The Grandfather | Teen Ink

The Grandfather

March 17, 2014
By Nisa18 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
Nisa18 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

We were driving to the park around 6:30pm, just mommy, daddy, Emma and me. Laughing, having a good time when all of a sudden I was hanging upside down, the car on its top. Emma was screaming beside me, mommy and daddy not moving. That’s it. That’s all I remember about the crash that forced us to live with a stranger. The next thing I knew I was at the hospital. After being examined the doctors said we could giving us looks of utter amazement. How were we still alive?

Soon a taxi came to get us. “What’s going on Emma?” I asked, hoping for an explanation, a clue as to what could come next. “We’re going to grandfather’s house.” Emma said climbing into the taxi after me. Who? What? Who? Was all I could think having never heard that term before. Not long afterwards I began to get board. “Are we there yet?” I asked Emma wanting this journey to be over and the mystery solved. “No” Emma said turning to look out her window. Sighing I put my head in Emma’s lap. Soon I was asleep, Emma softly stroking my short blond hair just like her’s.

I woke to Emma saying get up, we’re here. Emma was looking down at me with her wide green eyes, her long blond hair falling around her face. Looking out the window I see a huge white house. A play ground sat out front. Happy it was night time (the only time our parents let us go outside) I eagerly opened the door to go play. Just then the door to the house opened to reveal a man of about thirty with jet black hair and green eyes just like mom’s had been. The man walked towards us as we climbed out of the taxi. The taxi driver handed us our bags and drove quickly away.

The man had a cross look on his face. “Hello” Emma said. “My name is Emma and this is my little brother Josh.” “How old are you?” the man asked. “I’m five and josh is three.” The man sighed and, said follow me. Emma took my hand and together we followed the man inside. It was dark. The windows covered with heavy black drapes. I could barely see a man standing by the stair case. The man who answered the door said “show them to their rooms.” before marching off down the hall. The man took our bags and walked up the stairs. I would have tripped in the darkness, had I not of had good eye sight.

The man led us to a door. “Here we are.” The man said. “This will be the little ladies room.” He said pushing the door open. “My name is Martin.” “I am your grandfather’s butler, have been for years.” “If you….children need anything just call” “Josh your room is across the hall.” He said before walking briskly down the hall to the stairs. I turn to Emma only to realize she is no longer in the hallway but in the bedroom Martin said was her’s. Walking into Emma’s room I see the clock on the wall says it’s four in the morning. Wow mommy and daddy would be upset if they could see me now I thought as I walked around Emma’s huge room.

In the center of the room, pushed up against the wall is Emma’s huge bed with a nightstand next to it. On the adjacent wall is a big cherry oak dresser and a closet. On the wall opposite of her bed is a flat screen TV mounted on the wall. Emma is on her bed fast asleep. To scared to sleep in my new bedroom alone I crawl into Emma’s bed and soon find myself asleep as well.

When I wake up in the morning Emma is up fully dressed folding and putting her clothes away in the closet and dresser. Still groggy with sleep I get up and walk over to her sitting on the floor beside her. “Good morning Josh.” Emma say’s finishing with her clothes. “I’m hungry Emma” I say just as a knock on the door sounds. Walking to the door Emma opens it to find Martin on the other side. “Good morning ……..children” Martin says. “Breakfast is downstairs for you and your grandfather is waiting for you to join him.” My stomach growled at the mention of food.

Eagerly Emma and I raced after Martin to the dining room. I stopped in awe at all the food so neatly displayed on the table. French toast, eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, hash browns, milk and juice all lay out like a buffet. Martin pulled out two chairs for Emma and I to sit down at the table. Grandfather sat at the end of the table eating some kind of undercooked steak mom used to eat and dad thought was gross. Of course Emma and I ate undercooked steak as well while dad just gave us looks of disgust. I don’t know why we liked, we just did.

Once seated at the table martin started piling our plates high with food from all over the table. Hungry I ate my fill only to be served raw steak at the end, which I happily devoured. Once breakfast was over I asked grandfather if I could go play outside once it was dark out to my surprise he said yes. Happy with his answer I went to my room and put my clothes away wanting to be like Emma. When I was finished I asked Emma if we could go exploring. “Yes, lets.” Emma said. Emma and I began exploring the house until to our utter amazement we found a play room filled with toys of all kind. I don’t know how long we played in there until Martin came to tell us lunch was ready. Once again seated at the table about to eat when grandfather said” children I have something to tell you.” “I eat raw steak and stay inside in the day time because I am a vampire.” “Now what does that make you?”

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