Geekerella | Teen Ink


May 31, 2013
By CheyMariexx BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
CheyMariexx BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Your not a cat,you don't have nine lives so live your life to the fullest.

“Jamie! I’m not going. End of story! I’m not going to prom, no matter if the theme is fairytales. I’m not going, have fun on your date. I will probably be grounded anyways so, I can’t go by my step mom.” I whispered.
“You have to! I’m going and you should too, Moxie! Tell her, Logan!” Jamie whispered to her twin. Jamie had pure blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
“If she doesn’t want to go she doesn’t have to” Logan said to his twin sister. They looked very similar, but Logan had muddy brown eyes.
“Thank yo-” I tried to say but was caught off.
“You three students! What are you three talking about that is so much more important than listening and reading the tragedy ‘Romeo and Juliet’?” the British English teacher, Ms. Kipp asked.
“W-w-w-we were ah t-t-t-talking about…” Jamie and Logan stuttered then looked at me for help
“Ms. Kipper, we were talking about how Logan needs to go to the little boy’s room so we told him to ask, but you know Logan, he is just too shy to speak.” I came up with a lie.
“Oh Logan you may go to the Loo, let’s get back to the story people” Ms. Kipp said with her British accent showing. As Logan walked out of the room, he shot me a glare and I noticed his cheeks were the color of tomatoes.

As I walked home, from the seven hours of torture called school with my two friends, I chanted in my head six weeks till graduation. I usually love learning it’s just…at school I get A+’s on everything then everyone makes fun of me and people started to call me Geekerella for some reason. As Jamie talked and talked about how I should go to prom I admired the houses of the wealthy community, the Gates (because gates block the way in to the community) of Los Angeles California. The Gates, which have its own school, called Bulldogs High, Home of the great Bulldog Athletes. As we come to a stop outside my mansion sized house, I tune into what Jamie is saying.
“…isn’t your stepbrother coming home for the weekend from his first year at college?”
“Oh yeah” I say as we enter the house to find my step brother lounging on the couch watching TV and chugging milk from the carton like a barbarian.
“Hey, James” Logan says to my step brother who is a year older than his two step sisters and me.
“”Hi Jamie, Logan, and Moxie” James asked putting the milk carton on the coffee table.
“Moxie says she won’t go to prom!” Jamie shrieks, I roll my eyes.
“You have to! It’s like the most important thing in the world!” James shrieks
“I’ll think about it.” I said

. . .

