In The Wrong Silhouette | Teen Ink

In The Wrong Silhouette

December 9, 2014
By Alexis Villarreal BRONZE, Stockton, California
Alexis Villarreal BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was year 3014, this was the year of total chaos and abruption; however, little did anyone really know this for themselves. Aliens hit Earth and spread very quickly throughout. The two  species, the Greys and the Reptillians had plans of their own to take over Earth and destroy  anything and everything that might get in the way. Everyone was running up and down the streets screaming frantically saying, “We’re all doomed!! What are they going to do to us?” considering the Greys made it clear enough that this was their first designated target there was one sane person and that was Nevada. (Yes! Her name was Nevada and she lived in Las  Vegas.) She knew that there were three species of aliens, which were the Greys, Reptillians, and  the Nordic aliens. However, for some reason no one ever knew of or saw the Nordics. Nevada only had seen one from a distance and since she became very curious and did more research. Never found much, so she soon lost interest.

   Her normal; everyday life would continue as it usually did, she drove to the Academy of Healing Arts, and around this time the parking lot would be jam-packed, but it was a ghost town!
“Well, what’s going on here? You have to be kidding me this whole town is a riot!” said Nevada
For the last two months, Nevada had been planning a speech on “society’s standards of perfection.” By this time about six months had passed since she saw the Nordic alien. These aliens finally revealed themselves to everyone on Earth, and they were the godesses of all aliens. No one longer considered the human race as a symbol of beauty or perfection.

