neck. Instantly killing him.
*five years later*
It’s been five years since I’ve killed every member in that pathetic pack. I killed everyone but the children because one, they are innocent, and two, I have a soft spot for kids. After I killed Max the pack went haywire and tried to attack me but my pack stood in the way, fighting everyone off while I found and killed my family. The packs went to war and obviously my pack won. Now Gray and I have settled down and got married and are expecting a pup soon. Could life get any better? I don’t think so.

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