android ashes | Teen Ink

android ashes

April 26, 2013
By janitor BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
janitor BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If I were the rain... That binds together the earth and the sky, whom in all eternity will never mingle... Would I be able to bind two hearts together?"- Tite Kubo

On the planet made of ashes -- ashes because of warfare -- the planet cannot sustain life. But beings that have no life, such as androids, robots, and other machinery have made the ash planet their permanent home. The planet used to flourish with life, but when the war started, the planet began to rot from the inside out. By the end of it, nothing with actual life could survive on it. Ash planet is a hollow planet, it has no core. It is just a great ball of ashes that make up the planet, the atmosphere is light but it can keep the planets shape. the planet is so fragile now that if a meteor were to hit the planet it would go straight through the planet leaving nothing but dust particles and metal floating in space. The meteor would not even be slowed down from this. On the planet something stirred…
An android stood up covered in ashes, it joints creaked and moaned. It took a clumsy step forward and reached down into the ash and pulled up another android that was disconnected. It awoke with a sudden shudder; it stood up and looked at the other android.
“How long have we been asleep,” asked the second android. “Where is everything?”
“I believe we have been out since the end of the war, and by the looks of it, I would say it has been many years,” said the first android with a confused tone.
With that the sound of small engines and motors started humming. Hundreds of androids stood up from their ashy grave. Their joints creaked and groaned as they started to wander about. Some got up and instantly fell apart because they were so rusted out and corroded.
“DROIDS! Many years have passed, and we are the last remaining survivors of this trash heap of a planet. The time to leave is now. Before the end of this world sends us into the endless vacuum of space.” Said an android out of the ash; It was slightly taller than all of the other androids, but the main feature that was different was that it had huge metallic wings.
The wing span was about thirteen feet across and the droid stood seven feet high. All the other androids only stood six feet tall. It walked over to a giant heap of ash, thrust its arm deep into it and pulled out a giant space freighter with ease, just by grabbing the nose of it and walking backwards it pulled the giant space craft from its grave.
“The planet will not live much longer; all of the movement we are making is stirring up the ground and turning it into dust. The longer we stay here and move around on this heap the planet will reduce to dust.” It said sternly.
“Droid’s start boarding the ship, but beware, the more weight you add to it, it could sink down into ash and dust and be lost forever.”
With that all the androids started boarding the ship. When almost all the droids were on board it happened, the ground gave out from under it and it started to sink into the center of the planet, once it would be fully submerged the planet and the ship would be gone forever.
“As leader of this planet it is only fit that I go down with it,” said the lead android. It jumped and flung its wings into action. It swooped under the ship and with great android strength started to push the ship back up from the ashes so it could take off. It succeeded, the ship had taken off, but the little bit of gravity at the center of the planet and the hole made, started a shift in space in the center of the planet. The center turned into a black hole and the planet imploded upon itself. As the android tried its hardest to fly back up to the escaping ship, its wings gave out. After all the years of not using them they had rusted them into corrosion. The android reached out and missed the ship by mere inches and then fell back into the black hole. Never to be seen again. Just like the planet made of ashes, it ceased to exist.

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