A Trip to the Otherside | Teen Ink

A Trip to the Otherside

December 18, 2013
By Anonymous

My name is Conner S., I don’t know how much longer I have before they find me but before I go anywhere I need to get this experience down in writing. For anyone who reads this, it is important that you come to terms with the fact that there IS an afterlife. With the way things are going in our world right now, the countless horrible atrocities, it might not seem believable but in the last couple hours, I have been enlightened with the truth and this certain truth needs to be known to the world, especially those who are afraid of death. Death should not be feared, the ride still goes on.
For background information, the year is 2032 and the United States of America as we used to know it will never be the same. When we were younger, everything seemed so safe and perfect but now we are all coming to the realization that our freedom was an illusion. The pure evil and greedy entity that possesses every U.S. politician has finally snapped. This possession has been present, but secretly hidden ever since the Federal Reserve was put into place in 1913. But now the U.S. government has turned on it’s people, and we are still lost and confused about the motives behind what is happening and why they are doing this to us. A month ago, the stock market crashed worse than ever before, which caused pure chaos in the American people. Riots after riots, no one even knows what the meaning of peace is anymore and now all over the U.S people are being killed or thrown in detention camps by U.S. soldiers and the strong police state. They want us all to remain calm in a situation like this but how can you when the banks lost all your money and left you and your family with nothing. This is Holocaust round two, this time we are the victims. Rebellion is now the worst crime you can commit in this country and that is what got me to where I am now. I don’t know how long this paper will even be around, it will most likely be destroyed but if this does make it to the future, this is a message to future readers. I don’t know what the world will be like when I’m gone but always remember, YOU are stronger than the government. “People shouldn’t be afraid of their government, governments should be afraid of their people.”
Deep down inside of me, I have always had a rebellious attitude towards authority, that side of me didn’t come out as much because I knew how to control it. But now, in the state of our country, resistance is what we need. Guns and weapons weren’t a problem. Ironically, when the U.S outlawed guns, illegal trading of weaponry increased dramatically so I was ready for an apocalypse by the end of the day. All we had left to do now was wait. The U.S army was sweeping through every state, breaking up families and throwing people in detention camps located all over the country. It was only a matter of time before the plague reached Ohio and I wasn’t going down without a fight.
Armed with assault rifles and homemade explosives, I teamed up with twenty one other people who I will not name for protection reasons. We staked out the entire small town of Loveland, Ohio. We knew we weren’t going to win, the chances were very slim. We just needed a way to give our families more time to escape and leave town. The battle happened so fast, most of it was a blur. I was staked out at the top of Paxton’s Grill, waiting on my orders to fire. As the army came through the street, I followed orders and began firing and lobbing Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs at the soldiers below. I managed to hit six soldiers and blow up an army truck before everything stopped. In the heat of the moment, between firing at soldiers, I let my guard down on my left side and was shot multiple times in the shoulder and rib cage. Oddly, I didn’t feel anything, the chaos around me slowed down tremendously and I collapsed to the floor.
The next thing I knew, I wasn’t even in reality anymore. There was no battle scene, bloodshed or people screaming. All of it disappeared. I felt as if I wasn’t even a person anymore, I was just a traveling ball of light and energy, going through a purple and blue psychedelic tunnel, towards an immense bright light. The odd thing about the light was it did not hurt to look at it and in all honesty, I did not want to stop looking at it, there was something very intriguing about this light and I still don’t understand why. The beauty of this light was worth more than those purple and orange sunsets you look at while on a beach or in a field. As I got closer and closer to the light, it began to fade out into a picture that I could not make out all the way. When I got closer I was shocked to realize it was an image of myself being born in the hospital. The memory was from a third person perspective, almost like I was watching a video of it, but it still felt very real. The interesting bright light was bordering the box that the memory was taking place in and my being was paused in the psychedelic tunnel I was traveling through. I witnessed my mother, father and grandparents all taking turns holding me in the hospital room. The memory soon began to fade away, as well as the bright light and I began traveling through the tunnel once more. I then arrived at a second memory, this time it was a memory of myself on a playground in preschool. I was at a starting line about to race three kids who were in my class. The race began and I took off running through the playground. I was not in the lead but I was determined to win, up until the moment when I tripped and almost hit my head on the fence. Mark, one of the other kids in the race, stopped and asked me if I was alright. After that moment, the memory faded out again and I was sent through the tunnel once more. The strangest things about watching these memories, although I was watching them in third person, I felt the emotions I felt when the memory took place. Even the memory of my birth, a forbidden memory that no human ever remembers, I still felt an overwhelming sense of love for my family when they were holding me which I imagine is what my infant self was feeling at that moment.
Now as I was slowly traveling through the tunnel, the purple and blue tunnel was now a tunnel of memories that I had experienced in my life. Looking to my left I could see a memory of myself getting excited when my father called me and told me my Spider-Man computer game I ordered from a Frosted Flakes cereal box had arrived in the mail while I was at my grandma’s. Looking to my right, I could see a memory of myself swinging on a playground with a girl I had a crush on in second grade. Memory after memory was flying by and every memory I saw, I experienced every emotion associated with it. It was utterly amazing. I felt the nervous/happy feeling when I saw the memory of me and my girlfriend’s first kiss in my garage as she was leaving my house at night. I felt the sad and lonely feeling when I saw the memory of my grandpa’s funeral, which was followed by happy memories of catching fish with him and falling in the pond while he laughed. Although I physically didn’t have the ability to talk, metaphorically, I was speechless at what I was seeing during this experience. In the amazement of all the memories I witnessed, the tunnel began to widen, and the light reappeared and got brighter. I now was standing in a bright and colorful realm with a bright figure standing in front of me. I wanted to explore this realm that seemed to go on for eternity in all directions. In the midst of my amazement and wonder the figure who had been standing with me the whole time, said to me, in a deep godlike voice: “Life is just a ride. Love yourself and those around you, and it will go on forever.” The split second after he finished his sentence, I was sent through hyperspace, zipping past stars and galaxies right back to my body on Earth. I woke up to members of my resistance team performing CPR on me under the bridge that goes over the LIttle Miami. My shoulder was now bandaged along with my rib cage and they were all in a rush to escape so I did not get to inform them of my experience. The whole team was splitting up, that was the plan. and I was to walk down the old remains of the Loveland Bike Trail, seek refugee from other resistances, avoid getting caught and contact them as soon as I was safe. At the moment, I am camped out alone in the woods for the night. Most people would be afraid in this situation because I have no knowledge if I will wake up in a detention center or not but after the experience I had, I have no fear at all. This is just a ride and I am ready for whatever this ride brings me.

The author's comments:
This is a paper I wrote for a research project in English class and this is also my first post and I figured this would be a good one. I have always been interested in the concept of death, the mystery of the afterlife and near death experiences. I encourage people to read some of the stories out there online of people who have actually experienced some of the things in my story. It is VERY interesting stuff.

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