Star Crossed | Teen Ink

Star Crossed

March 3, 2015
By angel0899 BRONZE, New York, New York
angel0899 BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Writing is an undefined variable in a writer's life"

You’re not in Kansas Anymore

Trees sway to the music of the wind. The sun warms my face as I sit under the oak tree in our backyard. With a paper and pencil in my hands, I start to outline the roots of the tree, branching out and digging deep into the ground. The aroma of Mom’s red tulips tickle my nose and I inhale deeply. I draw the trunk of the tree from the roots going up further, twisting and bending in different directions; finding its way toward sunlight. Branches sprint and stretch; yearning for warmth and comfort. The scent of tulips remind me of simpler, happier times…

Dad and five-year old me lie underneath the sky watching it wake up and a million eyes are watching us. I’m laughing with Dad at his story about his trip to France.
"Can I go there with you sometime, Daddy?"I ask in that squeaky voice of mine.
"How about next summer? You'll love it, Sweet Pea."
" Sounds great, Dad. I can't wait. We'll go to the Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Buckingham Palace, shops and malls.." I run on and on, getting breathless.
"Whatever you need, but let's do one at a time. You'll make me broke."
"Ok, but you have to pinkie promise.” I lifted my pinkie and stretched my hand out to him.
“Pinkie promise,” he says, taking his pinkie and locking it around mines.
Then, we lied there listening to the crickets orchestra and the stars twinkle.
"Sweet Pea?” Dad said breaking the ice.
" Yeah, Dad?"
"What do you see up there, in the sky?"
I look hard at the sky. I'm confused at the point of his question, the answer is obvious.
"Dad, all I see are a bunch of stars. What's so special about them?"
"Well, think about the stars as lost hopes and dreams. If every dream or wish came true all the stars would disappear and the world would be covered in darkness. That's the beauty of the stars they give us the strength to hope for something better and guide us through difficult times. Remember, you'll always have the stars, they're your best friend for infinity. Listen. Can't you hear them twinkling?"
My brow furrowed and my green eyes showed a sign of confusion.
"Daddy, why are you telling me this?”
He gives me a sad, long look. It was like he was saying goodbye forever.
“I just want you to know I’ll always love you.  Now, close your eyes and listen."
“Daddy, stars can’t make noise,” I protest. He made a rich laugh that slapped a grin on my face.
“That’s because you’re listening with your mind, not your heart. Come on, try for me.”
I nod and closed my eyes, then I take a deep breath and extend my hearing. Trees rustle, owls hoot...then a strange, unfamiliar sound comes to me. A soft, whisper rings like bells. Listen, listen to our story.
Stars and colors danced across my vision. Swords clanged and screeched. Sparks flew and horses ran with lightning speed. A sword somehow  falls into my hand, flames glowed within and strength flowed through me.
I open my eyes and a grin comes across my face.
"Daddy, you are right. The universe is a great story teller."
At that time, I didn’t know that would be the last time I saw my father or that there was something more going on than my dad let on. The last thing he said to me before he vanished was: “Remember what I told you Elsa, the stars are always here for you. I love you so much.”
I still think about those words till this day. What do they mean? What did he mean by the stars will always be  your friends? Is it some type of metaphor or something written in invisible ink?
I guess I’ll never know now. A rustle in the trees interrupts my thoughts and I stop in the middle of my drawing. I look up, gazing at the forest that is wild and mysterious, a world beyond the fence. Elsa, Elsa, Elsa. It's calling me in,.drawing me in further...

"Elsa! Lunch is ready. Come on, it's going to get cold," my mother calls from the porch.
Breaking out of my trance, I wipe the grass off my shorts and clutch my sketchbook to my chest. Heading inside the house, as I climb the porch steps, I can't help but look back. A movement in the forest makes me jump and drop my book, making a loud scream.
Mom runs out onto the porch and rushes to me grabbing my shoulders; panic and worry in her brown eyes.
"Elsa, are you alright? What happened?"
I roll my eyes and say, "I'm alright, Mom. I thought I saw an animal, but it was nothing."
She stares at me for a moment and looks as if she is about to say something else, when she just shrugs.
"Alright. If you insist..."
"I'm fine, for the last time, Linda Hussein." I know my expression doesn't match what I say, but hope that she doesn't notice.
Finally giving in she says, "Okay. Here you dropped your sketchbook," she hands me the book,"let's get inside, I made chicken pot pie.”
I nod my head and take it from her hands.
  Minutes later, I swallow my last bite of chicken pot pie and take my plate to the sink. I'm about to cross over to the back door, ready and eager to continue drawing, when Mom stops me.
"Elsa. Before you go I just need you to do one favor for me please. I promise it won't take long."
"Alright. Sure, Mom," I say through clenched teeth.
"In the attic I have some old clothes that I'm going to give to the church and I just need you to bring it down for me."
"Why can't you do it? You have legs and arms," I complain.
"Melissa…” Mom’s tone is becoming frustrated.
"Fine! I'll do it. Okay, you don’t have to talk to me like a child. And, I told you to not call me Melissa. It’s Elsa."
“Honey, I know it’s been hard since Dad left, but I’m trying my best here. It hasn’t been easy for me either.” Tears well up in her eyes and her hand flies to her lips, a sob comes out her mouth.