Right now, my friends and family think I’m at home while they are either at prom or, in my step mother’s case, at a wealthy class party. I am walking into prom. A couple days later, after I saw him I got mail from my step brother. In the box was a white ball gown/wedding type dress, a white mask and heels my size. The box also included a letter from my step brother telling me if I didn’t go that he’d never talk to me again. After thinking it over I decided to go. I put my black waist long hair into curls and now I am now looking like Cinderella. Weird enough as it seems, I brought my journal with me; it’s like a safety blanket. My journal is a small leather book that I put in the small white clutch that I am carrying.
As I walk in, the room suddenly turns quiet and all stares are on me. I look behind me to see if they were all staring at someone else, but the stares were at me. I descended the stairs. Oddly enough I felt like a real princess. The room fills with chatter again and everyone starts to dance once again. I head over to the snack table.
“Would you care to dance?” asked a guy wearing a prince charming costume. Not just a guy, a guy with brown hair and darker brown eyes, Blake the quarter back of the football team to be more exact.
“No thanks” I replied staring at the ground
“Will you come outside with me then?” Blake persisted
“What about prom king?” I ask
“Oh yeah because all through my life I’ve dreamed of being Prom King” Blake says sarcastically and I laugh.
“Sure why not” I answered his question.
As we walk outside I notice a teacher making a note on her clip board, probably picking the winner of prom queen and king. When we get outside we walk down the path leading to a small clearing with a bench and with flowers all around the clearing. We sit on the bench.
“Want to play Twenty Questions?” he asks.
“Why not?”
“Well okay, what do you want to do after high school?” Blake asks.
“I either want to be a lawyer or the President of the United States” I say.
“Wow, big dreams.” his eyes widened
“So, what about you?” I asked blushing
“Truth be told, I don’t want to go to Princeton and play football like my family and everyone thinks, I want to be the same as you,” he told me.
“Blake! Get in here! They are announcing King and Queen” Samantha, one of my step sisters said. I forgot Samantha and Blake are dating.
“Don’t worry about it, we will continue with the twenty questions later. Remember I still have 19 left to go” I say smiling when I noticed him giving me the puppy dog face.
“Thank you” Blake says before rushing inside to find his girlfriend.
I go inside and stand in the back. The clock on the wall dings 12 times indicating its midnight. Ten minutes before Stepmom is home. I rush out of the room, running up the stairs, opening my clutch to get my phone to call for a taxi, but realizing I don’t have time for a taxi. I rush out the doors into the spring air, but not before hearing Cinderella get picked for prom queen and Blake calling for Cinderella. I make it home with two minutes to spare and quickly change into shorts and a tank top. I grab my clutch and open it to take out my journal to write about the weird day, but when I look in all I see is makeup and my phone. OH NO! I must have dropped it!
“Moxie” My step mother calls getting me out of my thoughts.
I run to her “Yes” I ask
“Just checking you’re here, but I shouldn’t worry, you have no life,” She smirked
The next morning I walk into school and flyers and poster are hung everywhere telling for Cinderella to reveal herself.
“Oh my, you totally missed it yesterday at prom! This girl came to prom dressed as Cinderella but left and didn’t claim the crown! No one knows who she is and everyone is wondering who she could be!” Jamie said as she and Logan walked side by side with me to second period.
“Wow, exciting!” I say
In second period an announcement comes on.
“Hey guys and girls! This is Blake here and I need to give an announcement. I talked to this breathtaking, intelligent, funny girl at prom, Cinderella. Also, I picked up her journal at prom, but I didn’t look. Cinderella, please reveal yourself!” Blake pleaded.
At lunch Blake had girls surrounding him and telling him it was them who were Cinderella. I left the cafeteria with Logan and Jamie and went to an empty classroom.
“Guys, I have something big to tell you” I whisper nervously
“Bigger than your passions for country music?” Logan asks
“Logan what are you talking about? You know I hate country! Anyways, I mean, I am Cinderella. Thee Cinderella. I snuck out last night and went to prom. Do not tell anyone.” I said
“Are you going to tell him and get your journal back?” Logan asked
“I guess I have to.” I cringed at the thought of telling people I was Cinderella. I was going to tell him it was me so I went back out to the lunch room. Before I could tell him though Samantha and Suzie (my step sisters) stand on a table and start to speak.
“Girls and Boys we have found Cinderella, You won’t believe who, it’s Geekerella!” Suzie and Samantha shouts, everyone turns to stare at me.
“I finally found you Cinderella! Here is your journal” Blake says then gives me a kiss on my cheek. My eyes widen and so did everyone else’s. We sure weren’t expecting this.
The day after graduation Blake and I headed for Harvard, were we would spend the summer touring Boston and hanging out at our apartment near Harvard University. We also finished our twenty questions game that lasted the whole summer.

The author's comments:
In my English class we were told that we are writing a short story for the rest of third term.Ideas swarmed in my head and I picked this one because I love fairy tales so I picked this story and put my creative style and spin in the story.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 9 2013 at 5:54 pm
CheyMariexx BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Your not a cat,you don't have nine lives so live your life to the fullest.

Actually no, it isn't.My main character does'nt work at a diner and gets top grades.She has two friends and its about a geek not a diner girl.She looses her journal not her phone.

Kait- said...
on Jun. 9 2013 at 2:47 pm
Kait-, Sault Ste. Marie, Other
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
The movie Cinderella Story with Hilary Duff...It's the same storyline