The Crash and Burn | Teen Ink

The Crash and Burn

October 9, 2015
By SGray16 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
SGray16 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Uh, is this thing recording… CHESTNUT IS IT RECORDING?”  Nacey screamed.
“First of all, you purple squish, its Sir Chestnut, And yes it is,” the Chipmunk said calmly with a certain happy tone that made it sound like he was about to kill her.
Nacey was a small alien her skin was magenta, and honesty no one really knows if Nacey is squishy, she has space issues, no one can touch her. She has neon yellow eyes, like if she was under a blacklight they would glow.
Sir Chestnut is a six foot tall chipmunk. His fur is a light brown, which is why he’s named Chestnut. He has a black stripe going down his back with white surrounding it.
Both wear a uniform that shows they represent their home planet, Namioc. Nacey’s from there but Chestnut from some long forgotten planet.
“ Hello and welcome to MY  spaceship,” Nacey croaked. “Everything is mine, mine, mine!”
“Hi!” Sir Chestnut squeaked.
“Shut up Chestnut, I am trying to speak but here you are, squeak squeak this, squeak squeak that don't you ever stop being a such burden to me!”  Nacey snapped.
“ Wow Nacey at least I have a brain you jellyfish!” Sir Chestnut yelled, but not as loud as Nacey.
“What’s a jellyfish?” Nacey asked very confused.
“Um nothing, continue with your recording.”
“Ok, thank you Chestnut. So anyhow we are going to a planet called…”
All the sudden there was a loud high pitched beep and a bright red light in the blue room, after about one minute, that felt like an eternity, the beep and light stopped. They calmed down but of course the power was out and the ship was getting really hot then they realized what was happening.
“Why’s that planet getting closer to us….. Oh my gosh nacey you’re crashing the ship!” Sir Chestnut screamed so loud that if someone was next to him their eardrum would have been badly damaged.
All the sudden they went flying upwards then there was a loud boom and they were launched backwards. Chestnut landed with his back to a tree and Nacey landed about ten feet from Chestnut There were no trees to catch her, but she did land on a pile of gravel.
“Oh my Nacey are you ok? Sir Chestnut said running towards the blob of purple on the small rocks.
“Don't touch me!” Nacey said jumping up as if she was on a trampoline.
“Ok you're fine,we should check the damages, then we should wonder around and see if we can find locals and see how advanced they are, but I don’t think they have stuff for rockets quite yet.”
“Yeah ok fine,” Nacey whined like a child. “But if I get hurt it's your fault!”
“Okay,” Sir Chestnut said, “ whatever we need to fix the rocket.”
The only real thing wrong with the ship was a giant chunk of metal was missing but it was a special metal that they most likely couldn't get on this planet or at least anymore. Also their communicators were down but they could deal without that. They began to walk to see if they could find the wreckage of an old rocket.
Sir Chestnut went quiet when he hear the rustle of leaves, they stood silent for a moment,but Nacey decided to, well be Nacey, and yell to get them to come out.
“Come on out! Fight me!” Nacey screamed as if she was the strongest, which she isn’t even close. Normally Sir Chestnut would have saved her, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to anymore.
Out came a furry human like figure but also kind of like a monkey as well.
“What are you? Are you going to hurt us? What’s wrong with you?” Nacey asked quickly
“I won't hurt you, and nothing is wrong with me. My name is Charles,” the monkey man said.
“ Um Charles, where are we?” Sir Chestnut asked trying not to laugh. A monkey named Charles, hilarious.
“ Well this planet’s a wasteland from the people who last ruled it. It has no name, but I guess you need something to call it so it used to be called Earth. Will that work?”
“ No wait hows that possible last? I was here it was in ok shape, but I do guess that was a thousand years ago.” Sir Chestnut said under his breath so they could hardly hear him.
“ What?” Nacey asked really confused
"It's nothing to be worried about, Charles do you have rocket parts anywhere?" Sir Chestnut asked changing the subject
"Yes but they’re only seen in the ruins or in the memory hall. I wouldn't recommend going to the ruins though that's where they live."
"Who's they?" Nacey asked concerned.
"You could use some of the extra parts that aren't on display at the memory hall." Charles said completely ignoring Nacey.
"Ok, thank you" Sir Chestnut said quietly because Charles had already started to lead them to the memory hall.
They walked for an hour until they came to a giant building made of marble with tall pillars supporting the overhang. In the front it was white but you could see that no one had cleaned the outside in quite a while. Vines grew up the walls and it was a yellowish white. It was awkwardly placed  though, it was in a clearing that it hardly fit in, so a foot away from each side of the building was forest. The building itself was big like a giant's mansion.
“ So there's rocket parts in here, right?” Nacey asked calmer than you would think she would be after walking for an hour straight with no one responding to anything she said.
“Yes, there should be.” Charles said.
“ You finally responded to me.”
Charles did not respond and silently lead Nacey and Sir Chestnut into the building. They make it in and there was a distance of two feet between Charles and Nacey and Sir Chestnut. They got about there feet in and a cage is dropped over Nacey and Sir Chestnut.
“What’s going on!” Sir Chestnut shouted.
“ You said that you were here one thousand years ago so we think you would be great for explanations and maybe even to be on display if you don't mind.” Charles said giggling maniacally towards the end.
“I’ll tell you whatever, that's not a big deal, but put me on display that's a stupid idea who wants to see a giant chipmunk.”
“ Yeah if I could not see him every day I wouldn't.” Nacey said trying to prove the point.
“You lied to us man, bad move.” Sir chestnut said angrily
“I did not lie. There are rocket parts somewhere in here that you could possibly have but you won't need them will you!”
