A Dystopian Future | Teen Ink

A Dystopian Future

December 2, 2014
By Zachary Gotto BRONZE, Lancaster, Wisconsin
Zachary Gotto BRONZE, Lancaster, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The year is 2125. Bright, scorching, and devastating solar flares have hit the planet and broken through the magnetic field. The polar ice caps have melted, flooding 50 percent of the world’s dry land. Half of the US is under water. South America has been reduced to a chain of islands, and Europe is all but gone. Millions have died from the drastic climate change and subsequent diseases. The terrain once green and full of life has turned barren, dry, and lifeless. In this land the smells of rotting corpses and waste permeate the air.
Out of this cracked land stick humongous bright, smooth, and pale cities. Technology luckily has advanced fast enough to prevent the extinction of the human race. These cities are protected by glassy, translucent, and tough eco-domes. They allow the climate inside to be regulated. All fossil fuels are gone and with them the energy they provided. As competing nations dug, drilled, and exploded the earth for more fuel; they destroyed the ecosystems. When humans congregated into the cities, a solution was found.
Huge, smooth, and menacing solar radiation panels were built to capture the intense light given off by the sun. These panels now stretch across the top of every dome. Africa is now the superpower of the world and is at the pinnacle of new age technology. With the second largest untouched land mass in the flooded world the brightest minds have escaped there from the lands they once lived in.
There are no governments in this anarchic world and the only thing keeping a hold on the situation is multi-billion dollar conglomerates that rule the cities with an iron fist. This has spit the people into two distinct classes. The dirt encrusted poor and the sparkling clean wealthy. The wealthy live in the center of the city in tall clean skyscrapers and live their days in luxury. The rich include scientist, doctors, and the employees of the conglomerate that rules the city.  The poor live in the fringe district that is outside edges of the dome. Most live in one room shanties and its steal or be stolen from. Privacy is a nonexistent and protection, well you better be able to pay up. It’s a dirty, foul and crowded area with everyone living off the daily meal of gritty gruel, a tiny piece of flatbread and a tiny bit of money they make for working the fields and in the factories. The conditions are so bad, some either try to infiltrate the rich sector and risk getting executed for trespassing, or save enough money to take an armoured transport to another city in hopes of a better life.

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This article has 1 comment.

trishot said...
on Dec. 4 2014 at 4:09 pm
Great job Zach!!