The Short Tale of the Faithful Demon | Teen Ink

The Short Tale of the Faithful Demon

February 6, 2014
By karkatsbabe BRONZE, Nowata, Oklahoma
karkatsbabe BRONZE, Nowata, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Short Tale of the Faithful Demon

Red eyes glowed in the dim light of the unblessed graveyard. The eyes could see a man, a simple man who had a filthy soul, scouring the graveyard for things of value.
The owner of the eyes was disgusted and hungry at the sight the human dressed as a wealthy merchant with a filthy soul. The hound at the side of evil-turned-good entity started drooling from the smell of the human male.
"In a moment, Ecquia. He will cross our line of fire soon, then we can split his soul down the middle after some torture to really flavor it." The red-eyed female said to the hell-hound beside her. Ecquia started growling and wagging her tail in a ravenous way.
"Embier, I want that soul now, can I attack early? He's done so many things wrong and hasn't paid for his crimes with even guilt, he smells so tantalizing!" Ecquia said to Embier, the hell-hound could hardly wait to taste that soul. The smell was driving her crazy, if she didn't get that soul then she would take a pure one and revert to her original mind-set of a mindless beast.
"Right . . . now!" Yelled Embier, pointing as she did. Ecquia bounded over to the human, he screamed when she suddenly appeared to his sullied eyes.
"GET THIS BEAST AWAY FROM ME!" Yelled the man as he was pinned beneath the front right paw of Ecquia. She started to slowly rake the claws on her other paw down the front of the human, indulging in his screams for mercy and the help of God.
"Fool, who do you think sent us here? The almighty has denounced you for not paying patron to Him, He has washed His hands of you and your wicked ways. I am tragically required to state all that you have done wrong before claiming your pitiful soul." Embier put on a pair of black, half-rimmed glasses. She looked at his head left off at his feet. "You have swindled dozens of people out of there hard-earned wages, robbed those far less fortunate than you, killed without remorse, but by far your worst crime is that you molest and rape children when there are plenty of whores in the town brothel and on the streets."
Embier made the glasses disappear in a burst of flame. This man was one of the most despicable humans she had ever seen, and she had been to every battle that the humans have ever had. Truthfully, humans should be grateful that she had sided with God instead of Lucifer.
"My God would never do such a thing! He is a just and mighty God!" The human yelled when Ecquia stopped clawing him.
"You say that as though you are a devote man, but I know that you are a blasphemous man. God has tried to steer you in His direction your entire life! You happen to be the fool that did not heed His suggestions, His words, and His other children. God is an ever patient being, but He has lost all remorse for you. Your kind is the reason He sent the flood that obliterated all but the good in this world!" Embier was practically foaming at the mouth from how idiotic this human was, he believed that if he gave a patron to God only when it suited him that God would save his pathetic ass. Embier could not believe the blasphemy coming from this man! He was almost saying that God would belittle a living being taking more care for a dead one!
"I am a demon that has turned it's back on Lucifer to serve God and do as He wishes to His most unfaithful of "followers", I am a demon of wrath that will tear all who oppose my Lord to pieces!" Embier held back no more! She lunged at the
human male and started to make him believe every word she had said.

Roughly one thousand five hundred sixty-four years later

"Embier, a new assignment has come for you." A secretary told Embier. It was a boring job that she was forced to do in human form, and it disgusted her to guard black-hearted humans as if they were the purest of beings.
"Thank you for letting me know, Fillis." It had taken Embier a moment to remember the name of the random girl, but it made the pure woman's heart swell that anyone bothered to remember her in this crowded work place. Embier could see her soul flare with happiness at being remembered, and that in turn made her grateful that she could make this woman happy. It was a small part of her duty to keep clean souls around her pure, and she enjoyed it.
"You're welcome, Embier. Give little Ecquia a hello from me." Fillis said with a smile before walking away. How that human could remember the hand-full of times that Embier had said Ecquia's name and that she was a canine was beyond Embier's grasp of perception. Perhaps she just had a knack for remembering things in passing?
"Off to watch another sludge-ball." The demoness murmured to herself. Truly, the humans that she was forced to watch over were too depraved for her to stomach even a bite of their soul. It was few and far between that she found one that was actually trying to better the world, and not for their benefit, but for their children and wives. These men were as rare as a demon born turning its' back on Lucifer to serve God, this she could attest to; as she knew how many had existed since the first demon had been born.
She looked at her assigned person, a man by the name of Cameron U. Tod. His last name was Tod? Hmm, perhaps he carries a great deal of death with him. Or an ancestor of his at the very least.
Embier did not look at the picture any longer than necessary, she would only need to look at his soul to see how impure he was. Almost all of them were the same, all doing things for themselves, trying to make her their mistress since she was a female bodyguard. She could never wait to rip out their souls.
"I see you haven't changed in your scrutiny of humans and their ways. You sound almost like a divine being with those thoughts." An angelic being said from behind her. Embier spun around to see her cherub teacher, Lillium, whom she hadn't seen in almost a thousand years.
"Lillium!" Embier embraced her in a sisterly way, she had missed her teacher. Lillium returned the embrace, for she had also missed her student, before breaking apart. "What are you doing here? Not that I don't appreciate my mentor coming to visit me."
"I heard that you were assigned to guard any that needed it. But I didn't think that our Lord would put you here, guarding those that with tarnished souls . . . whom you despise so." Embier sighed.
"I know. I've had this assignment for almost two centuries now, it hurts me to ensure the safety of these black souls. But, I know that He has a purpose to what He does, like always." Embier truly believed it, always He had a reason to give her these things, for they were always true.
"You are the only demon born that has not turned its' back on God after leaving the service of Lucifer. I am proud to have been your instructor, even for a brief amount of time." Lillium pulled a medallion from around her neck, a sign that she was a true cherub. "I want you to have this, as a sign of being my best student. Only one other has received this kind of boon from me, and they were nowhere near as faithful as you are."
Embier was speechless as Lillium placed it around her neck. Was this a dream? Only the kindest of cherubs were given these, and she was blithely giving it to a demon of wrath. Embier was having trouble seeing from the tears in her eyes from all the happiness she felt in her twisted heart.
"I, I thank you for this, Lillium." Embier wiped away tears that escaped from her eyes before hugging her mentor again.

The happiest day of the demons life, and the last, was the day she received that medallion. It is unknown how she died, but she suddenly fell down with hallucinations. Lillium, who was still with her at the time, was so sad and confused by these events. Giving her that boon had meant to turn her into a divine being, not make her stop existing all together.
Lillium was there when Embier faded from existance. She took care of Ecquia until one day she too faded away.

The author's comments:
I enjoy writing. It is my hope that others will enjoy my stories.

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