A Northern Delight | Teen Ink

A Northern Delight

January 9, 2015
By the-adequate-gatsby BRONZE, SARVER, Pennsylvania
the-adequate-gatsby BRONZE, SARVER, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Seelie Court was alight with festivities. Sweet, bubbling melodies floated on the air like champagne, occasionally marred with the sharp note of dissonance that marked it as faerie music. Pale faeries hovered between the trees, stringing colorful lights between the long branches and giggling as they breathed the heady July air. The entire court was busy preparing for the Summer Festival.

Shimmering in the golden sunlight was a small bakery, owned and run by sisters Aurora and Boreana. Equally known for their constant fighting and delicious pastries, the sisters were well-loved in the Court, so much that the Seelie Queen herself had asked them to create a beautiful cake in honor of the festival. Clouds of magical ingredients and flour drifted from the open window of Northern Delights in puffs, accompanied by the clattering sounds of pots and pans being thrown.

"That's too much dragon scale powder! Do you think the Queen wants an ugly cake?" screeched Boreana, her icy blue hair unraveling from its messy chignon. She vaulted a brass pan across the room, but her sister raised a hand and froze the pan in midair.

"It could never be as ugly as you, sister!" cried Aurora with her pink cheeks aflame.
"You complete and utter troll!"
The sisters screamed incoherent insults at each other until Aurora, in an angry puff of cherry smoke, disappeared to buy more Mermaid Essence, for the bakery's supply was low. Upon her return, she found Boreana in the kitchen with a finished cake batter, pouring the bubbling blue concoction into a few large pans. Boreana looked up from her work innocently.
"The Queen is sure to love my multi-layered Ice Dragon cake. It will be an absolute hit at the festival," Boreana said with a smug smile.
"Stupid satyr-lover, this is the summer festival! No one wants an ice cake!" Aurora screeched with her tiny pink hands clenched into fists.
Without delay, they entered war, and magical ingredients flew into the air. In hardly a minute, Boreana's blue crystal wings were coated with liquid leprechaun gold, and Aurora's careful pink ringlets were dusted with flour and phoenix feathers. Becoming more enraged by the second, the faerie sisters soon forgot about the festival cake.

By that evening, when twilight had descended on the Seelie Court and all of the faeries had gathered to begin the festival, a glowing cloud had ascended and stretched over the Court. Undulating strips of emerald green, glacial blue, and tinges of purple rose above the faeries, who were mesmerized in awe. They soon found that the cloud's source was the open window of the Northern Delights bakery, and that it was a great mixture of magical baking ingredients.

"Aurora! Boreana! Stop your fighting for once and come out here!" cried a young male faerie with electric green wings.
Reluctantly, the sisters emerged from their bakery, coated in rainbow powders and magical creature essences and their faces abashed.
"My Queen, we were unable to bake a satisfactory cake for the Summer Festival," Aurora said with her eyes downcast.
"Because she threw a bottle of troll saliva at me," Boreana muttered under her breath. Aurora elbowed her in the ribs.
"My dear young faeries," the Queen began kindly, "we need no cake, for you have created something even more beautiful." She gestured to the sky above with a gentle hand.

The sisters raised their eyes to the newly glowing sky and let out a sigh of admiration that stirred the flour that coated their hair.

"We'll call them the Northern Delights," said Aurora with a smile. "A lovely accident."

"The 'de' will be silent, My Queen," Boreana chimed in. "It has more of a ring to it."
The Seelie Queen nodded her assent, and the festivities began. The faeries, including the sisters (who had entered a momentary truce), danced in the darkening twilight, twirling and shimmering in wisps of color beneath the luminous glow of the Northern Lights.

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