The Big Bad Wolf Who Is Actually Nice | Teen Ink

The Big Bad Wolf Who Is Actually Nice

July 15, 2013
By mymindistrash BRONZE, Auburn, New York
mymindistrash BRONZE, Auburn, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time I was accused of breaking and entering the pigs’ homes. But the cops never took my side of the story. I can’t help it when I’m sick. When you got to sneeze, you got to sneeze. Plus why were their houses made of flowers and straw and bricks with bombs in it? It was an accident waiting to happen! Anyways, I was walking around the farm to find a medicine store. Winter had just past so I still had my cold. All the stores I went to were closed though. It seemed like every medicine store owner was either sick or on vacation. They’re never there when you need them the most.

Anyways, I came across this house made of straw. There was a pig outside, playing in the dirt. It looked as if he was getting ready for spring, planting his garden and stuff. As I walked up to him, he ran away screaming. I knocked on his door after he shut it and locked it. I tried asking him if he could open the door for a quick second because I had a question for him but he said no. As I turned away, I felt a sneeze coming on. I froze, closed my eyes and let out my sneeze. My sneeze was so strong it blew the pig’s house down. The pig ran away from me as I tried to apologize. Guess me being a wolf and all is pretty scary.

So I continued to walk. There was another little pig outside when I came up to another house down the path from the first house. But this one had been fixing up his house. I mean, a house made of furze needs to be tended on a daily basis. The furze smelled lovely, by the way. So I went up to the little pig. Like the one before, this little pig got scared and ran inside. I knocked on the door, asking to be let in. I really needed the medicine now, I couldn’t stop sneezing. But instead of one pig saying no there were two. The other one sounded like the pig I had scared early when I was trying to ask him for some cold medicine. The wind started to pick up, which blew a couple furzes to my snout. I could feel another sneeze coming on. But before I could turn away, I sneezed so hard the little house made of furze blew away. Two little pigs ran away, screaming for help. I tried apologizing, again, but they were way too fast for me. Someone with a cold really shouldn’t be running anyways, right?

So I, again, continued to walk. It was darker out now which meant it was going to get chilly so I really needed the cold medicine now before my cold got even worse. I came upon a small quaint little house made of bricks. The owner of that house was outside. There were three little pigs; the owner, and it’s two brothers or sisters. As I walked up to them, ready to ask if they had any medicine, the first little pig I had scared earlier screamed something. Next thing I knew they were on a Harley Davidson motorcycle riding after me with a chainsaw. I got so scared, I froze. The owner of the brick house was driving. The other two pigs were holding the chainsaw. They chased me around the house. I ran inside the house, hoping to get away. But the bricks blew up, and the pigs were standing in front of me. Turns out the pig that lived in the brick house had built some T.N.T. into the house incase for an attack. Apparently I was breaking in to steal something. For one thing, I’m no thief. I was simply trying to ask if I could borrow some cold medicine from him. Anyways, back to what I was saying before I got caught up with me not being a thief and all. I screamed and ran. I ran for about ten minutes, then I found a store that was opened. I don’t know where those pigs went, but I went inside and bought myself some cold medicine. I don’t feel as sick anymore but my heart is still racing.

The author's comments:
This was an English project. Pick a fairy tale and rewrite it for the antagonist's point of view.

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