The Snowman | Teen Ink

The Snowman

May 12, 2015
By Anonymous

In a twilight night, villagers prepared to stay warm and alert near the fire in their home to keep out the frost sprites; lurking around to find a living child to take to their Snow Queen at the Scandinavian mountains.
There once was a Snowman built out of snow, a lonely man who wanted a friend to play with. Every time he tries the people of the village are frightened by his appearances. They assume he would take their children away for the Snow Queen. The Snowman felt sad and his heart felt cold, until one girl approached to him and asked to play with her. His frozen heart thawed into a warm heart. The girl’s name is Gerda. They both played out on the white snow hills and made snow angels together. Both Gerda and the Snowman were happy, until a frost sprite appeared and caught Gerda on her shoulders and carried her away towards the Scandinavian mountains. The Snowman needed to save Gerda and help her return home. He left the white snow hills, entering on the road toward the mountains.
The day turned dawn; the Snowman was lost on the path of snow. He met upon a white owl that is stuck in a small birch tree. The Snowman freed the owl allowing him to fly again. The owl thanked the Snowman and introduced himself. His name is Fowl. The Snowman asked a favor from Fowl. He hoped Fowl could help find his friend, so Fowl accepted to help him and travel on his journey to save Gerda.
A blizzard arrived as the Snowman and Fowl tried to reach the mountains. Fowl couldn’t resist flying through the freezing winds and fainted on the snow. The Snowman carried him into a nearby cavern. As he enters, a reindeer was present and he told them to leave. The Snowman asks if they could stay until the heavy winds stop, the reindeer refused. A Robber girl appears behind them and allows the Snowman and Fowl to stay. She was the owner of Thor, the reindeer, and apologizes for his rudeness. The Snowman thanks the Robber girl and asks if she has seen his friend passed by here. The Robber girl saw a girl being carried by a frost sprite toward the Snow Queen’s Ice Castle. The Snowman needs to go save his friend, but the blizzard won’t let him reach there in time. The Robber girl offers her reindeer to help him cross the freezing storm, towards the Ice Castle, but Thor declined from his lack of empathy. The Snowman pleased for his help to bring Gerda back home. Thor felt kindness in his heart, so he joins the Snowman to help save Gerda. The Snowman and Thor say their farewells to Fowl and the Robber girl and they enter through the raging snowstorm.
Once they both arrive at the entrance of the Ice Castle, Thor told the Snowman that he will only wait for a while and then he must leave him if he doesn’t return. The Snowman thanks Thor and he enters alone into the Ice Castle. The elegant chandeliers caught his attention from its shining bright lights, but the Snowman returns back to being focused on finding Gerda. As he enters into the Snow Queen’s chamber, he finally found Gerda. The Snowman gave her a hug, but she didn’t move at all. She was completely frozen. The Snowman tries to pull her, but she wouldn’t budge out of her position. The Snowman calls for Gerda to come back, but she was still inert. He hugs her with his warm heart hoping for her to return back, but then their powerful friendship warms her heart and broke the evil spell off of Gerda. She thaws back to her normal self, able to see the Snowman. The Snowman and Gerda were so happy to see each other again, until she entered.
The Snow Queen enters into her chamber and points her ice cane to Gerda. The Snowman steps in front of Gerda ready to defend her. As the Snow Queen prepares to strike both the Snowman and Gerda, Fowl flew in from the window and clawed her eyes. The Robber girl ran in front of the Snowman and Gerda and holds up the Snow Queen’s mirror in defense. The Snow Queen struck her evil spell at her own mirror and it reflects back at her. She got struck in her frozen heart and disappears into a mist of snow. The Snow Queen is defeated and they escaped the Ice Castle as it crumbled down the side of the mountain.
When they all arrived at the village, the people thank the Snowman, Fowl, Thor, and the Robber girl for rescuing Gerda. Gerda hugs the Snowman for saving her life, and then he starts to melt. The Snow Queen had control over winter, but now that she’s dead, spring will arrive early. The Snowman was melting as he said ‘thank you’ for his last words to Gerda. She cried for him to come back, but he was now part of the Scandinavian land for eternity. She will never forget the first time she built the Snowman.
The End.

The author's comments:

This story was written from my Creative Writing class. It is an adaptation based on Hans Christian Andersen's 'The Snow Queen'.

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