The change | Teen Ink

The change

June 1, 2015
By ethan maines BRONZE, BEAVERTON, Oregon
ethan maines BRONZE, BEAVERTON, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All came to an end that fateful day. Only a few of us survived most of us had died or where burned or turned into humans forever. Knowledge was power back then so you either lost or won.
Chapter one
The morning sun woke me. The shower also woke me up as well. When I got into the shower, as I let the hot water run over me I was trying to remember the dream I had. It'll come back to me in some time I thought. On the car ride to school I barely listened to the new song all it sounded like was screaming and yelling, whining and all things that I did not dislike. When I got to school I said “good morning to the new teacher that had taken Sarah Andersen's place, I hope I do good this time. There was barely any of the friends from last year because most of them are now ninth graders. When I went to see the new teacher that had taken Anthony's spot in teaching I hoped that his teaching methods are better. As the day started to end the group came out around recess and started to torment there favorite people, they bugged and annoyed all of us, and by us I mean the different people that don’t fit into society. The day ended so thus when I get home I’m ready to collapse onto my bed and fall to sleep. The shower woke me up again or at least the sound second day. The 8th graders, I hope it was better than yesterday, I know better than to hope. Almost the same day except they where a bit nicer. The next day it was a horrible day we had started the math lessons, and my mind was overwhelmed with information. When I slept  the sky darkened and a voice came out of the shadows, “When the world dies so will you.” “who are you?” “I’m the one who saves you.”  When I awoke the world looked darker already. A few months later the second to last day of school, the night before I had the dream again but this time it was different, I was on a field in the middle of a burning town and there was screams in the air and the voice came out of the shadows “this time the city burns as well as the loggers.”  The next day as we started to go to school I felt a shiver go thru me and I knew today was going to interesting day. When I got to school I felt a presence that I have only felt in my dreams and then once. I walked in and saw the whole class surrounding a creacher that had green eyes and large leathery wings, also he had four legs and walked on two, he was all pale green on his upside and dark green on his stomach. He spoke to me in my mind and I knew he was the voice in my dreams, he spoke to everyone “ you all are brave not fleeing from me, it would have been a big mistake.” “Who  are you… or what are you?” “Good question I’m the only one of my kind left in this form, this young man in front of me has the spirit of one of my kind.” I was confused “Me?” “Yes you, there was a war long ago between the humans and my kind as you would know by smallpox, black plague.” “So you were the cause of them?”  “No our anger and the hatred did that. We are one with the earth so when one of us dies we go into the spirit form and we get put in another animal, sometimes a human. When that happened in the war they joined our side and attacked  for us against humans… so thus we started to get spies and then it happened a human spie got caught and he got killed. The earth shook so bad that it caused an earthquake and sent us the poisonous plants that we were not immune to so thus we planted them in the cities that produced the most wood so thus they started to poison them and it started to kill them to. They killed the plants to in time, then nacher gave us the poison snakes and bees so that we could kill them faster than the plants. It did not work they knew what they where so they chased them off. Then nacher got so mad she made smallpox, and then humans started to fall dead like fall leaves. Then they used it to gain their own land so thus now only two vials are left a nachers anger.” “So what are you here for?”  He seemed to sigh inwardly and said in an undertone “I’m here to get the young in this class to become the newest of my race and continue the legacy of the earth and the world without us the world would wither and die and implode and only bacteria would survive… and continue on.” “So you are here to turn us into you… or something like you?"   “You may choose between my form or human or both forms so as a side and last thing he whispered to us.” He beckoned me and I came and he wheezed “ You and anyone that is your friend is a wizard.”                                                                                                      ????
Twenty years later…
It was a summer afternoon and some people were sitting on a beach and relaxsing. they were saying thing that I could not understand, but it angered the other one severely. Suddenly my wizard hearing kicked in and I listened in “ Why were you having an affair while I was gone?! Now I can’t trust you on your own anymore…”   Suddenly he defended himself“I was not having an affair, that is a romer and who did you hear that?” “From the paperboy he came and told me that he listened at our door and heard raised voices coming from the house and he said that the they said “NO I will not break it off not know when we were so close!”  I sifted and made a noise in my throat. He did not hear it he was too busy “That was a government project that I was talking about, not an affair.” “O what project is that?” “The one that the president said on the news. The one about the plants that killed the vice president.”  “Ah that is isn't it and excuse!” “NO it is not an excuse.” “So show me the assignment then.”  “ I can’t… it is classified.” “Why must everything be so complicated.”
The night came and the world was plunged into darkness and ruin, I heard a growl come from the shadows I growed back and it turned into a submissive wine. The couple was asleep and I came from the back door so they would not hear me. You must die now the one that killed my kind for centuries. There was a scream from the hose in the morning and police sirens ripped the air. He was the last one of the hunters beside the president of the U.S. “Mr. president you are needed sir.” It was a crazy morning I thought after he died last night, he was a fighter he actually got a bullet or two in my leg, I had a small limp. A new age has begun…

The author's comments:

short story 

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