Diary of a Super Cool Monster (Me) | Teen Ink

Diary of a Super Cool Monster (Me)

December 2, 2013
By Anonymous

Dear Diary,

Boy, do I have lots to tell! From the hollow feeling in my stomach, it was easy to see that food supply was a bit scarce lately, so I headed off to look for a better place to find food. That was when I stumbled upon this place by the name of Herot. This place was completely loaded with people, and these people were huge bulky warriors with plenty to them. These disgusting Danes’ singing about and praising God was like sharp stinging my ears and infuriated me to the point of actual heat radiating from my face. At this point, it was official; they were done for. I waited impatiently for the night to come, and when silence struck, I knew that was my queue. Once inside, all that was audible were the snores of a few appealing appetizers and the sleepy murmurs of the enticing main course. I crept across the cool, stone floor that, combined with the excitement and adrenaline, sent chills up my spine. I took a deep breath in order to savor the mouthwatering scent before I attacked and chaos broke out. When my teeth sunk into that first warrior, the warm, mortal blood seeping from the victim widened my eyes and satiated what I had craved for so long. By the end of that night, the satisfying weight of 30 men had replaced the empty feeling in my stomach. Well, this buffet that I had and another similar to this one sent the town into a frenzy. The king was actually looking for someone to kill me, and that when Beowulf came into the picture. The egotistic pretty-boy actually thought that he could kill me. So, he came in all “heroic” and started fighting me. In the beginning of the battle, my stomach dropped at the realization that for once, my meal was actually putting up a fight. My heart raced, and I was nervously sweating. I realized that my nerves were built up with good reason when I felt the excruciating pain of the tendons in my arm snapping and ripping until my entire arm was off. I had actually been defeated, but not as defeated as the naïve champion thought I was. He made the mistake of just assuming I died after this battle, but here I am, writing this diary entry and waiting to see how he will handle what is coming his way next.

The author's comments:
This article is written from the point of view of the monster, Grendel, in Beowulf.

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