New Girl | Teen Ink

New Girl

April 11, 2013
By Babygirlprincess406 BRONZE, Union, Connecticut
Babygirlprincess406 BRONZE, Union, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The soft light wind encircled my body. I stood on the hill looking at the group of new kids. One was my sister so she was the only one I knew outta the group. That was me a few years ago, sitting with the new freshmen outside looking over the view. Now I was one of the most popular girls at the school. My blond hair was blowing in strands out from the back. All of a sudden I felt two hands grab my waist. I jerked forward just to realize it was my boyfriend, Danny. I closed my hands over his giggling. His brown hair was all shaggy underneath his hat. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and followed my eyes. I turned to face him perfectly and just stood there. His jeans were a faded blue ripped pair with a wife beater and his Chippewa’s. The shirt had dirt and oil stains on it from working on cars. His eyes sparkled the way the sun hit them. I watched his eyes examined over me. I had a pair of faded blue shorts with an MTV shirt on. It was covered by a fox sweatshirt. I looked down at my feet and saw my perfectly pedicured toes. He looked down at me and smiled. I always got a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach when he smiled at me. His hand reached for mine and I kindly offered it. He smiled at went to walk off. I knew that he wanted to walk so I went with him. We walked hand and hand down the hall smiling talking.

“What were you starring at?” he softly spoke. I quickly glanced at him then shook my head looking ahead. “Aubrie?! What were you starring at?!” he spoke up not so softly this time.

“My sister!” I said back loudly. A few heads turned looking at me. I looked at him so close to tears. His face went from a pissed off mad guy to a sweet caring guy who knew I was close to tears. His hand tightened mine and slowly rushed down the hall towards the corridor. He was pretty much dragging me like a rag doll. A campus security guard opened the door for us then walked in. We stood outside me facing the opposite direction of him. One of his hands was placed on my waist and the other on my shoulder.

“Boo? I’m sorry. In all honesty I completely forgot your sister was a freshman. I didn’t mean to race my voice. Please baby? Forgive me?” he said so soft and sweet. I bit my lip and turned to him. His lips were quivering. I nodded showing him that was gonna be fine. He smiled and crouched down picking me up. I loved it when he picked me up. His arms were underneath my butt keeping me propped up. Out of the dead silence of our starring we heard the bell go off. It was already 1 o’clock so we had the right to leave. He put me down, sadly and we went back to my classroom to get my bag. I walked in and there was a new girl sitting in the back left corner. My teacher didn’t pay any attention to her. It looked like she was taking a test. I quietly walked into the classroom grabbing my bag. The girl looked up at me and smiled. Her complexion was a dull white pale color with light brown hair. I walked out back into the hallway and noticed Danny was caught up talking to a few buddies. I started to walk down the hall when Danny turned and noticed me walking. He caught up with me and walked out of the school together. Our hands were tangled together like vines on a tree. From across the parking lot I saw his car, a black Subaru with neon orange rims and spinners. We crossed the parking lot and both separated to get into the car. The leather seats squeaked as I slowly sat down. The sun was shining bright and the sun roof was opened. I looked at the back steps and saw the girl running down the steps right in front of my sister. My attention followed my sister right up to the bus. She disappeared onto the bus and me eyes went to wander for the girl. Surely though she was gone. She must have got on another bus. We high tailed out of the parking lot before the buses could leave. The road was all made out of bumps and potholes. The music was as loud as could be and was bumping the car. We passed a house and I noticed the girl again. Just standing underneath a tree. This time it was creepy. I whipped out my phone and started to text me sister. In the text I asked her if she knew the girl in front of her walking down the back steps. We pulled into my driveway and Danny kissed me bye. We would surely be texting later once he got home. I ran to the door when the bus pulled up. Madison, my sister, got off the bus holding her phone. She looked at me and asked what the text was about.

“What the hell are you talking ‘bout?” she asked.

“WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE! I’m talking ‘bout when you were leaving the school. There was a girl in front of you?! Who was it?!” I said panicking. She gave me a look like I had two heads in my shoulder. I tapped my foot rapidly on the ground.

“There was no girl in front of me. If there was I didn’t notice. Why does it matter anyways? Just a girl, no biggie.” She shrugged it off like it was nothing. I growled like I do when I don’t get my way and stormed into the house. Madison was just a few feet behind me. I tossed my bag into the living room and headed for my room. The walls were neon pink with a bleach white carpet. I did a belly flop on my bed and took my phone from my pocket. I dialled Danny’s number and slowly ended the call. He’d be driving and I don’t want him to crash. All of a sudden I heard thumping on my door. Whoever it was could easily open the door and walk in. No one walked in so I knew it had to be my dad. I slipped off my bed and walked towards the door and opened it. There stood my dad at 6’2” all lean and buff. My daddy was a handsome man. He had dark blonde hair and blue eyes. He had on his suit from work and stood leaning on the doorframe.

“Hello princess,” he said smiling. I jumped into my dad’s arms like I always do and wrapped my arms around his necking hugging him. He sent soo good, Hollister cologne for sure. His arms wrapped around my lower back hugging me tight because he knew I loved hugging him. I could stay like this forward, wrapped in the most protective arms for life, away from all danger not having to worry. Slowly he put me down still smiling just to pull me back into a hug.

“Hi daddy,” I replied softly. With my head placed firmly on his chest.

“I was thinking about going for a walk after I change. Would you like to join?” he asked smiling. His voice gave away the fact that he wanted me to go for a walk with him. I nodded giving him the answer ‘yes’. He did the touchdown movement for football with his arms and rushed down the hall. I closed my door and walked over to my closet. I turned the light on and stalked over to the drawers. My shorts were neatly placed in color order thanks to my mommy. The color that caught my eye was my neon orange shorts. The tank top was hanging right over it so I thought it would be the perfect match. I slowly took off all my clothes and put the new ones on. The sock drawer was already open so I grabbed the first pair on the top. They were plaid neon pink and purple. My couture sneakers were placed next to my bed so I put them on quickly. My dad knocked on my door telling me he was ready. I walked out and noticed my dad was in the same color as me!

“Well princess, we’ll sure stop traffic,” he joked. I smiled and started to laugh. Madison was lying on floor playing with her dog Willow. Willow was a Yorkshire terrier. Madison looked at our dad and me and started to laugh. Frustrated, I through my hair up into a ponytail. My dog was outside in the backyard lying underneath her favorite tree. Baby was a German Shepard. She was my favorite dog of all time. I walked into the kitchen opening the backdoor yelling for Baby. Sure enough her ears perked up and ran at me. She jumped up onto the porch and ran inside circling me a couple of times until she laid by my feet. I crouched down and petted her softly and gently behind the ears.

“Daddy?” I yelled.

“Yes princess?” he replied quickly.

“Can Baby come with us? Pleeaaseee….” I begged.

“Of course she can hun. Gorgeous day out for us and Baby. The leash is hanging up in the closet,” he said. Baby and I stood up and walked to the closet. The neon pink leash was dangling off the hook. I myself attached it to her collar that gave her name and the information if she ever got lost. The leash was wrapped around my hand softly so she could guide me to the living room. My dad looked at me and then at Baby smiling. Baby walked to the door so I followed her and opened the front door for me and her. My dad came close behind saying bye to my sister and closing it tightly behind. We walked out of our dive-way and headed down the road.

The author's comments:
This is just the start. I'll keep posting

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