In an Alternate Universe | Teen Ink

In an Alternate Universe

May 24, 2014
By BaileyDakota BRONZE, Philadelphia, New York
BaileyDakota BRONZE, Philadelphia, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my right hand I held my usual morning coffee, strong with a little half and half in my infamous 'Best Daughter' mug, and in my left hand, my 2 year old laptop. Setting my laptop and coffee down on to my desk I reached up over a lamp to pull open the shades. Yanking the string, the shades fly up and into a line at the top of the window sill. I peered out the glass window and breathed a sigh of relief, another beautiful morning. The beautiful lights that filled the sky were something that I lived for when it came to writing, they were an inspiration for me. Every color had a meaning and every meaning in the dictionary had a color. Red - Angry, Blue - Sad, Yellow - Happy, Green - Sick. Today I think I'm feeling very yellow, bright yellow, like the sun when it finally wakes up after the winter months. Ripping my eyes from the view of the outside, I opened up my laptop and started typing up my paper for school that I put off doing the night before. "An Essay on why you should write a paper before the day it's due!" I jokingly typed up for the title. Erasing it I wrote the real title, the sad, boring title, of what was about to be a sad - boring little story. "The History of the Moon"
As I took sips of my still scalding hot coffee I made sure to look up at the sky, knowing it'd keep me motivated to do my best work. The sky did something to me, something good, great even. The sky held power, an unknown power. Breaking my thoughts I continued writing my paper, quickly finishing the first paragraph. As I went to start the second paragraph the door bell rung. That was odd, who would be ringing the door bell at 6 am? Suddenly the door bell rang frantically over and over. Nervous about answering the door I peeked through a side window to see who was in such a hurry. A teenage girl, with wavy brown hair that looked to be pulled up into a high pony-tail who was dressed in pajamas, and carrying a small bag. I ran over to the door, and hoped she wasn't crazy. I pulled the door open and saw that she had crazy eyes.. okay, maybe she was here to hurt me. "Hello?" I questioned with a smile, hoping it would relax her a bit. Her smile grew wide and she pulled me in to a tight hug, "You're okay. I made it in time." She mumbled into my chest, the air being squeezed out of me every second that she held tighter. "Let. Go." I spoke and with that, she released me. I took a few step backs and examined her. She looked like she had been up for 3 nights, and forgot to eat, shower, or even put on shoes. "What do you mean I'm okay?" I asked her as I thought about what she had said. "Oh. That's a long story, literally." She giggled for a moment, and then her face went straight again. "I just want you to know you're my favorite, and I know how it ends, and I'm here to change it." She told me, nodding her head as she spoke. "Favorite?" I inquired, still confused on what in the world she was talking about. Maybe she's hit her head and is lost, and doesn't know what she's talking about. I guess it could happen. Tilting her head to the side she gave me a puzzled look. "You're my favorite book character." She finally answered. I laughed for a moment, but she didn't laugh with me, "Wait - you're serious?" I asked her. "Yes. I know how the book ends and I decided I want to change it, and I'm going to." She re-iterated. "I'm sorry," I started, ruffling my hand through my hair, "I don't think someone's writing a book about me, and even if someone was, talking to me won't help how they end it." I tried to explain to her, but she continued on with the dazed look. "I don't think you get it." She said, "You are a book character. This world you live in, is a book. Written up by someone, and is completely made up. I didn't like how it ended so I decided to come back and help you." Not knowing how to respond, I stepped outside with her, closing the door behind me, and lead her over to the porch chairs with me. Neither of us said anything for a few minutes, and I started to think maybe she was realizing she was talking nonsense. "Listen, I'm from an alternate universe. You're here on Earth. Just trust me, follow me, and everything will be fine." She said, grabbing for my hand, but I pulled away. "I can call someone for you, someone to pick you up." I said bluntly. She sighed and reached into the bag she was carrying and pulled out a book, "Look." She pointed to the cover, it was a drawing of a grassy field that looked identical to my backyard. "Is this some kind of joke?" I asked as she slowly flipped through pages, reading me out exact details of my life. "No. You are a book character, everything you are doing has been written.." She explained slowly, trying to convince me, "Remember when you were 12? When you got your first dog Max? Yeah, an author wrote that up. You're living in a fantasy world, well technically a dystopian." She said. I grabbed the book from her hand and opened it up to random pages and read through them. Everything was exactly how I had lived it. When I finally set the book down the girl reached for my hand again, "Do you trust me?" She asked softly, her eyes calmer than they had been before. I nodded and put my hand in hers. "Let's go save you than."

The author's comments:
It was a crazy idea that kind of came out of nowhere for me at 2 am, so I wrote it.

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