   On November 17, 3014 Nevada talked to Professor Newman about her speech which would be held on november 18th and would be broadcasted on live television. “Hello Professor Newman, I’m extremely nervous right now, should I  just forget about all of this and cancel the broadcasting?”asked Nevada.
“Now, why would you think like that? You’ve worked for almost a year on this, and you want to give up? I’m surely not talking to the Nevada I know right now…” exclaimed Professor Newman
“Well, I just feel like it’s a waste of time at this height in our society. Everyone will just hate me, and what if the Nordic aliens her this speech? I’m just afraid of the consequences of giving this speech, it makes me nervous!” said Nevada.
“The Nordics are a very mysterious and god-like species, you’re correct, who knows what they would do?- but that shouldn’t change your beliefs and views. It shouldn’t affect you at all. Don’t let the Nordics get to your head just like they did with the rest of our society!” said Professor Newman.
“They’re not like the Greys and the Reptillians. So, at this point I guess I really don’t have an excuse and I guess I’m still giving the speech.” said Nevada.
“There we go! Now this is the Nevada I know! Good luck tomorrow.” said Professor Newman.
“Thanks, you’ll be there right?” asked Nevada.
“Of course, I’ll be sitting right in the first row. Get some rest, you’ll need it!” said Professor Newman. Nevada left the building. She left to get in her car and go home to her boyfriend Mark. They had only been dating for about 4 months, but they both thought it was alright that he moved into her apartment. The door to the house was locked and she could hear Mark’s laughter and some girl’s voice, she couldn’t believe what was happening and she had suspected this before, but never really let it get to her because she didn’t want to believe he was cheating; but sadly he was. So, instead of barging in and making a huge scene she pulled her phone out of her purse and dialed his mother’s number. She answered.
“Hello?? Is this Nevada?” asked Olivia, Mark’s mother.
Still shook up and sobbing, Nevada caught her breath and said, “Yes, I think Mark is cheating on me.”
“Now why would you think of such a thing, he’s been talking about proposing for the past month and a half. Oops, I wasn’t supposed to say anything yet.” said Olivia.
“Proposing?? I got up to the door of my apartment and heard him and some girl talking and giggling.” said Nevada.
“I’ll call him and if he doesn’t pick up i’m going to head down there and knock some sense into him. Just go out for now and try to clear your mind for a second, just focus on you. I mean, after all you need a break from worrying and stressing over everyone else, that’s practically your job!” said Olivia.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right thanks Mrs.Watson.” said Nevada.
“No problem, I really do care about you Nevada and I want you to be happy. Goodbye.” said Olivia.
“I want to stay a part of your life and especially Mark’s, but I won’t put up with this whole cheating nonsense. Goodbye Mrs.Watson and I hope to hear back from you soon.” said Nevada
She hit the end call button on her phone and turned her car on. For a minute she just sat in the car with a blank mind...not knowing what to do with her life. After a long day at work, she remembered a local bar her friend once told her about, the name was Chill Savy. So, she drove to her friend’s house, but as she was going she ran over something that looked as if it were a human. The first thing that popped into her head was that she most likely killed whatever she ran over, she could barely breath.
She gets out of her can and kneels on the floor in utter shock and begins to cry.
“Don’t come any closer, just go away my time is done here.” said the unknown “person.”
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry I’ll call an ambulance.” said Nevada.
“No. Please don’t do that, they wouldn’t be any help anyways.” said the unknown “person.”
“Are you what I think you are?? An alien?” asked Nevada.
“Yes, I’m a Nordic. I believe I’ve seen you before.” said the Nordic alien.
“I’ve only ever suspected I saw a Nordic from afar, that was you??” said Nevada.
“I’m quite sure of it. However, my species gets a bad reputation for being too perfect in a way I guess seems suspicious to you humans and for also being ‘the most godly species of them all.’” said the Nordic alien.
“Well, if i may ask...why are you guys here? What’s the purpose, no one ever hears much about your species, but humans in this society are obsessed with the beauty of your species.” said Nevada.
“We aren’t here to cause the humans of this planet Earth any harm or mess with their heads. We want to help, we have resources and information on the Greys and the Reptillians that would be extremely useful to ending what they have planned. Oh, excuse me my name is Zendora. What is yours?” asked Zendora.
“I would want to say it’s nice to meet you, but I kind of ran you over a few minutes ago, so it’s not. My name is Nevada, I go to the Academy of Healing arts. How could your species help our planet, what do you have that could be used against the other species that no one else on this planet can’t seem to figure out about the Reptillians and the Greys?” asked Nevada.
“It’s just more of what we know. We have telophasy and we eavsedrop in on their conversations. Could you get me my laser gun over there i dropped it when you ran me over. I can fix this and you can help spread the word out for us.” said Zendora. A new plastic surgery center was opened recently, everyone looked forward to this when they first heard rumors of one. There was a huge sign saying, “Think like the aliens, be like the aliens, look like the Nordics. Perfection at it’s highest. 100% Guaranteed.” which presented a goddess looking alien holding a thumb up with eyes that seemed to follow no matter the angle or distance. Zendora and Nevada were walking along a stranded dusty path and Nevada felt confused and lost in her head and memories. Was Zendora trying to erase her memory maybe all that she knew? Nevada began to question how she could possibly trust an alien; a different species from a different planet… They got to the city hall where Nevada planned to give her speech. It was 7:38 p.m. she was scheduled to be broadcasted on live television at 8:00 p.m. for all of Las Vegas to see and hear her give a speech.
“Heres the plan, instead of giving a speech on society’s standard of beauty; how about you just talk about us Nordics, to let everyone know that we come in peace.” said Zendora.
“When did this come up in your head?? I’ve worked too long to change the topic and talk about aliens.” said Nevada.
“But, it will be a good advantage to your society and mine as well.” said Zendora
“No, I’m sorry Zendora. I refuse.” said Nevada.
“Do it, or else. You better not give your speech!” said Zendora with a smug looking grin and devilish eyes.
“I thought you were the good species.” said Nevada.
“That’s our plan. We want to look good to everyone else, so that they’ll be easier to take advantage of. So, give the speech on the Nordics or else!” said Zendora.
“Or else what?? I don’t see what one of you could do with a city hall full of humans in the way.” said Nevada.
“Trust me. I’m not alone, do you think I’m that idiotic?” said Zendora.
“Hey Nevada! The cast needs you backstage for rehearsal and makeup.” said Professor Newman
“Okay. I’ll be right there!” said Nevada and flashed Professor Newman a smile.
“You need to get out of here. Right now.” said Nevada to Zendora
“No. Go give your speech, but I’m warning you, you’ll be sorry if you do.” said Zendora
Nevada ignored Zendora and walked upstairs backstage to get ready for the show. It was 7:57 and the camera crew was just about finished hooking up the equipment and Nevada was waiting onstage while everyone was already seated and she tested the mic.
“Testing, testing. 1,2,3.” said Nevada.
“Okay, are you ready Nevada??  5, 4, 3, 2, 1…”
She began her speech letting everyone know that it was okay to have flaws, because everyone is perfect in their own ways. Not one single person was perfect, but imperfectly perfect and that’s what made them their own person. The speech when on for about 20 minutes until the power went out and there were loud screechings and screamings coming from all around her.She smelled something metally. Nevada couldn’t see a thing and the lights suddenly flickered back on. There was blood thrashed all over splattered on the floor, on the walls, and onstage. Lifeless bodies just slumped over on seats or face down on the floor. When Nevada looked up at the ceiling there was writing in blood which said. “Perfection is everything. We’re going to take over, no one else is an existence. Except you. Turn around.” Nevada then turned around and everything else was a blur.

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