“You're a horrible person!” Sir Chestnut screamed
“No I’m not, yes I am don't you see what you’re doing. No I cant, I cant, I cant.” Charles said his words drifted off like a paper airplane on a windy day and with a loud thud he hit the ground.
“What?” Nacey and Sir Chestnut said at the same time.
Another monkey man came running out screaming so loud you couldn't make out what he was saying.  He sat down next to Charles and then put his head on Charles’s chest and let out a long breath.
“Oh thank goodness he's still alive.”he said relieved he then walked to the cage and said “You broke him!”
“Is he a robot?” Sir Chestnut asked very confused.
“No but he’s broken!”
“See this is  why I shouldn't be on display. You want me to do this to others?” Sir Chestnut had just taken all the blame knowing it wasn't his fault and it was obviously a mental problem with Charles.
“Good point.” He said walking back into the room he came from.
About a minute later the cage was lifted and they were then asked a bunch of questions.
“My name is Robert by the way,” the monkey man said “ and your name is Sir Chestnut correct?”
“Ok I have a couple questions to ask then you're free to go.”
“Ok that seems fair.”
Robert held up a picture and asked “Who is this?”
“That is a man called Johnny Depp he was a famous actor.”
“Ok.” Robert held up another picture and said “Here's another.”
“That's another famous actor named Leonardo DiCaprio, he wasn’t as good as Johnny Depp, because he never got an Oscar, which is a award.”
“Yes I know what a Oscar is. Now what do you think happened that led up to the Earth becoming the wasteland that it is?”
“Well the humans weren't very good to the planet that they called home, they had factories that released bad gasses that began to make the ice at the top and bottom of the planet melt. The climate began to change in many places, and no one would own up to it, and no one would even say yes all this stuff is happening. If something bad happened it would stay hidden. When a scientist made a giant talking chipmunk it had to stay hidden. The government then took it in and basically put it in a prison they gave us no contact to the outside world, but they did let us watch television. If some humans saw someone different, even if they were human too, they would be discussed and make fun of them and call them names, and that's why i left humans were to full of themselves and that's why they're dead.”
“Oh they aren't dead, well they humans you know are dead, but they are just now severely mutated. Well I think we have enough information for now thank you, you can leave.”
“Wait we have to get rocket parts! Can you get us the parts of the outside shell of a ship?” Sir Chestnut asked.
“Oh okay just as long you get out of here as soon as possible.” He rushed to the back and they about twenty minutes later he came through the front door and said “It's leaning against a tree out front.”
They walked outside to a huge shell of a rocket that had been cut down one of the sides and rolled out flat and next to it was tools.
“We only need about a fourth of this!” Sir Chestnut yelled surprised.
“Then only take a fourth of it.” Robert said he then walked inside the building and locked the door behind him.
Sir Chestnut carefully cut the metal using a swiss army knife type of thing that had a laser. Then dragged it along back to the place the ship was. The only problem with it was he had to drag it vertically, so it was tall, and he had a very weird grip on it and he also cut his hand a few times.
When they got back to the ship it took Sir Chestnut around four hours to fix the hole in the ship.
“Ok I think we're good to go.”
“Let's go.”
They got on the ship and took off. Nacey had been oddly quiet, if you didn’t already noticed she had said like Two things in the last Five hours.
“Now, you almost got me killed!” Nacey screamed finally saying something.
“Who crashed the ship, it's all your fault.”
“Well smart mouth let's see whose fault this is.”
Nacey charged Sir Chestnut with a knife, he then dodged  her attack and grabbed her arm and the knife went flying. That was his first mistake. Never, ever, ever, touch Nacey.
Nacey looked at Sir chestnut and said,
“Oh, this is going to be fun, fun ,fun!” her eyes  had gotten beedy and uneven.
She rushed Chestnut and he just kind of kicked her, but he made his second mistake he kicked her towards the knife. She grabbed the knife and ran at him again and tried to stab him three times the first time she missed the second time she got Sir Chestnut but the third time Chestnut grabbed the knife in between his hand and got it away from her.
“Do you see where this has lead you, do you! you have no family, friends, and no one who likes you! You have killed them all Nacey, and I don't even think you're sorry! you over threw the king of your home planet and promised a better life and you made them slaves. Kept simples rules, keep quiet, and don't tell people of my status, because you were a coward! Afraid of death.  Now I have to do what must be done.”
Sir Chestnut took the knife and stabbed Nacey several times, and then to make sure the job was done he threw her in the incinerator.
A week later he had gotten back to Namioc, he told everyone what had happened and in a few years, under the old leaders rule, Namioc had gone back to being peaceful and happy. Sir Chestnut was considered a hero, and I would say and they all lived happily ever after but that's such a lie. There will always be problems and bad people doing wrong things. Crazy people who are just fine, and crazy people who will, well let's not talk about what they’ll do because sometimes it's depressing and sad. And people like humans when the situation is completely avoidable or could have been postponed to much later on, at least. But not enough people will own up to do something about it.
Sometimes Sir Chestnut still hears Nacey’s voice and he wonders if she's actually is gone, or if she's hiding and plotting revenge, he will be forever haunted with the last words he said to her “I have to do what must be done!”. Was that what had to happen. Did it really happen is she still alive, living among the embers in the background. But some questions aren't meant to be answered till the end and some things will never be solved.

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