Future Adventure | Teen Ink

Future Adventure

December 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Future Adventure

Erik walked out of the ginormous shuttle he had spent so many days working on. He was now the first man to step on a planet in another galaxy. He will forever be in human history like Neil Armstrong and Benjamin Franklin. Trey and Harrison followed him in awe of this mysterious planet.
“This is amazing,” exclaimed Harrison. They had only heard about what it looks like and a few things that they might see, but being there and seeing the planet with their own eyes was something else. After a couple of minutes taking in the new scene, they gathered to discuss how they were going to do this mission. Their superiors had given them a basic description of what was wanted them. Humans knew so little about this planet that the superiors were going to have to let the explorers make the decisions based on what they saw. The three men decided to proceed into the wilderness together with their weapons. All three men were given a stun gun if it was felt they could control an attacker. If they didn’t feel they could fend them off, they were given heat rays that would disintegrate the assailant.
“All right guys, let’s do this,” stated Erik. The group of three entered into what appeared to them as a lush rainforest. The only difference was, everything was colored weird. Leaves and grass that would normally be green back on earth were blue and the bark on the trees appeared to be scarlet red. The place had a very peculiar musk, unlike anything they had ever smelled before. At first, it was almost nauseating to the crew.
They could sense and hear the wildlife around them but were not able to see any of the animals. They walked down a narrow pathway beaten down by creatures before them. Erik was very cautious with every step he took, keeping his eyes constantly moving, looking for potential danger. They navigated their way into the forest, making landmarks as they went for when they had to go back to the shuttle. After about a half an hour of walking, they came to a clearing. They had yet to see any actual living organisms on this majestic planet. They decided to stop there and take a rest so they could record what they had seen so far. They suddenly stopped what they were doing; there was something or someone approaching their position. They raised their weapons and waited for whatever was coming. They stood there waiting, but nothing happened. They figured whatever had been there was now gone.
Just as they lowered their weapons, Trey collapsed to the ground. Erik and Harrison rushed over to him. Harrison checked his pulse, only to find that he was dead. Harrison didn’t know how to react. Did he get murdered or was his body not able to handle this atmosphere? Erik and Harrison soon realized that whatever killed Trey, there was a good chance that they could soon suffer the same fate. Erik decided it was best to just leave him behind and get back to the shuttle before they ended up like him. As they were grabbing their gear, Erik looked over to Harrison just as he fell limp to the ground. Just as before, there were no signs of anything having attacked them. Erik assumed that their human bodies could not handle whatever it was that was killing them.
Erik gazed upon the two men he had spent years of his life with and left. He only took his weapons and his recordings back with him so he could get back to the shuttle before he died too. He used the markers his friends had put up before to navigate his way back.
Every time Erik heard something he pulled up his weapon. With each time, he became more and more paranoid. He began rushing his steps and became less cautious of where he was stepping. He then tripped as he stepped into a hole. He fell onto the ground grimacing in pain as he grabbed at his shin. He had completely broken it and the bone shards sliced his Achilles tendon. Knowing he needed to get out of there fast, Erik built a splint to stabilize the leg. He pushed through the pain and could now finally see the opening near their ship. His eyes lit up with hope and happiness as soon as he saw it. He hobbled out into the opening and proceeded to it.
Erik headed up to main cabin of the ship and began the putting in the coordinates for the trip home. The ship ascended from the ground and a sense of relief came over Erik. He then was stunned as he looked out the window. He saw at least 20 human-like creatures standing at the edge of the forest, with what appeared to be some sort of rifle.
“Oh my,” whispered Erik. The ship boosted into high gear and left the planet at an astonishing speed.

Erik got back to earth safely, but was very ill by the time he got back. He had gotten an infection in his leg when it broke. There weren’t any doctors able to treat him until he got back to earth. He died after about two days back on earth. He had limited information as to what he had seen on the planet. Humans would not try to go back to the planet for another 200 years.

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