Runaway | Teen Ink


October 9, 2015
By Ivemar2 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Ivemar2 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I ran. I could hear their feet running, chasing after me. I was terrified. I felt their lights focus on me and I heard one yell.
“She’s over here!” I ran faster approaching the cliff, ready to jump. They weren't going to get me back there. They were catching up and I ran even faster, going faster than I ever had before getting near the edge of the cliff. I got to the cliff and I jumped using my super speed and my super strength to make the jump across the cliff and then I saw him. The man in the lab coat that gave me my powers. The one who gave me and many others so much pain when they experimented on us. The one who is going to pay for what he’d done to me and the others. For ruining our lives. For stealing any chance we had to be normal or have a normal life. He is going to pay.
I woke up in my hotel room paid with stolen money. I walked up to the mirror and stared at my reflection. I saw the same grey eyes, the color of smoke, and the same straight raven black hair. I put my hair up in a bun. I reached my hand up and touch the roof of the hotel room with my hand without getting on my tippy toes. I was about 6 foot 6 already probably something they did during their experiments.I think about how I got here. I have been on the run for months. Hiding and sometimes staying in a hotel room and sometimes sleeping in abandoned buildings or wherever there are no people. I thought about my dream. I've been having these nightmares since I ran away from the lab that technically made me, leaving behind my family to those madmen and feeling guilty that I had to leave them there to get experimented on and to be made into even bigger freaks. The scientist there are looking for their runaway experiment (me) and are trying to get me back to the lab. I am never going back. I am going to fight them and get my family and my friends back and I am going to expose them, but I am never going back.
I check out of my room and walk outside into the freezing New York winter, bundled in my winter coat, my scarf , my hat, and my gloves. The scarf mainly there to cover my face so no cameras would catch me and show them where I was. I walked to an internet cafe and looked up the company where I was given my powers. I was checking to see if there were any news about them. Or to see if maybe my friends had escaped their prison, though I doubt it would have been on the news. I ordered coffee to go and then I paid for it and left drinking my coffee on the way out. I started walking down the ever so busy New York City  streets, pushing my way through the crowd.
I got to an empty parking lot (Which is very rare here in NYC) and started testing my powers. I turn myself invisible and then run around the lot four times in four seconds. Then I walked towards an empty car outside the lot and pick it up and then set it down. Then I tried and use my telekinesis to pick it up which takes a lot of effort. At some point the car almost fell down and I had to catch myself. After my training I walk towards an airport and use my invisibility to get on a plane and fly to the city closest to the place where I was given my abilities. I feel ready to take them on. I’m stronger then I was when I left their lab. I am going to get my friends out of there.
I get to L.A. and then I get out of the airport. I get on a city bus and go downtown. I steal  a car and drive to Pasadena, California, where their lab is, and then I get a hotel room. I walk into the hotel room and immediately see the mold and the stains on the carpet. I  breathe in and I smell the “something died in here stench”. But I don’t care anymore. Any place is better than the lab I came from. I sit at the stained kitchen table and devise a plan that I thought was flawless. I told myself I would put this plan to play in two days and I decided I would train my powers and get ready for the battle to come. I go to the bed and see that the sheets are stained so I decide I would rather sleep on the much cleaner looking couch which looks like a cat clawed it up.
I train for the next two days trying to get ready for battle that is going to go down in the lab. The best defense they have are normal bodyguards I know I can take down with one movement of my hand. I was wrong. They were a lot stronger than I had thought they were. I go to bed the night before the battle and think to myself, I can’t wait till I see my friends again.
The next day I wake up and I collect all my stuff and I check out of the room. I drive to an abandoned building and I leave my stuff there so I can grab them and run after I get my friends and we hide from the people in the lab. When I’m done I drive near the lab and I park my car a block away from the lab. I walk towards the lab and I look for possible exits. I find four and I commit them to memory: Exit one, fire escape near the back, Exit two, back door near the kitchen, Exit three side door used by lower level employees. Last exit, the one I will try to avoid, fighting our way out the front door. I decide I will get in through one of the possible exits, the employee exit, entrance door. I will make myself invisible, get my friends, and then I will make my buddy Alex (one of the prisoners in there) fly us out of here.
I turn myself invisible and walk towards the door. I try to open the door and find it's locked. I use my telekinesis to unlock the door. I walk in and I start towards the elevator. I push the button that goes to the lowest level. When I get down there I see the familiar cages. I feel myself panic and I try to fight it back. Memories of when I was here come flooding back. I fight them back and force myself to walk towards the cells. I look for the release button and I see it down the hall and I walk towards it. I look at all the faces, seeing familiar people and new people. All of them looked miserable and in pain. I push the button. They are surprised at first and then they look scared and afraid of something. I appear in the middle of the hall and I walk towards my friends. Then I see them; Hope, Aurora, Alex, and Jake. They looked as if they had been tortured their hands burned and bruised and broken,along with every other part of them.They’re clothes all dirty and ripped. They look worse than when I last saw them. I was surprised since Aurora could heal people and I wondered why she hadn’t. Then I see it. They were wearing the metallic bracelet that stopped their powers from working. I was furious. They are going to pay for this but not now. I need to let my friends heal first.
“ Crystal? Is that you?” asks Aurora. “ You shouldn’t be here,” she says, “ It's a trap. They knew you would come back for us. You shouldn’t have come.”
“ I wasn’t going to leave you guys here with these monsters,” I say, “ Come on, let's go”
I grab their hands and turn us invisible. As  I run towards the employee exit, Hope screams.
“I can see you,” she says, “ We aren’t invisible anymore!”
I look down at myself and I see that she's right. I see myself and I let go of my friends. I try to turn myself invisible again but it doesn’t work. I stop wasting time and I turn around. They are standing there waiting for me to tell them what to do.
“ Run! Follow me! Let’s go,” I say.
I run towards the exit and they follow closely behind. I run out and go towards the forest. We hear the guards run behind us. They run fast for normal people, I think. Then I start to think, maybe they aren't normal. We run and at some point, nobody notices when, we lose them. I walk towards my car and they follow behind me talking to each other quietly. When we get to the car I turn towards my friends.
“ Hey let’s get those off you,” I say pointing at the bracelets as I talk.
“ How are you going to do that?” says Jake, “ They’re supposed to be impossible to take off.” says Jake.
They look at me hopefully while Jake crosses his arms looking at me with an annoying smile on his face.
“ Why are you smiling? You're supposed to be unhappy not happy. What, is this amusing to you? Because from what I know you have been in a prison cell for years.” I yell crossing my arms and staring at him with an annoyed look, “ I have all my stuff in an abandoned building and I am going to go get it. So if you guys wanna come and get away from the labcoats get in the car.”
I get in the car and I turn it on. Not surprisingly they follow. I drive to the building and load my stuff then I drive us away from California. On the way I think about our future. I know that my friends will have to rest and that we’ll have to train but I also know that this is just the beginning and that we will be back. We will stop them.


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