Temptation | Teen Ink


May 21, 2015
By ashnicole BRONZE, Fuquay Varina, North Carolina
ashnicole BRONZE, Fuquay Varina, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"That was a close one," Ryder wiped the sweat off of his brow from the effort he put into restraining the over reactive woman. His wavy brown hair stayed matted to his forehead.
"They are becoming more insistent with their stories. We have to stop this before word gets out," Lana heavily sighs at the chart before her. She marks down an X beside the crazy woman's name.
"Don't you ever think this isn't right?" He asked, preparing for Lana's reaction. Her father, Timothy Smith, was one of the main officers at the Metropolitan State Mental Institution. Their goal was to keep the patients quiet in order to maintain the reputation of the place.
"What do you mean?" She narrowed her eyes at him in a scrutinizing gaze.
"I just think that maybe they aren't so insane after all," he looked everywhere but her face.
"You aren't seriously buying into their vampire stories are you?" She scoffed as she shut the chart binder.
"Their stories all match up. Patients who have never met claim to have seen the same bloody mouthed demon with pitch black eyes."
"Do you realize how ridiculous you sound right now? Lets go finish up making rounds, I have plans later." She began to walk away from the cars that held the latest trouble maker.
"You always have plans later. What do you do every night after work?" Ryder was too timid to attempt to ask her on a date. He knew she would be too busy like she always was.
"I've got to help my dad out with some stuff. Now can we please leave?" She tugged on his arm to try and get him moving.
He didn't get the chance to answer as she grabbed his hand to guide him to the other cells. His cheeks felt like fire as he struggled to control his blush. He wanted nothing more than to have Lana as his girlfriend but his shyness and her reclusive ways weren't a good combination.
The rest of the day dragged on slowly as they finished making their rounds. Ryder said his goodbyes to Lana as he exited the building. Since his car was in the repair shop, he had to walk the long 20 miles back home. Just about 5 miles away he realized he left his key on its holder in his office. Sighing heavily, he turned back around and made his way back to the institution.
It was nearly midnight at this point and he was beyond exhausted. He trudged up the steps and pulled open the main door. Oddly enough it was unlocked which he was thankful for. He proceeded to his office but paused when he heard a creak down the hall.
It was followed by a high pitched scream that made Ryder freeze. He took off running towards the horrified sound, his search for his keys long forgoteen. He quickly turned into the cells he checked earlier that day and saw a trail of blood leading to the woman's cell in which he had earlier restrained. He carefully stepped over the blood and peeked his head around into the cell.
A dark figure loomed over the patients body. She was covered in her own blood. Ryder gasped and quickly clamped his hand over his mouth. The demon slowly turned its head revealing a sinister smile with a set of sharp fangs to match. Its eyes were like two black holes. Ryder was frozen in fear. His heart felt like it could beat out of his chest.
"I told you I had plans," it said in a voice he was all too familiar with.
His jaw dropped open in shock, a scream trapped in his throat. The monster showed no trace of mercy. It stalked towards him in an intimidating manner.
“Lana.. Lana please if that's you listen to me, don't do this. I'm begging you.” Tears were streaming down his cheeks at this point. He couldn't stop his body from shaking in fear.
“Ryder, Ryder. The boy who cared too much about the mental patients and fell for the creature in their silly little stories.” She was laughing but her eyes showed no creases.
He felt the sickening tinge of betrayal. He tried his best to keep an indecipherable face. His eyes drifted slowly to the door he entered from. Maybe I can make it, he thought.
“You won't.” She was closer to him now. Her breath was felt on the back of his neck.
Chills arose on his arms as he stayed put. He had no chance of surviving and he knew it. Just as he was about to surrender to his friend, a knocking came from a few feet away.
Suddenly the demon disappeared leaving a disheveled Lana in it's place. She put her finger to her lips giving Ryder a stern look. She tip toed over to the door and looked into the peep hole. He could hear her sigh in relief as she pulled on the handle to reveal her father. He noticed the blood surrounding her now human mouth.
“Lana Banana, you know I told you to quit with feeding on the patients,” Timothy said in a disapproving tone. She looked down at her feet in shame.
“I was just so hungry dad, the animal blood isn't enough anymore.” She tried to explain herself. Grabbing the top of her shirt, she wiped the remaining blood off onto the fabric.
