The Power to Open Minds | Teen Ink

The Power to Open Minds

April 30, 2014
By carls_marie BRONZE, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
carls_marie BRONZE, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

From the window of the cell, she couldn’t help but wonder if there were others like her outside the facility. Sure, there were other strange creatures of intrigue a few cells down and they were able to congregate during recess, but she was the only one who could hear thoughts. She was the only one who knew that the humans never intended to let them go. She spoke softly when the humans were around and never shared her powers.
This unethical confinement began a year ago. The invasion of her kind was a horrible mistake in retrospect. They just wanted to learn and study what it was to be human. They desired to share what they were: a studious species. They craved knowledge. The humans did not react kindly. Instead, fueled by fear, they massacred and pillaged their species into near extinction.
She was all that was left of a species that far surpassed the animalistic humans, though she held onto the glimmer of hope that others could have survived. As the days passed on, that hope was slowly dimming.
She knew how to channel emotions into positive outlets. She despised the humans for taking away her family and all that she loved. She was denied her freedom like a lowly creature, bound by chains and concrete walls. But she did not act out her anger.
She would wait, and as she waited, she would plan. Constantly, she was watching for the weak link in their system of armor. She would escape. It was about time to avenge her lost race.

Her kind were the only organisms to have unlocked the power of opening minds. The humans did not know of her abilities. She read their minds and delved into their deepest thoughts. She mapped out their fears and desires. They could bind her body in this prison, but they could never shackle the power within her mind.

The time was drawing near; she could feel the excitement and anxiety welling up from the depths of her soul. In the countless hours of confinement, she carefully created a method of escape. Her skills had developed even more quickly than she ever believed was possible.

Her mind had become an extension of herself. The thoughts she developed passed through the seemingly empty air. She learned to command electron particles, invisible armies under her control. She was able to unlock doors and control the electrical system the humans foolishly put all their faith into.

But in order to create the necessary chaos for her undetectable escape, she kept up the silent and dumb façade at all times. She waited for a storm, a perfect chance to blame the flawed electrical system on the forces of nature.

As the winds and rain picked up, the guards screamed and beat them into their cells early in the evening. The tension was tangible; those detained in the facility were restless during heavy storms. The thunder crashed and lightning lit up the night. She knew in her heart this was her only chance- now or never. These storms didn’t roll in often.

As the rain and wind reached their peak, she set to work, her body tensed. The electricity in the air was tenfold, and she used this pathway to conduct her commands. All at once, the entire prison fell into darkness. Every door and gate she unlocked simultaneously. Screams of terror ensued as the other creatures turned on their captors. They finally had their chance at revenge for the pure hate and mistreatment they endured.

Her intelligence was evolved though and she knew that now was not the time for revenge. Her strength would not keep up long enough to fight them and keep the pathway of escape open. She opened the door of her cell quietly, making sure the coast was clear.

Having memorized the layout of the building from the minds of scientists and guards around her, she knew the quickest way out. Down the hall and through the laboratory where she endured countless agonizing experiments, she kept a steady pace.

Fresh blood was smeared on the walls around her, her stomach lurched but she moved on. The lobby was not an option for exit. Guards were most heavily concentrated in this area. Instead, she headed towards the cafeteria, where the food shipment dock was deserted.

Slipping out unnoticed, the warm summer rain beat down on her skin. She was so close; the prospect of being free propelled her legs to move even faster. She was surprised at what her body was capable of.

After being beaten down, starved, and denied proper nutrients and sustenance for so long, her muscles were weak. The adrenaline rushing through her veins allowed her to move as if she had not experienced such horrid conditions.

Screams and gunshots ensued behind her, but she kept going. They couldn’t stop her now. The humans denied her for so long; they would not hinder her escape. They were neither intelligent nor powerful enough to capture her again. No more would she sit through their torture.

The storm was slowing down now. The distance from the control center was causing difficulty for her full control over its light and lock systems. Any guards that were left were rounding up tenants back into cells, regaining the control momentarily lost. But some would be left empty after this night.
As she passed through the last gate, freedom within her reach, she stopped. Glancing back, she looked onto the facility that caused her so much pain and despair. Ready to rescue those left of her kind in this world full of hate, she sprinted into the night under the protection of absolute darkness. The number “FIFTY-ONE” would be branded into her mind forever.

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