Alien Bounty Hunter: Parallax | Teen Ink

Alien Bounty Hunter: Parallax

November 7, 2014
By Anonymous

     Parallax has decided to hunt for a lot of money an alien from Titan. He has to get to Earth to be able to kill his target. He uses weapons and his body to kill the enemy 

Chapter 1: Leaving Calus

Parallax was from the planet Calus, most of his species had already died out and only a

few survived. His planet due to overuse of the planets resources was barren and desolate. Only

the ones with a special mutation that allowed them to breathe anything, drink almost anything,

and can consume anything survived there. Parallax was one of those with that special mutation.

The beings of Calus were strong, tall and smart beings, and combined with the mutation it made

them extremely powerful. Also, because it is a planet with almost no inhabitants most of the

inhabitants being animals and some other bounty hunters like Parallax, many smugglers and

dangerous criminals used it as their headquarters.

Parallax watched the desolate planet Calus get further and further away as he flipped

some switches to allow his ship to be able to use the hyperdrive which would allow him to travel

across the universe. He checked through the list of aliens that other aliens in the universe

wanted to be killed, he checked to see if an alien paying an abundant amount of money was

hiring experienced bounty hunters to kill their enemies.

Chapter 2: Looking for Prey

“Hmmmm,” Parallax said out loud.

“Seems no aliens worth a lot are being hunted,” said Parallax.

“Wait whats this? Two have already given up trying to find him it seems and his name

not very common it seems.” Parallax said while scrolling through the hunting list. He read the

name of the Titan, Titans were tall, thin beings and this one was apparently a shorter one.

“Erevan is his name?” said Parallax to no one in particular.

He kept scrolling down the chart about this Titan hoping to find that this Titan was worth

a lot because of how two have tried and both given up because of their inability to find him.

“Amazing!” yelled out Parallax.

“5,000,000 universal currency! This alien must be really valuable or he did something

extremely bad to the other Titans.” said Parallax.

Chapter 3: Preparing for the Hunt

He pressed the “accept mission” button and set his spaceship to auto-pilot. He then

went to the storage room in the back of his ship with his tablet while reading about his target.

He picked one of the weapons an invisible laser that turns visible for a second when shot. He

put it down and picked up another weapon a machine gun that shoots miniature rockets that

explode on contact. No he thought to himself that would cause a commotion. He kept reading of

the tablet. It read “This alien was last seen on the planet Earth. Earth is a planet able to sustain

life and has a population of more than a billion. It is near the edges of the Milky Way Galaxy.”

He placed down the rocket machine gun carefully, then went to the cockpit to set course for the

planet Earth.

After setting a course he resumed gathering provisions for the hunt ahead. He looked

through his piles of different alien technology that he buys every time he finishes a mission. He

took out a list of items he wanted. “Lets see, a new generator for my ship, some new cushions

for seats, and aaahhh the reusable explosive bomb.” Parallax mused about amount of things

he could buy with the currency he will earn. He went back to gathering essential tools he

would use. In the end he decided to go with armour that can withstand all kinds of climate and

weapons except for the weapons created by the creators of the armour. His chosen weapons

were a laser pistol that shoots beams of light, and a pair of swords tipped by poison. He brought

other important items as well, including a shootable tracking device, a liquid that heals almost

any kind of damage to the body, and a body suit that allowed him look like the species that lived

on this planet.

Chapter 4: Reaching the Destination and Searching

He reached Earth a few minutes later. He landed the ship on top of what the computer

entry recognized as Mount Everest. After he landed, he sent out drones to help him find his

target, Erevan. He also programmed his spaceships supercomputer to do a scan for beings

from Titan who have a higher body temperature due to the distance from there to the star in the

middle of this system. He was a patient and a experienced bounty hunter having earned a lot

from assassinating his targets with ease and not getting caught afterwards.

Twenty-Four hours had past since he landed on the planet Earth. Parallax had not slept

at all. He had went outside once and almost got blown away by the harsh winds at the peak of

Mount Everest and would have lost his ship’s location if it wasn’t for his jetpack. He heard the

sound of his ships alarm and exclaimed,”Finally!”

“I wonder where that short little being from Titan is hiding.” said Parallax.

Looking down on the white screen showing a 3D image of the planet Earth he looked for

a blinking red spot. It took him a little longer than usual to spot the blinking light because it was

very close to the heat signature of a volcano. “Ahhhhhh! That’s why my supercomputer took so

much longer! That smart alien was trying to mask its heat signature by being near a volcano!

Hah! That won’t work on my supercomputer.” Parallax exclaimed.

Chapter 5: Finding and Eliminating the Target

Parallax downloaded the information about where he was and the descriptions about

him into his portable tablet that hit in his pocket. Parallax left his ship after checking that his ship

couldn’t be seen or touched by anyone other than him. Satisfied he went to hunt his prey.

It took him approximately one hour to get to the nearest town at the base of Mount

Everest. After coming down he looked again at his map. Parallax looked at where he was.

The computer database told him that he was on the border of two countries India and China.

Parallax looked again at where his target was located. His target was located at Mount Pinatubo

which was in the country called the Philippines. It took Parallax two hours and thirty minutes to

reach his destination even with his rocket boots.

When he got to the Mount Pinatubo he looked around for some kind of clue that shows

that some kind of mandatory settlement had been made. “Look what we have here,” said


“Those leaves look ruffled and that part of the ground looks darker!” Parallax whispered

to himself incase the Titan Erevan was close. Parallax looked around for depressions in the

ground and broken twigs or branches. He found some volcanic ash that look disturbed and

uneven with the surrounding gray ash covered ground. He followed the footprints to the edge of

the crater. He peered down into the crater and saw steam.

“Thats odd, there are no signs of living creatures inside that crater.” Parallax told himself.

“Maybe he left the volcano?” asked Parallax.

“Or he drilled deeper into the volcano?” asked Parallax.

“I should search around the entire crater.” Parallax finally decided.

He went around the crater thinking to himself how stupid he was not to have searched

around the volcano first. He found a poorly filled hole that was probably dug recently because

the brown dirt and gray ash hadn’t fully become that compact yet. Parallax dug out the hole

with let into a tunnel. He took out a dim light and his laser pistol and walked quietly through the

tunnel that his supercomputer told him was a tunnel created by magma.

“Theres light over there!” Parallax whispered excitedly.

He went over to the light and found his target sleeping by a pool of magma. “I wonder, if

he would survive in a swim through magma.” Parallax asked himself and smiled sinisterly.

Parallax walked quietly over to the sleeping Titan and kicked him with as much force

he could towards the magma pool. The Titan Erevan woke right at the edge of the pool and

stopped himself just as he was about to fall to his death. “Who are?! How did you find me!?”

Erevan said with a hint of nervousness in his tone.

“Oh it was quite easy.” replied Parallax.

“My supercomputer took a while longer but it still found you” continued Parallax

“Say Goodbye to your life Mr. Titan.” Parallax told Erevan with a foreboding voice.

After that speech Parallax moved with amazing speed and punched Erevan off the edge

and straight into the pool of burning, bright magma.

“And oh my name is Parallax.” he told as Ereven who was screaming fell to his death.

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