How she could she even say that? Like she’s the victim? She does not have a clue what I’ve been going through. How I had to work a part time job just to pay the bills because she didn’t have a job and was in too much pain to continue working. I had to take all responsibility for the house chores like cooking, cleaning, and laundry. While all she ever did was mope around, lost in her ocean of misery.  She hasn’t even tried to speak with me or at least ask how I’m feeling. After a while she moved on and forgot all about him, as if he never existed. I bet she probably didn’t care about him, it was probably all an act. I’m so sick of her sob stories and about how she felt betrayed. It needs to stop now. Anger and frustration plagues my mind, a disease spreading faster and faster, suddenly everything in me snaps.
“Whatever. It’s not like you even cared,” I scream, throwing my hands into the air. “You just let him walk away without trying to even stop him. Did you even care at all?”
“Elsa Woodlawn Hussein! That is enough from you. I am so sick and tired of you acting like a brat. God! Can’t you just give me a break.” Her scream makes me jump and her breaths are fast and labored, tears trail fast down my cheeks. I stare at her, filled with shock and can’t get words to form. She has never screamed at me before, not like this. Then, I run past her and head up the staircase.
“Elsa! Wait, I-”
“What, Mom? What else are you going to say to me? There is nothing you need to say okay? I get it, I’m a spoiled brat who doesn’t know how to shut her big mouth.”
  Before she can say anything else, I continue up the stairs and run into my bedroom slamming the door shut. Tears run down my face and I sink to the floor, sobs choke me and everything hurts, my heart feels like it’s being squeezed. I find my way up and collapse on my purple sheets hoping that sleep finds me.
As I drift off, I wonder what animal has glowing eyes.

Two hours later, I stand in front of the door that leads to the attic. Mom left for work to the one job she can’t stand: Benny’s B&B. She’s the chef there and her horrible boss, Mr.Benny himself, is always complaining to my mom about something. I don’t know why she just can’t quit her job and get a better one, but of course she gave up painting years ago. Anyway, why am I worrying about it,  it's not my concern, that’s her choice, but I know I don’t mean it. Huh, even I can’t lie to myself.            
Whatever, I just needed time alone after the fight, to get all my thoughts straight. I just couldn't stand to look at her for another moment or else I would break down again.
I reach for the gold knob, but for some reason my hands refuse to touch the door.
"Relax, you're not five. A sixteen year old like you shouldn't be afraid," I mutter.
I twist the knob and push the door open; it creaks and groans as if it hadn't been touched in some years. Wooden steps lead up to the attic and I start to ascend the steps. I reach the landing; sunlight shines through the stained glass window and only four or five boxes are stacked against the northern wall. To my right hand side... Dad's piano. My throat gets tight and my heart squeezes. My vision starts to blur.
No. You promised no tears. Tears mean you’re weak and I am not weak. Breath. Just breath. In. Out. In. Out.  Taking a moment, I rein in my emotions and force my feet toward the boxes. I open the box on the top and see that it's filled with Mom’s church clothes.
Just last year, Mom gave up going to church and so did I. It seemed like ages ago that I was in the house of God with a Bible in my little arms and Dad and Mom in each other’s arms, but that was years ago. All those memories are locked in the vault and shall stay there.