“That is no excuse, now I have to clean up your mess.” He shook his head as he walked over to the near dead patient. He placed his hands on the wound whispering a chant Ryder couldn't understand. 
The woman gasped as she regained consciousness. There were no marks left behind once Timothy removed his hands. Ryder was in a state of shock. Lana's dad hadn't acknowledged his presence until then.
“What is he doing here?” His tone was colder than ice as he stared hard at the younger boy. He wasn't fond of Ryder from the get go. Ryder landed the job from being one of Lana's close friends.
“I don't know, I must have left the front doors unlocked,” Lana glared at Ryder as if he had done something wrong.
“He is your responsibility now, unless you want him to end up in here as well.” He closed the cell door to the revived patients room and proceeded to the exit. Once Lana was positive her father was gone she began to speak. 
“I'm sorry,” she muttered begrudgingly.
“Sure sound like it,” he scoffed in response.
“Look you weren't supposed to be here. I didn't plan on almost attacking you. When I turn, I have no control over my actions. The one and only thing on my mind is blood,” she attempted to soften her words by adding,
“I never wanted to hurt you.”
Ryder remained silent. He had the image of her sharp teeth ingrained in his head. His hand jerked back at the contact of Lana's on his own. Her face fell at the rejection but she said nothing. She knew it was her fault. She wouldn't blame him if he never forgave her. She was a monster in his eyes now.
“Okay,” he said after a long silence.
“Okay..” she trailed off, confused.
“Okay, I'm not going to tell anyone,” he concluded.
“Why not?” She was completely lost.
“Lana, do you remember the day we met?” He questioned looking at her fully now.
“Of course I do.” She recalled him knocking nearly all the papers out of her hands before offering to pick them up.
“I didn't run into you on accident. I have wanted to be with you for too long. If I left now, what kind of admirer would I be?” He smirked, trying to lighten the mood.
“A perfectly normal admirer would leave at this point. You watched as I almost killed someone.” Her head rested in her hands as she felt the regret weighing her down.
“But you didn't,” he reasoned.
“I could have killed you as well,” she kept her face hidden as tears began to form.
“But you didn't,” he said.
“That isn't the point. I was awful to you. I hope you know I wasn't in the right mind set and I..” She got cut off by the feeling of Ryder's lips on her own. Her eyes were wide but soon drifted shut as she gave into the softness of his touch. He pulled back sooner than she would have liked but she kept her complaints to herself.
“I always wanted to do that,” he smiled.
“Why didn't you?” She was nearly out of breath.
“I was waiting for the day you would mess up and I would be there to reassure you everything is okay again.” His fear of her from before had subsided. She was the Lana he had grown up loving, with a few quirks.
“So you are okay with the fact I am a vampire?” She asked incredulously.
“One hundred percent. But your dad, is he a witch? He healed that woman with just his hands!” Ryder talked in an excited tone this time. He was fascinated by Lana and her dad. He had only read of vampires and witches in novels as a teen. To have them become a reality was a dream come true for his childhood self.
“Not exactly. Let's get out of here before the other patients wake up. I will tell you everything on the way back to my house.” She led him to the main doors. She was nearly ten yards ahead of him before she noticed he wasn't following her. He came up to the passenger side of her car a few minutes later.
“What were you doing?” She questioned curiously.
“I had to grab my house key. I also locked the doors, something you seem to have forgotten to do once again.” He gave her a sly smirk as her eyes became thin slits.
“Watch yourself. You wouldn't want me to accidentally bite you, would you?” It was her turn to smirk at his horrified expression.
“Fair enough. Now its story time,” he rubbed his hands together quickly. He listened intently as she dove into the history of her ancestors as healers. She would have been one too if her mother hadn't been a full bred vampire. Lana had no ability to heal, instead she had just the vampire characteristics.  Halfway into the story, Ryder's exhaustion caught up with him. He was knocked out by the time they arrived at her home. Lana watched his chest rise and fall slowly. She could hear the thump of his heart beating at a steady pace. Her mouth watered at the thought of his heart pumping blood. Her fangs slowly came down as she gave into the temptation.
Before she could bite into his neck, he woke up. He offered her a sleepy smile as his eyes met hers. Immediately her fangs disappeared and the desire to feed on him was replaced by a warmer feeling. She couldn't quite put her finger on what it was, but it felt nice. She had a feeling Ryder would be the one person to help her control her urges from now on.

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