The Teleprter | Teen Ink

The Teleprter

May 5, 2014
By Anonymous

When it happened I was 11, playing outside my house. I used to live in a small suberban neighbourhood just outside Las Angeles, California and I would play outside all the time. Anyways, as I was playing I stubbled on some sort of ball. It wasn't an average ball though, this ball was a light green and had somekind of sticky wet substance on the outside. When I picked it up off the ground something leaped out of the ball, latching it's self onto my arm. It started to dig into my arm tearing the flesh from my body. It only took a few seconds to get in but when it did, oh boy did it hurt. I let out a scream hoping someone would hear me and that's when I fell to the ground, cracking my skull on the concreate and blacking out.
I jolted awake in a feild somehwere. It was dark, so dark that I could barely see my hand right infront of my face. My heart was racing an my head was thrawbing. A tear dripped from my eye as started to cry. I let out a scream and thats when i felt a tingling sensation in my body. some thing in me was happening. And thats when I teleported for the first time back to my room. I hear my mom let out a scream, then foot steps on the stairs rushing up them.
"Oh my goodness! Brandon, where were you? We were worried sick! Me and your father heard you scream, but when we got out there you weren't there... where you abducted sweetie?"
"No mom, you'll never beleive this, but I teleported! I really did!" Eveyone in the room just looked at me like I was crazy, but I knew what happened to me.
"You must have bumped your head, dear." My mother replied obviously thinking it was my imagination like the rest of them.
"Yeah I did, outside," 'Lier.' said a voice in my head. "Then I ran in here looking for you. But then I fell asleep in my closet." 'So many lies.' Said the same voice.
"Just as long as your okay, sweetie." My mom kissed my cheek and left the room with my dad and uncle.
"Who's there?" I asked the voice trying not to sound scared. 'Oh me? Just the reason you can teleprt.'
"But who or what are you?" 'My name's Ox. Im a Waid, a species that lives here on earth among all of you sacks of skin and bones.'
"So what are you doing in my head?" 'The only way we can survive is on a host, such as yourself. We can make your species do all kinds of things that are considered superhuman. Thats why most people don't mind us. You know superman?'
"Of course I do!" I shout. 'Well he's a real. And he has a Waid in his head.'I was hesatant at first but after that statment I figured this may not be too bad of a deal.
Now it's been almost 24 years since Ox has made his home in my head and each day we are learning more abilities. I have learned how to teleport to places by memory and even see through thin walls and people. Each day I fell myself getting stronger, faster and smarter. I feel like no one could stop me and Ox when we are together, and no one will.

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