I pick up the box and then like a domino, all the other boxes tumble down to the floor.
“Great. Thanks, universe, you just made my day,” I mutter. Slowly, I bend down and pick up a box to put them in front of the wooden door. Wait. Did I just say wooden door?
I tear my eyes and oh… my...god, is that what I think it is. Just to be sure I squeeze my eyes shut and count to five. Nope still there huge and big, a wooden door in the attic.
Wow, either I hit my head or I’m in a crazy dream. Note to self: do not watch Alice in Wonderland ever again.
The door is beautiful and there is something uncanny about it, but also something so familiar about it as if I’ve seen it before in a dream or something. With curiosity, I step closer to the door and stare at it in wonder. Don’t go near it! Are you crazy? Get away from the door!, a voice in my head warns. I ignore it and draw closer.
The wood is glowing like the sun, two black, metal trees are spiraling on the side and a little door handle is on my right side and underneath the door a mist seeps and spreads around me. I inhale and it burns my nose and throat. Panic seizes my body and I cross the other side of the room to get to the door, but to only find a brick wall. The smoke chokes me and the room starts to spin. Oxygen leaves my body and my legs feel like noodles. I’m going to die. That’s my first thought as the mist gets thicker and blurs my focus. I’m going to die without ever telling Mom that I’m sorry and I love her. Suddenly, when I think my time is up, a burst of light fills the room and clears a path through the fog. Without thought,  I run toward the open door, desperate for air... For a few seconds I hesitate, unsure of what the door may lead to,but the smoke thickens, reminding me that I have no other choice.  I run through the door to the unknown.

I’m floating, going higher and higher, free and happy. No, I’m not floating, I’m flying and soaring through the sky, the wind blows through my hair. I can reach the stars, I’m boundless and powerful. They’re so bright and beautiful that I can’t help but try and reach for it.  I’m warm, oh the warmth. It’s a bit hotter now, hotter, and hotter… Now the night sky is on fire. No, I’m on fire, I’m burning, blazing, radiant…

