Velocity | Teen Ink


December 18, 2014
By Avahc BRONZE, San Diego, California
Avahc BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So what, you are another person, so of course you look different. What do you need to be ashamed for?"

“Today in Velocity news” the purple haired man announced “…gravity in the west part of town has gone haywire, so if I were you, don’t wear anything to revealing.”
            “Hey! I was watching that Elouise” Rose whined. Elouise continued to switch channels while stuffing corn flakes into her mouth.
            “HELLO?!” snapped Rose. Elouise gulped down a chunk of cereal and looked at Rose.
            “Don’t you think its strange how we just loose gravity sometimes?”
Rose gave her a confused look
            “did you get enough sleep last night? No one knows why we lose gravity sometimes it ~ just happens.”
“No buts, we need to get to work, now” Rose almost demanded
Elouise rose from her sunken in beanbag chair, dusted crumbs off her skirt, and followed Rose out the door of their cluttered apartment into the damp small hallway. From there, they walked down the old metal staircase and out into the busy streets of Velocity.
            Everyone walking around seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere, including Rose. People only looked straight forward and their faces appeared to show no emotion. Elouise enjoyed looking at peoples expressions to see if anyone would smile or do anything. According to her, this required “skill” therefore, giving her a reason to drag behind Rose’s long stride.
            “Come on! We are going to miss the train!” rose rambled. Elouise broke her gaze and reluctantly started to follow Rose.
            “See… we are here early” Elouise confirmed. She took a look around the semi full golden train station and plopped down onto the bench next to Rose.
            “Now what?”
            “Fix your hair. It looks like it’s defying gravity more than the west part of town.”
            “uggghhh fine” Elouise droned. She stood up and stomped to the nearest bathroom.
            Elouise turned off the water that was flowing out of the brass faucet and glared at her reflection. She stared at her round face and pointed at a freckle. “This one is new” Elouise moved her attention up to her head of curly purple hair that flowed down to her shoulders. It didn’t look that bad, so she just ran her fingers through the locks. She looked at her skinny legs and plain figure and imagined what she would look like if she had the tall curvy figure and long strait blonde hair of Rose before turning to the exit. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a gray figure hiding behind her reflection. Elouise gasped and whipped around behind her. No one was there. “Oh god, maybe I didn’t I didn’t get enough sleep last night. I swear that shadow almost looked like me”
            Elouise slowly walked back to Rose just when the silver bullet train lined with pitch black windows rolled into the station. The train stopped without any warning and clattered it’s doors open. People rolled out as new people stumbled in.  Rose took hold of Elouise’s wrist and dragged her while pushing through the crowd of people. Just as the two stepped into the cramped compartment, the train doors snapped shut and the train lurched forward without warning. Elouise looked around at the people to see if anyone noticed how rowdy the train had been. Elouise turned to Rose
            “Don’t you think the train was a little rough back there?”
Rose took the ear bud out of her ear
            “Rough? No- not that I noticed”
The train suddenly squealed to a halt and the doors flew open. Almost everyone scrambled to get out just as people were piling in. Elouise was pushed around and found herself separated from Rose. She tried looking around to find her but the doors slammed s*** again and the train jerked forward once more. Elouise had to make due with what was happening, so she shuffled through a small group of business men till she was pressed up against one of the pitch black windows. The windows were useless, you could never see outside at the city but instead, you were forced to look at your reflection. Elouise pressed her face against the glass trying to get a glimpse of the gold plastered city. She was with no luck. Instead, she closed her eyes and tried to think about what her parents might have looked like. She had never really seen them or even remembered having a childhood. She just kind of woke up one day in Rose’s apartment and started living with her. Elouise opened her eyes and looked at her reflection—but it wasn’t her. The girl staring back at her had the same round face, same hair, same eyes, and the same amount of freckles on her face…. But it wasn’t her. This girl was colorless. Her hair was black, her face pale. She almost looked like a person from the 1950’s TV show from which there was no color. Elouise moved from side to side, changing her facial expressions. The reflection didn’t mimic the movements, but stared blankly, her eyes following Elouise. “This must be a joke” She tapped her finger on the glass then looked around to see if anyone had taken notice about what was happening. Like always, no one noticed. Elouise returned her attention to the girl, this time, she held expression. Tears were streaming down her face and she was pouting. She closed her eyes and looked up, revealing a thin cut around her neck. *SQUEALLL* The train abruptly stopped tossing Elouise forward and knocking her to the ground. Elouise tried to get to her feet when  a hand grabbed her by her collar and pulled her up and out of the train.
            “You are always tripping” Rose exclaimed. She took a big sigh before brushing her blonde hair out of her face
            “watch where ya going next time.”
            “That will be 2.75 sir.” Rose happily told the “zombie” man. Elouise coldly stared at the side of his head while she poured his coffee.
            “shouldn’t you be happy?”
Elouise almost dropped the cup but ended up splashing coffee on her hand. The movie film version of her reflection was staring back at her. “DID SHE JUST SPEAK?!”
            “ELOUISE!!” Rose snapped. She stormed over and grabbed the coffee.
            “We have customers! P-A-Y A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N”
            “I—I” Elouise stammered “I need a break”
Rose looked over at her slightly pale friend with mild concern. She tried to say something but Elouise had already hopped over the counter and vanished out of the shop.
            Elouise shoved her way through the people outside, looking at her reflection any time she had the chance. It was that girl, never herself. “HOW IS NO ONE NOTICING THIS?!” She half walked half ran around the block before clamoring beck into the cramped coffee shop. Rose looked up from what she was doing and gave Elouise a worried glance. Elouise pointed to a door and mouthed “bathroom”
            Elouise walked slowly in front of the bathroom mirror, her eyes glued shut. She took a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes. She lost her balance and fell to the floor when she once again saw the girl instead of her own reflection. To flabbergasted to speak, she just stared at the girl. For a couple of minutes, They just sat there, staring at each other. The girl was the first to break the silence. She spoke with an airy voice
            “I was curious, and I asked a lot of questions once. I thought that maybe I could aid myself one more time.”
Elouise dropped her hands from around her mouth before speaking
            “Who are you? What questions?”
            “You wont understand until you let me say what I desire to say”
Elouise slowly put her shaking hands back over her mouth and gave the girl a slight nod. The girl began to speak in poetry
            “In a city where everything is considered normal, and luck is always on your side, is also a place where dead lie. People who suffered before were given a second chance. I am you and he is he. Its only the rules of velocity. Most people try to tell their “others” about the secret of velocity, it’s a pity that few even notice the calls for attention”
A sudden rush of came over Elouise and she blacked out. It felt like a rope was being wrapped around her neck but a warm hand brought her back.
            3 months since the other me decided to drop a message. How nice. I wish she would come back, I still have questions.. Elouise rolled up off of her side and looked around at the plain blue walls of her rooms. Since the incident, her mind had only revolved around what her other told herself. Velocity, place of the dead

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