"2552" | Teen Ink


December 9, 2014
By Finchman BRONZE, Stockton, California
Finchman BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments





  It was the first day of my job. It is the middle of winter, yet it is really hot out here “probably because of all the pollution and Global Warming.” The year was 2552, when I learned that I was following a lie, deceived into ending innocent lives and murdering those who were against our “perfect Utopia” of a country. I was a very young and brash boy looking to impress the ladies and to fight for the honor of my country. My name is Miguel Finch and this is my story. It all started the first day I joined the army. It was a sad but honorable day. I have finally been accepted into the army. I was a scrawny young man with the face of a child. I wore the Medal of Honor that my father earned in the army. He

was a very honorable man who only wanted peace and to solve world conflicts. He believed that one day a man would bring peace to the lands and restore peace. I was in a military vehicle being taken to the army camps to get us trained. In it was me, my best friend that I grew up with, Ryan, and a pair of twins. One was a huge man and the other was a weak and fearful man.

Once we arrived in the camp an African American man grabbed us from our vehicle and threw us out individually. We all landed face first on the dirt. The man walked up to us. He was huge and was as tall as three men. He spoke with a very deep voice saying “Good morning recruits, I am in charge of you cadets and my job is to get u ready to fight those b------s that will try to destroy the ‘perfect world’ that we are trying to build . He took us to a very creepy lab where he pushed us into some capsules. He said “we don’t give training too our troops anymore, there is no use if all you are going to do is die, so are scientist worked on a steroid that will make you bigger and stronger, an advantage to our enemy. Now go inside your capsules and don’t move. They strapped us inside very tightly and a huge needle with orange liquid approached our necks. We all started to panic and even worse our major told us “sum do not survive the injection and only once it did not work, and we had to neutralize him. The injection pierced our necks like a knife to butter. WE could feel the needle in us and it was the worst pain I have ever felt. I could feel the liquid flowing through my neck. It burned really bad at first then the liquid started to cool down. I lost feeling in my body and I passed out.

I woke up screaming and I broke the straps. I sat up and I looked down at my body. I was huge and with a very bad headache. Major Williams ran inside screaming “o my god, you are one lucky s.o.b” he said “you have been sleeping for over six months. I thought for sure that you were not going to make it. Well anyways how does it feel to wake in you new body? Stand up get a feel for it.” I stood up and the

major is only as tall as where my waist is. It took me a while for me to actually walk. He took me to the armory and told me to “choose that weapon”. It was an assault rifle that was as bigger than the major. When I picked it up major said “you remind me of a recruit that we had about a year ago but I forgot his name. Anyways suit up soldier since you have been gone our Elite troops have gained us an extreme advantage. We have gained many countries and we are down to the last three cities.” An armored truck drove right in front of me. Major said “here is your ride Sgt. Make us proud and if necessary die in the battle for honor. I jumped inside the vehicle. This one was heavily armored and well equipped with weapons. Right before they closed the doors Major spoke out “I will inform your squad that you are arriving. Wait I finally remembered the name of the man that the injection failed on and the one that reminds me of you. His name was Finch. Lad u are the most interesting recruit that I have ever met. what is your name?” Before I could respond the doors closed shut and we drove off.

When we almost arrived to the battlefield they prepared me with an exoskeleton suit. The suit gets injected onto your body. As the suit was being put on me a red alarm started to flash and sirens started to go off. A woman’s voice sounded over the siren saying “attention a crew members prepare to for lift off” I looked at the soldier with a confused face and the truck became a flying vehicle. The soldier said “since you have been gone there has been a lot of upgrades to our technology.” They finished putting the suit in me and to insure that the suit will not fall of me and it has a giant needle attached to the chest part and it goes inside the body. The problem was that I wore my father’s medal of honor so they could not inject it to me directly to the heart so they just put it in under my heart. The soldier said “better get some rest sir, it is going to be awhile before we arrive.” I went to go sleep. I awoke about an hour later to everyone yelling and the siren going off. I headed for the soldier that suited me up. When I got to the armory, the soldier was lying on the ground life less and next to him was a man with a black invisibility

cloak and a giant knife. He put his cloak on and disappeared. He appeared next to me and tackled me to the ground. He grabbed his knife and swung for my neck. I grabbed his arms pushing him away from my neck. The tip of the blade was touching my neck, when an explosion blew us out of arm’s length. He dropped his blade and it landed between us. We both ran for it when vehicle crashed.

I was disoriented and groggy when I fell out of the vehicle. The cloaked man landed near me as well. He came at me with the blade when he was shot to death. I looked to where I heard the gunfire. It was Ryan! He handed me a weapon and told me “let’s make history”. We headed for the battle site. When we arrived the sky was dark and there were pools of blood everywhere. The skies rained with blood and pieces of ships and helicopters were falling from the sky. I looked at Ryan and told him with a hesitant voice “what is our approach?” He responded “we could run in there and kill every single one of them or for a less violent approach go after their leader. I will go after one city and the twins will go after the second one and you will go for this one. Good luck my friend.” He left to a nearby army base. I loaded my weapon and jumped down toward the battlefield.

Their base was poorly guarded because all the troops were at the battlefield. I snuck through their base to the main building were the leader was. When I finally arrived to the front door I have spotted my target. I pulled out my blade and headed for him quietly. He spotted my and I swung my blade towards his neck. Before I made contact he yelled out “Stop, please you don’t know what you are doing!” I stopped and I backed off. He said “you look familiar, have I met you before?” He looked at my chest and saw that I was wearing my father’s medal.  “Thank the gods, I knew it, you are the son of William Finch aren’t you!” I put my blade up to his neck saying “how do you know my father?” He replied “your father was a great man who sought peace for all of the cities. He unified all of the countries

together and after he did that your country betrayed everyone and your father. Your father died for the peace of all humanity, now son you must continue his work for the honor of your father. Come look at these. These are blueprints of their base. If we could destroy it we can give hope to our boys to continue fighting back. What do you say?” Before I could answer, the major walked in while holding a revolver in his hand. He pointed it to him and shot him in the head than after he pointed the gun at me. He said” I told you that you seemed familiar. You are the spawn of the ignorant man who question our ideas and thought of peace through freedom. Freedom is not peace, it is an invitation to chaos. Sorry boy but you know too much.” He shot me in the chest and fell to the ground.

I woke up a few days later in a secret hospital of the rebellions. There I awoke to my friend Ryan who was happy to see me talking again. He told me “Finch we have been betrayed. They killed the twins and I just got away. Our lives are meaningless here. We must kill the major. We are under the major’s palace. After that day, that b------ declared himself king.” He handed me a giant sword and said “let’s go.” We took a secret passage upstairs to where the major was. I stabbed him in the throat. We were both relieved that the king was dead. We both planned to take control to make these countries a better place. One day Ryan and I were in our office isolated from everyone else. We both sat down to drink some wine. After we both finished I began to choke. Ryan began to make an evil laugh and said “fool that drink was poisoned and now this country is all mine.” I fell to the ground face first and I laid there lifeless. Ryan was in control and he made the country into hell just as major did.

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