   I gasp and my eyes flutter open and two suns are glaring at me. Wait, two suns? What? No, that can’t be, I was just at home taking Mom’s box of clothes out the attic. Where am I? I must be dreaming? Yeah, that’s it, you’re in a dream and any minute now you’re going to wake up. Right?
I pinch myself and wait, nothing.
“ Oh Elsa, you’re not in Kansas anymore,” I whisper.
Sweet Evil
This weird land is beautiful majestic, alive somehow. I'm in a small meadow on the outskirts of a forest. Flowers are all around me, but they're not your ordinary tulips or roses. I can't explain it; no words can describe the mystifying flowers. All of them unique, not one of them are alike. One flower catches my eye, it stands out above all the others. The petals are open and spikes are lined along the edges, a light shines and swirls from the center. With no thought, I lean closer to the flower, and instantly it sprays me with black dust. A sweet, sharp scent fills my lungs and I gasp for air. Everything around me is spinning and I can barely stand. My legs buckle and then I fall into the grass's embrace. The beauty and scent is overwhelming and moving my body feels like swimming through water.
Maybe I should stay here, forever. I'll just lie here, free and happy, nothing to worry about.  I laugh and giggle uncontrollably.
Through the fog in my mind, I realize that my clothes are different. I'm no longer wearing my jean shorts, black tee with my favorite bands, and high top sneakers. Instead, I'm in a long, silky, purple gown. Gold is along the edges of the gown and a gold leather belt fits around my waist to match.
"Hey, I'm a princess! Do you hear that? Ha! I'm a princess. Bow down to the me!" I holler. Another hysterical giggle burst free from my lips and tears leak from my eyes. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much, but who cares, I'm free. A small sprite appears out of nowhere and sprinkles rainbows and sparkles upon me. I laugh maniacally and wave at the sprite. "Hello, friend," I scream and send air kisses. Oh, the magic and warmth. What a glorious day. What was I worrying about before? Something about Kansas or a mom...I can't remember. I shrug my shoulders and close my eyes.
It seems like hours later, when I hear a growl close by. I can't be sure if I'm hearing right, my mind still feels like its in water. There it goes again, louder and closer, its so loud that my ears hurt.  My eyes snap open and a terrible ache hugs my body like a blanket.
  "Ugh," I groan. I attempt to stand, but a sharp pain hits my stomach and I'm down on my knees. What? Oh my God! Oh no. How long have I been out? Days, weeks, months , years? Elsa what have you gotten yourself into now?  Everything is foggy and distorted.
   Another roar makes my ears ring and I sense something behind me. I crane my neck up and right there, inches away is a huge dragon. It looks undoubtedly angry, and I'm its next victim. Panicking, I attempt to get up again, but my body feels like it has a ton of bricks. The dragon stalks closer and it watches me with gold eyes, the same gold, glowing eyes I saw in the forest. I take a sharp intake of breath and the edges of my vision start to blur. The dragon's breath sends chills down my back and I'm tired of fighting to stay awake. Sleep is taking over my body and the dragon hovers over me. Surprisingly without warning, I'm lifted off the ground and end up on the back of the dragon. The creature spreads its silver, wide wings and shoots into the sky. The last thing I see are the two golden suns, high in the sky.
Welcome To Reality
"Do you think she'll wake up soon? She's been out for hours, maybe the Black Beauty has done its job," a soft, deep, unfamiliar voice says.
"Aaron, you worry too much. She's breathing. Don't you hear her? Elsa's a strong girl, she'll wake soon.  When she does, we tell her then."
That voice, I know it anywhere: Mom. What is she doing here? Why is she in this strange land with dragons, sprites, and evil flowers?
The boy, whose name is Aaron, interrupts my thoughts.
"You're right. We must keep hope, but how will we convince her, to believe that this is her destiny? You said yourself, she can be stubborn at times. She is your daughter after all."
"Hmmm. Who had you on the ground in seconds without blinking?...that is what I thought.”
“ was unfair. And you know it. The only reason I couldn’t take you down was because I didn’t eat. Someone ate up all the wilderberries. The nus were extremely hot. Scorching. You know that I was at my weakest.”
“Oh, my dear boy. Thirty years of age and you act like a youngling. Even my daughter acts of her age. I know it was you who filled Brett’s satch with honey beetles. Lucky, Argamon didn’t catch you.”
Okay, is she flirting with him? This man? Mom hasn’t sounded so happy in many years. In a way it is kind of cute, but it’s creeping me out a bit.
“Brett is a pain in the-”
“Watch the tongue. Just because I take a liking to you doesn’t mean you can talk filthy around me. Age doesn’t change the way I see you. You’re still a bot. Not a man.”
“Come on. You know I wouldn’t talk dirty. It would ruin this face.”
Mom chuckles softly, most likely shaking her head. “ Aaron, you certainly have your charms, you do. But charms don’t work on me.” 
Nearby, a I hear a trumpet’s horn blown.
"That is the signal of the winter faeries arrival, Prometheus will want my help guarding the camp. Aaron, watch over Elsa. You know Prometheus, he is clueless without me. If she is to wake before my return, I want you to take her to king Argamon so that he can explain everything to her. Take the hidden passage. Every one of Raven’s dark creatures knows she is here and we need her. No harm must come to my daughter. Do you understand?” she warns in a scolding tone.
"Yes, my lady. I hope all goes well. She is the key to our future," the boy whispers with hope and rebellion and a bit of fright.
“ Yes she is…”, a hint of honor shows in her voice. Then, “ I’d better not see a mark on her, Aaron. I mean it, I will cut you to bits if you cause her any harm.” 
He snorts.  “ Like that would ever happen.”
Moments later the tent flaps as my mom leaves and silence fills the room.
"I know you're awake. You might as well open your eyes."
Slowly, I open one eye and peek, there by my side is a young man, around my age, staring at me with gentle, honey eyes. He is the most handsome boy I've ever seen. Immediately, I open my other eye and stare at him, boy struck.
"Are you alright? I'm sorry, you must be confused right now. Don't worry, King Argamon will explain everything." I just continue to stare at him, speechless.
"Ugh, right.” He looks away for a moment, scratches his head, then turns back to me.
"I guess I should have done a proper introduction. Hello, I'm Aaron, son of King Argamon of Ile de l'espoir and  heir to the throne. Welcome to Anastasia."
"Okay, so Aaron, what you're telling me is that I am in a land called Anastasia, which you're the future king of, am I correct?" He nods his head.
"No, this cannot be. I... I... I must be dreaming. This is impossible, this kind of stuff doesn't exist," I reply, shaking my head in disbelief.
"It does in my world. Now, I don't mean to rush you, but King Argamon awaits you."
"Wait, we're going to King Argonon?” I say innocently, but that doesn’t fool him.
"It’s pronounced Argamon and you should know. You listened to half of our conversation, but you probably didn’t have a clue what we were saying. Quite a ficcan, aren’t you?  Now, come on." He offers out his hands to me. I place my hands in his. His hands are soft and smooth, but years of labor show through. My heart skips a beat. I gaze at him and he flashes me a smile and there are butterflies in my stomach.
