Kiba Inuzuka | Teen Ink

Kiba Inuzuka

June 17, 2013
By Tyhir BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Tyhir BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Boom!! Kiba, ''what was that'' said a woman at the ramen shop. As Kiba Inuzuka walked outside he saw the guy from the village hidden in the sand. ''Gaara''! Kiba said in his head. ''Hey Kiba, long time no see what have you been up''? to said Gaara. Kiba replied back ''yeah it has been a long time, but you have to stop this madness or I will do it for you!! ''As Kiba Inuzuka came rushing up to Gaara, Kiba smiled, whoosh disappeared before Gaara eyes can see Boom! Right behind you, what! as Gaara replied. Pop! Gaara went flying. While Gaara was flying, Kiba ran where Gaara was going to land and pop him again and then Gaara went to the floor. Kiba grab Gaara and said, ''go back where you came from and don't come back or I will kill you! When Gaara left everybody started to cheer.

Woof woof Kiba heard, Akamaru!! as his dog jump on his chest. Then Kiba said ''what can i do without you. Now lets get to training ''Akamaru'', ''Woof woof''.

When Kiba arrives at the training center he starts warming up with some of his Jutsu's. What Jutsu's hand symbols to do the power / Jutsu that he wants to do. The items that Kiba use is smoke bombs and soldier pills which heal you. One of Kiba's Jutsu's is Four Legs with that Jutsu he turns his whole body into a stance of a wolf. Another Jutsu he has is Human Beast Clone which has a clone to help him attack even more to hurt your opponent. The last Jutsu's he has which is his special is Double Wolf Fang which is he turns into werewolf and Akamaru turns into a wolf and they both attack at the same time.

After the training was done Kiba and Akamaru saw a paper on the wall and it said Chunin exams, enter a tournament to fight all the people who sign up grand prize $100,000. Wow this is Great! Akamaru we can do a lot of things with this money, what do you say, woof woof, Alright then let's sign. As they were ready for the tournament Kiba said to Akamaru Tournament starts tomorrow boy, so we have to get a good night sleep ok! Good night Akamaru.

The Next Day Tournament!!!

Wake up Akamaru it time to go but first let's get some breakfast i'm hungry you want to go the ramen shop, woof woof. As Kiba and Akamaru was finishing Kiba said umm that was good and now for the tournament. As Kiba and Akamaru walk in it was a a lot of people cheering and saying fight fight fight!! Ladies and Gentlemen get ready for the tournament. Let's begin!!!!!

First up Rock Lee V.S Gaara Begin!! study their moves Akamaru this is going to be tuff. Sand Tsunami, Gaara said to use as his first Jutsu Boom! What!!!! Rock lee said. aaaaa!!! Rock Lee said, your finish Gaara said whoosh pop! What a knockout Winner is Gaara the announcer said. Looks like Gaara was training too Akamaru, woof woof.

Next match said the announcer Naruto V.S Kiba Inuzuka and his dog Akamaru. Fight!!! you ready for this Naruto said Kiba. Yeah let's do it! Shadow Clone Jutsu said Naruto. No way!! said Kiba. Pop! Kiba went flying. Ok Naruto my turn let's do Akamaru Human Beast Clone. Let's do this Boom! Pop! Boom! No said Naruto POP! Naruto went to the ground. Smoke Bomb Kiba said, go get him boy grrrr! [Bite] Ouch said Naruto Pop! woah said Naruto while he was in the air. enough with this time to finish you off Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu poof, Let's do this!! (multiple voices) said Naruto. As Naruto's Shadow Clones was running up to Kiba and Akamaru, Kiba said again Human Beast Clone Jutsu Poof!! Ready Akamaru, woof let's go !!!! BOOM POP Boom !!!! as the audience was watching they were shock and waiting for the winner as the smoke can be gone. The winner is Kiba Inuzuka and his dog Akamaru. The audience went wild as a wild animal.

The next match Sasuke V.S Kiba Inuzuka and his dog Akamaru. This is the Semi Finals so good luck. Winner fights Gaara said the announcer. Try not to lose Kiba cause i will love to V.S you again haha this going to be fun said Gaara break a leg. Begin!! Sharingan said Sasuke woah what is that said Kiba looks like a red eye, well enough talk let's go!! Four Leg Jutsu Kiba said. Aaaa!!! as Kiba

teeth came out as a wolf. Voom!! what said Sasuke pop! impossible said Sasuke. your finish said Kiba Boom! as Kiba punch Sasuke in the gut and blood started gusting threw his mouth. Then Sasuke fell to the ground. It's all over Kiba Inuzuka and his dog Akamaru is the winners.

Now for the Final Match Gaara V.S Kiba and his dog Akamaru. Haha hey Kiba time for revenge said Gaara. Begin!!! Sand Demon Jutsu!! said Gaara. What the??? what is that ?? Is that his special?? he turn into a MONSTER!!!! said Kiba Well I see Gaara has figure his special out Kiba said in his head Well It's my TURN! Double Wolf Fang aaaaa!!!! Grrrrrrrrrr!!! Come on show what you can do with that little special of yours said Gaara. Akamaru lets get him (woosh) As Kiba in his wolf form came to Gaara, Akamaru went on the right side of Gaara. You think this will stop me you have mistaking Double Wolf Attack, Now Akamaru!! while Kiba and Akamaru was in the air they did a spin. Double Wolf Fang !!!!!! Said Kiba. NOOOOO!!!!!! BOOM! The audience was waiting to see the winner was under smoke of all the chaos, And the winner is Kiba Inuzuka and his Dog Akamaru!!! Wow we won Let's go home Akamaru, Woof woof.

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