Zombies | Teen Ink


October 11, 2013
By Roper Chandler BRONZE, Paxton, NE, Nebraska
Roper Chandler BRONZE, Paxton, NE, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

RING, goes the bell at the University of Nebraska. I am a student at UNL and I play football there. I am the starting guard on defense for the Huskers. My family owns a big ranch in Western Nebraska. I have an apartment in Lincoln and I am studying Ag so I can go back and run my family ranch.

I am sitting at my apartment watching the news and all of a sudden an alarm went off as an alert that zombies had broke out across the U.S. They are on the East Coast moving really fast. I searched the Internet to find out more on this subject. They said it would be on the West Coast in a week. So I called my family and told them to grab all the friends, family members and gather at the ranch. Then I did more research it is a terrible out break from a lab on the Coast. Zombie had escaped. I then started packing because whatever the University says, I was getting out. Everyone had the same idea I did. They started moving out and going to their hometown so the University decided to shut down till this is over. So I went home to my ranch.

By the time I got home all my family and friends were there. We started to make a plan for everyone to bring their animals and everything to our house. So all in one day we got 3000 more cows to my house. When we had that done, we started to make stations and towers for people to stay and to kill zombies. We have about 50 people around the house and then there are 10 people at the house. So if we need help they can come help. Most of them are just women and children.

“The zombies should be here in about a day but, to be safe we will stay out all night,” I said.
“Don is right, they may show up earlier then we thought,” Bo said.
“ So everyone grab a spotlight, guns and ammo for the weapon you have. If you run out of shells, zombies get behind you, or you need more help. Everyone has two radios in your vehicles take both of them. Drew you get in the plane. Everyone else go to your stations and be careful,” I said.
“Is everyone in there spots?” I said.
They responded, ”Yes.”
“Be alert,” I said.
We sat there all night no action then finely at 12 o’clock the next afternoon we saw our first zombie. He was small, very bloody and slow. Then they started coming hard enough for us to barely keep our guns loaded. We shot many zombies. Then, they were so thick that we could barely see the ground.

We could barely keep them from coming up the ladder. Then one got lucky and got up the ladder. I was three feet away from me, I shot him in the face and shot him off the tower. There was then a zombie with a axe and he threw it at me and was two inches away from me. Then I shot him. We then had to fight them on the ground, and that’s where we ran into trouble. There was so many zombies that they would get so close I would have to shoot them two inches away and blow blood all over.
We fought them for two days then, people started to run out of ammo. So, 20 of the 50 of us decided to make a fast run to Ogallala. So, 20 of us geared up and headed to Ogallala. We had four vehicles with all if them with guns on top. In Ogallala we stopped to get out to get ammo but there was zombies in our way so we fought for two hours and finally killed them all.

But it was not easy they were coming from every direction, and they would not stop. So we decides to take one on the vehicles put a ladder in two back windows and drive through zombies. So I took control of the pickup and one person on top shooting we killed probably three hundred zombies and finally they were all dead. Two people were killed in that battle. We went in to the store and grabbed as much ammo as we could find. Then we went to two other stores and did the same thing. When we were leaving there was more zombies and we still had the ladder in so we made a path for everyone behind us.

As soon we got home we had a meeting at the house. Everyone came in and we had a long talk and gave everyone bullets. All of us decided that my cousin would fly us to Sidney to get more ammo. We also decided to leave in the morning.

The next morning we left at six and headed to Sidney. There were not that many zombies at Cabela’s. Which we were surprised and we went in and grabbed as much ammo as we could fit in two carts. Then we headed home.

By the time we got home everyone was done watching for zombies. Then scientist sent out alert that everyone is safe from zombies. So everyone decided to head home and go back to his or her normal lives. I never headed back to college. I stayed at my ranch. We never had another problem with zombies. So we lived happy ever after.

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