"Are you ready?"
"What?, "I say, snapping out of my daze.
"I said-"
"Oh, yeah. Let's go. Meet some kings and save the world. Sounds like a plan."
Aaron’s eyes linger on my face for a minute, he opens his mouth, then shuts it close.
What has gotten into you, Elsa? Since when did you start looking at boys? Get over yourself. That station has left a long time ago. Ever Never mind that. Don’t think. Just do.
He leads me out the tent and outside people-no creatures- are sitting around a camp fire. When they notice our presence, all eyes are on us. I take a gulp of air and my hands are sweaty.
Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think. It’s not real. It’s not real. You’re passed out in the attic and Mom is going to find you. Call for help. You’ll wake up in a hospital bed, Mom at the bedside, badgering you with questions. And you’ll complain about the hospital food…
The longer I think about it, the more unreal and dreamlike it seems.
"Don't be shy, they are just curious. We’ve been expecting you for a long time.. You are our only hope for a better future: your mother has great faith in you and she has been loyal to us. She is like a mother to me." His voice is thick with emotion; his face and body language show pride and respect.
What is he talking about? How am  I the key to a better future? This is the weirdest dream I ever had, but it might not be a dream. I feel so aware. It isn’t a blur of colors and flashes of people. Not this might actually be...reality.
"Of course," I agree, "she's always been like that, kind, stubborn, loyal, brave.” With a shake of my head, I ask suspiciously, “Anyway, how long have you known my mother?”
“I have known her ever since I was a child. She has taught me many things and has shown me love all the time. Of course, she only visited Anastasia when she could, well because she had to take care of you, but she always found a way to come through for me. I can never repay her for that, " a huge smile comes across his face and he looks up to the sky. We continue walking through the dark, silent forest, my head swirling with thoughts.
All these years she has been coming here? Of course, I should have noticed. I remember all those meetings with the patrons, but it was just an excuse so she could  come here. What about Dad? Did Dad know about this place, while I was left in the dark?  I can’t believe that all these secrets have been kept from me.
“ Elsa, are you alright? You look...sad. Have I said something to upset you?” he asked with concern.
“Oh, no. Everything is just peachy. I just found out about a mythical place, got sprayed on by an evil flower, found out that my own mother has been keeping secrets from me-”
“I didn’t mean to -” he starts.
“Better yet, you have been taking my mother away from me my whole childhood and you have the audacity to ask that? You’re such a jerk!” I point my finger at him, accusation and rage in my voice.
He abruptly stops walking and glowered at me. “ So, it’s my fault, right? That I asked for this, because I did not ask for your mother to take care of me or take me in. Clearly you have no idea what’s it like to live without a mother and father, being an orphan in this world. I am grateful that she did what she did because if she hadn’t I would not be here today. You’re lucky to even have a family...someone to love and care for you, to comfort you when you feel alone..” He wandered off, his anger fading away into sadness and pain.
His face turned ten years younger and his shoulders slumped as if he carried a heavy burden. 
I look down and my face burns with shame and regret. Stupid, Elsa. Always saying before thinking, a voice says  in my head, Never stopping to think about others, always thinking  of yourself.
“I’m sorry, Aaron. I didn’t know about ...about your parents.”
He looks into the bushes and then without a word to me he begins to walk again. Taking in a deep breath, I follow him and we parade through the hushed forest. The silence is too much for me and I can’t bear it anymore. I want to break the silence, but I don’t know what to talk about and Aaron is still mad at me.
“I had a Dad. His name was Michael Carl Hussein. He left my mom and I years ago…” I hesitate as I know that once I start I can’t go back. Aaron thinks for a minute and whispers with a motion of his hand,” Go on.”
“My dad and I were best friends. I looked up to him and always loved him for his brave, kind heart and humor. Dad always knew how to make me laugh, it didn’t matter if I was sad or angry, he never failed to make my cheeks hurt.” I smile a little at the thought of him, my father, my hero, my best friend.
Aaron smiles, too, and the sky illuminates with billions of stars, the moon starts to peek from behind the clouds.
“Look: the stars are out!” I point my finger at the night sky. “My father told me the stars would always guide me and that they’re greatest friends you can ever have. I love looking at the stars: they remind me of him.”
Aaron stares at me for a few seconds and gives me a sympathetic look. “ I never knew that. I’m so sorry about him. He sounds like a great father. Guess I was wrong about you. Sorry, my lady.”
“I am sorry as well. I can be stupid sometimes and get carried away.” A few moments we walk in silence, side by side and I take a peek at him: his eyes are lost in thought.
“Is it okay if I ask a few questions? I don’t mean to be rude, but this is all new to me and this place is…different.”
Aaron shrugs and says, “Of course.”
“Alright, first question… Who is King Argon again?”
“It’s Ar-ga-mon”, he pronounces slowly. “He is my father and the  ruler of  Ille de’ l'espoir, as I first mentioned. Also he is a draki master of the Draki order.”
“Draki order?” I ask.
Draki. Sounds like something from medieval times or the dark ages. I am definitely not dreaming because I don’t have that great of an imagination, well not when it comes to dreaming, but drawing is a whole different story ...
"What are draki guardians?" I ask with curiosity.
"We are warriors of the sky and our duty is to keep peace on our land. Draki means half spirit, half dragons. There is a tale behind it. A tale that had been passed down from generation to generation.  Many centuries ago, no living creature existed in this world: there was no name yet to this land. Then Gaea, our mother spirit, created light and shadow, love and hate. When dusk and dawn was created, the first man came, and out of love and hate, the first woman . Our ancestors started to create a new world." He stops talking to look at me intensely.
Then, I see something so familiar about his eyes, those brown-golden eyes…
“Oh my God,” I squeak.
“What is it? You look like you’ve seen a spirit or something.”
“Aaron, you’re the dragon, right? The dragon I saw near my house and the one in the field…That was you. I can’t believe this,” I shake my head in disbelief. And here I thought anything couldn’t get more surprising.
“Yes, I am. The first time I saw you was at the house, but that was only because I was curious to see you with my own eyes. I heard so much about you from your mother. Really, she would not stop going on about you, you truly made her day. Then, one day I thought to myself, ‘Why don’t I go and observe this amazing girl, this mysterious Elsa.’ So, I went and saw you drawing in the garden: you’re amazing and talented…” he drifts off and blushes. I turn and gaze at him for what seems like forever, but his eyes are cast down and he bites his lips.

