Black Dragon | Teen Ink

Black Dragon

October 9, 2015
By Swaggy-y BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Swaggy-y BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Alpha Blue I have two brothers and we are triplets and their names are Lucas Blue and Peter Blue. The year is 2030 and I live in Chicago also known as the Windy City. I used to be in the Navy so I am very experienced with jets and different flying objects. My two brothers were also in the Navy and I had another brother in the Navy but he died when our plane's engine died and we crashed. My two brothers and I had serious injuries and we weren’t allowed to stay in the Navy. In my short time in the Navy I received these wings that nobody else has ever received. The wings give me the ability to fly which means I am technically a superhero. I have never actually had a mission because nobody needs me yet but when somebody needs me I will be ready.
My superhero name is the Black Dragon because I am from Africa and I can fly. My sidekicks are my two brothers. Their superhero names are Black Dragon one (Lucas Blue) and Black Dragon two (Peter). They have different powers than I do. Lucas has super speed and Peter has the power of being invisible. Our suits are black and they look like a dragon. Since we are 25 our careers in being superheros has just started. Chicago has been a little rough lately so I’ll be ready when it’s time to fight crime.
                There was a terrorist attack in Chicago yesterday and I wasn't there I was in Annapolis, Maryland visiting some old friends when it happened. When I saw what was happening I bought a ticket for a plane ride home. My brothers were in Fort Wayne, Indiana and I told them to go straight home because they may need us. They drove home last night. They told me they would pick me up at the Midway Airport.
                 I have been stressed all morning about what to do when I get to Chicago. I decided to call my brother Lucas because he's the more mature brother out of the three of us.
                 "What's up?" Lucas said to me.
                 "I'm just kind of nervous about what to do when I get there, I mean this will be my first time."
                 "You'll be fine bro." Said Lucas
                 "Alright. thanks man." I said.
                 "I need to hang up now my plane is about ready to take off."
                 "Alright see ya at the airport."
                  When my plane took off I knew something was wrong with the airplane. It just didn't sound right. About twenty minutes later the captain came over the speakers saying
"We are having some technical difficulties, this may not be good."
                 All of the sudden there was a big jerk. It sent people falling everywhere. Then the airplane fell. We didn't know what to do so everyone started panicking. Everyone grabbed their parachute from their seat, but most of the people didn’t know how to use them until it was too late. Luckily for me since I know how to fly I just hopped out of the airplane. People thought I was crazy because they didn’t know I could fly. When we crashed we were only in Ohio so I know I have a lot more to fly. I have a little ear thing  that I use to call people at times like these. I decided to call my brother and tell him about what just happened. This time I called Peter because I haven’t talked to him in a while.
“Aye what’s up” Peter said.
“Well my plane just crashed about fifeteen minutes ago but luckily I can fly so I was safe."
               "Do you need me to come pick you up we could meet somewhere?"
               "That would be great, where do you want to meet?"
               "We can meet just on the border of Ohio and Indiana if that's alright with you."
               "Alright that sounds great. I'm not to far from there see you then."
               "See ya bro."
I knew that I needed to get there fast so we could get to Chicago as fast as we could to help, so I turned on my turbo wings that make me fly super fast. With those things on it wouldprobably only take me like five minutes to get to where I was going  to meet Peter at.
                 It took me three minutes to get to the border which was perfect because I had a little bit of time to relax before Peter got there. Three more minutes went by and Peter arrived with his really fancy  Red Lamborghini. I always loved riding in that car because he would go really fast on the back roads. I told him to go really fast so we could get to Chicago quicker. He started driving really fast and we were in Chicago within two hours.
                  Chicago was complete chaos. There were fires, and you could hear sirens everywhere. I knew the second I got there that this task was not going to be easy. I went to my apartment room to get into my suit. Peter and Lucas were also getting their suits on. We were all practicing our powers except for me because I didn't have anywhere to practice. After like an hour of practicing and getting ready I asked Lucas and Peter if they were ready to go save Chicago. They said they were ready so we jumped out of our apartment window and I carried them while I flew. We flew to the top of the Willis Tower where my agent was waiting with his directions for what he wanted me to do and where the terrorists were. The terrorists were hiding in Niketown in the storage area where they keep all the shoes.
Thirty minutes later we were still on top of the Willis Tower making a plan on how to go into Niketown and attack them and capture them. We knew it wasn’t going to be easy to do what we're about to do. Niketown was totally blocked out, nobody was aloud to go in. The terrorists were about to blow up the whole building with a bomb. We called the police to tell them we were going to do this. They said that it was okay to do it.  They had all of Niketown evacuated because they said they were going to light off a bomb in the building. I called the police to tell them what I was going to do. They said that would be okay.
Another thirty minutes went by and I told my team it was time to go save the city of Chicago.
"You ready Lucas?" I asked.
"I've been ready for the past hour," he said.
"Are you ready Peter?" I asked.
"Heck ya bro." He said.
"Then let's go!" I yelled.
I hooked up my wings and flew them over to the Niketown roof where we could sneak in. I heard them knocking things around in there. I knew we should go in there within the next two minutes. They turned their power suits on and so did I turn I asked them if they were ready again they both said yes and we decided now is when we should go in. We told the police we were going in now they said alright be careful and make sure you get them.
I unlatched the little door in the roof and I flew them in. I was flying through the whole store and I couldn't find them then all of the sudden I heard a couple gunshots and I saw the terrorists staring right at me. At first I almost wet my pants but then I remembered I needed to be brave. I dropped my two brothers so they could do their magic and kick their butts.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" one of the terrorists asked.
"You know I'm just here to get some new shoes." I said.
Then my brother Lucas came out of nowhere with his super speed and tackled him. The terrorist punched him and told him to never do that again. I didn't know where Peter was because he was invisible at the moment. Then all of the sudden all four of the terrorists went down like dominoes and I knew it was Peter that tackled all of them. They were down and they weren't coming up. I called the police and told them to come in because we had all of them down and unconscious.
The Chicago police came in and took all of their weapons put them in handcuffs and put them in their cars. They were most likely going to get the death penalty. Everyone congratulated us when we walked out of Niketown. I felt special but I also knew I would have a lot harder of missions in the future. I had to say that my first ever stint as a superhero was pretty easy. I raised a bunch of money for Chicago to repair the things that were damaged by the terrorists. There was a big celebration in Chicago thanking us for saving the City of Chicago.
Thirty years later...
I have just finished my last ever stint as a superhero I decided to call it quits and wanted to spend more time with my family. I have four boys Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and they like to collect all of the comic books they made about me in my career as a superhero. My kids always liked to brag about me to their friends at school their dad was a superhero. My two brothers also had four boys so that means all of us have twelve boys between us. I was voted to the Superhero Hall of Fame along with my two brothers. I have to say I had a lot of fun being a superhero it was the best career I could've asked for.

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