The Battle | Teen Ink

The Battle

March 17, 2014
By Briahna SILVER, Lancaster, Ohio
Briahna SILVER, Lancaster, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Mind over matter

On the planet of Gortmog, in the Cohete home, the TV, show The Gortmogian Girls is interrupted by this breaking news forecast, “Mares, Mares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Humans are taking over the world”
(The TV goes black)
5 seconds later
(The TV flashed on the face of a bald earthling)

Commander Clay’Shuan Lunakins former president of Mongolica states, “I warn you, if you try and rebel, my army and I will take down this planet and all of you will be disposed of.”
(Back in the Cohete home)

Little Orbita screams. Mr. Cohete exclaims, “We are not North Korea and we won’t be taken over by a bald Mongolican!!!!”

The eldest son, Tranquilizador agrees with his father and won’t go down without a fight. Rancico his mother however doesn’t think her husband and son can take on the crazy and fierce mongolican. Rancico therefore takes Orbita and her other son Sirius away for their own safety. With that Mr. Cohete and Tranquillizador head to the attic to formulate their battle plans. When they reach the attic they realize they are missing something, they forgot to call and inform Commander Lunakins of their battle. They remember his hotline number from the bottom left corner of the screen, and tranquillizador calls this number, 1-800-man-with-van (626-9484-826). When they reach Commander Lunakins he agrees to the battle. There was a catch though as there is almost always, Clay ‘Shaun being the coward that he is will fight tranquilizador, and only tranquilizador. Mr. Cohete though hesitant agrees to let his son duke it out with Lunakins. Tranquilizador and Clay’shaun meet later that night to agree on a time and place for the battle. The time was set for the next Saturday at 7 a.m. the place was Martians Park. There was one problem though; they hadn’t exactly said what kind of battle they were going to have. So through the next whole week both warriors trained for every possible way they could think of.

Clay’shaun trained in these arts, origami, napkin folding, knitting, crocheting, embroidering, and the game sticks. Tranquilizador trained in these arts, Tae Kwan doe, kick boxing, weightlifting, drag racing, and sticks as well.

The Thursday before the battle, Clay ‘Shaun and Tranquillizador had a surprise encounter, in the supermarket, Faye’s Cavalcade. They exchange dirty looks and walk away to their families. They two warrior see neither hide nor hair of each other until Saturday.

It was Saturday the day of the battle and Tranquillizador was ready for anything; fore he had stolen a fragmentation device from the human inventor, Cotton.

Clay ‘Shaun suddenly appears out of nowhere on a grand black stallion named Jesse. As he dismounted Jesse Tranquillizador was not ready for what was coming for him. Clay ‘Shaun whirls around, stunning his opponent, and with that he began the longest game of sticks ever played on Earth, or Gortmog. The game went from seven in the morning, until nine at night, only because Lunakins had to return home to his lair when his mothered called and threatened to take away his favorite horse named, Frankepants and she also threatened to show up at the field and give him a spanking right then and there if he was home AND in bed in ten minutes. While Clay ‘Shaun was on the phone with his mommy Tranquillizador saw his golden opportunity, he grabbed the fragmentation device and threw it at Clay ‘Shaun’s feet blowing him into pieces, had the wind not been blowing that blew him away the other Earthling’s could have pieced him back together. But, because of this wind the Earthling’s returned to their home planet without a leader. When they left they vowed to never return to the planet Gortmog EVER, EVER, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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