"So," he continues suddenly, "one day the first man, Hammurabi, became obsessed with power and he enslaved everyone, even his wife, to his will. Gaea knew that he was becoming too dangerous and so she chose a poor woman named, Anastasia, to change the fate of the world and defeat Hammurabi." Aaron paused, letting me take in this tale.  It took me a few seconds to figure out where this was going.
"So, this place was named after this woman, but how could she defeat him? She had no magic power."
We stop at  a redwood tree that scrapes the sky and Aaron holds his hand out to me to stop.
“We’ll continue later," he promises.
“Pinkie promise?” I tease him.
Aaron’s eyebrows furrow and he asks, “Pinkie promise?”
“Yeah, like this. Here, let me show you. My dad and I did this all the time.” I stick out my pinkie and he does the same, then I lock mines around his. For  a second we just gaze into each others’ eyes, then he clears his throat and breaks off the connection.
I’m about to say something else, but he places his finger to his lips, urging me to be quiet. I nod and wait patiently behind him, feeling anticipation coming as if something amazing was going to happen. At first it is a flick, something barely there, then like a firecracker a blue light burst from the tree, swirling around me and Aaron. It’s so mystical and shocking, my mouth drops in awe and I stare into the blue light, falling into its trance…
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Aaron ask interrupting the trance and  I give a small nod.
“What is it?” I question him, still dazed.
“This is a portal to the castle of King Argamon, the path to his castle passes through the  shadow realm and don’t want to know what lurks in the dark forest,” he speaks in an ominous tone. I shiver at the thought and  he stands up on his feet. He reaches his hand out and grabs mine, then we enter through the blue light.

It seems like forever, but we finally land on a green path and up ahead, lights shine brightly and a castle sits upon a hill.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be there soon, just a few more steps ahead.” He grins at me with perfect white teeth, his curly, soft hair blowing in the wind. My heart is beating a mile a minute and I can’t help but smile.
"What are you smiling about?," he asks.
I blush and look away, quickly saying,"Uh-nothing. Just thinking."
"You're a strange girl, you know that?" He laughs and motions the guards to open the gates.
"Thanks. You really know how to charm a girl," I mutter bitterly.
Soon enough we arrive and enter past the golden gates, and into the courtyard, which has a statute of what looks like a woman, her mouth gushing water out into the fountain.
Aaron winks at me and plants a kiss on my cheek, his lips sweet and warm. He walks on to the huge, brass doors. For a moment, I hang back and touch the cheek he kissed. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
" Elsa, come along. Unless you want to stay out here in the cold."
I run up to him and stumble along the way, he catches me and I hold on to his arms; muscular, hard.
Elsa, you are in way too deep.

To be continued...

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