The Journey for Answers | Teen Ink

The Journey for Answers

October 9, 2015
By Conner.Bale BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Conner.Bale BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up dripping sweat. The covers were on the floor. I yell for my mom then it hits me, I live with my grandparents.  My grandmother, the more caring of the two of them, rushes in my room
“Simon, are you ok?”
“Yes grandma, I’m fine.” I say in an exhausted tone.
“Ok I was checking on you. You were calling for… your mom again.” My grandma says in a concerned tone.
“Yes I know, I woke up from a bad dream that’s all,” I explain.
“Alright well, since you're awake, would you like breakfast,” my grandma asks.
“Why not.” I say reluctantly to get my mind off what just happened.
I eat my breakfast, get around, and head off to school. I show up and as I always do drop my bags in the back of the room and sit in the desk I always do.
But this time something different happens, a strange goth looking girl come up and sits next to me. She doesn’t say anything, but she is there.
Class ends, and we head off to lunch. I sit in the same far back table as always, and you would never guess who sits beside me… that same girl. So I decide to say something this time.
“You’ve been following me around, at least tell me your name.” That came out a ruder than I wanted it to.
She says nothing.
“Hello! I was talking to you random girl?! Can I help you? I give up.”
I get up, and crawl to another table so the teachers don’t see me.  The only thing is I sat at the table with Josiah.
Let me tell you a little about Josiah. He is the biggest, baddest kid in our entire area.
He looks me right in the eyes as if he can see through my eyes into my soul and speaks.
“Hey little fella what’s going on.” “Oh wait, I don’t care leave, now.”
Well I wasn’t the only one he was talking to, she was there too. About three seconds later I blacked out.
I woke up in the nurse's office in the dark. Alone. Until the lights turn on, and she is there. I ask for the time, date, and her name and get zero responses.
I get up off the table I was laying on  and walked out the door. Nobody was there. Wait I’m not even at school, I’m in a weird warehouse that I have seen in my dreams before. Wait this is the place where I see my mom in my dreams.
I keep wondering why I am here until the girl walks in with a mysterious object in her right hand. She creepily strolls up and disappears behind me. I turn to look then it hits me. I am tied up in this chair, and before I can struggle it all becomes black.
As I come to it seems as if I am in an armory with futuristic looking gadgets.
It seems like hours before the doors open. When they did open, a tough looking black guy.
              “Simon I have been waiting on you for years, and so has someone else you know and love.”
This raises questions in my mind as he continues to speak.
“We will reunite you, and then get right down to business. Put this on, and head out this door to the right. You will see me waiting at the end of the hall. Hurry! We don’t have much time.”
I hurry and get changed into an all black and grey jumpsuit. I walk out into the hallway and don’t even look to the left for the fact that I may chastised for curiosity. I walk out straight to the right and instead of seeing the tough black guy I see my...mother. I sprint down the hallway and jump into her welcoming arms.
"I have so much to tell you but we have no time, let's go!"
We hopped in the car to find a man in the driver seat. We took off speeding down the freeway as my mother shouted a random command at the car that seemed as if it were another language. A passage behind my head flew open. My mom grabbed a vest and a few weapons and handed them to me. I put on the vest and let the weapons lay on my lap.
I finally work up the courage to ask “What are we driving away from?” I don’t get an answer, so I shut my mouth. I find a gray circular device, and I click a button and a blade flies out.
WHAM!!! A big truck hits us from behind and I feel a pain in my stomach. I look down and it is the blade straight through my abdomen. The last thing I see is my mother’s face.
I wake up in a hospital looking area. I have wires and IV’s running everywhere. Then I see them the evil people I see in my dreams. They approach me, and speak in a weird language that I don’t understand. They get close enough so I can hear them breathing, and take off their masks. The one that I see is my father. I feel happy for a second until he pulls out a needle, and thrusts it in my neck. Everything goes black again and I never wake up again.

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