My darkest secret | Teen Ink

My darkest secret

February 26, 2013
By blboling5 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
blboling5 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a Friday afternoon and I’m at work doing my normal activities such as file the reports, making sure the employees are doing their jobs as well as making sure the job was done the right way just to name the basics. I’m really strict when it comes to my work there’s a reason why I’m the boss and your not. Employees like to call me Scrooge and joke around saying I need to loosen up and have a good time once in awhile. It doesn’t bother me because I know I’m above these pesky ants. They’re only worth keeping around to do my dirty work and they get paid minimum wage so I don’t know why they say I need to have a good time because I’m having a blast.
After a good hard day of work I like to go home kick my feet up, and enjoy a bowl of my favorite cereal, Lucky Charms. It was the last bowl I had left, when I was pouring the cereal into my lucky bowl there was something about the crumbs you get at the bottom of the bag, they almost sparkled. I didn’t think anything of it so I hurried to my couch to tune in to my favorite movie Leprechaun. After devouring my bowl of cereal and finishing my movie, I got a tingly feeling rushing throughout my body but I was getting really tired so I shrugged it off and went to bed.
When I woke up on Saturday morning I slid out of bed and had this enormous craving for gold, and I didn’t understand why until I looked in the mirror and saw my new red hair with my yellow teeth, not to mention in order to see the rest of my body in the mirror I had to stand on a stool. I was scared for my life; I can’t go outside looking like this let alone go to work. While crying in my bedroom I was touched by something that felt almost like a breeze. When I stood up I saw the holy ghost of Lucky the leprechaun. As my jaw dropped I tried to talk to him but my severe case of lockjaw restricted me from saying anything. Once I recovered I asked him why he was here and he said “Brandon, I’m here to tell you that you have became a leprechaun, obviously, and you have been punished for being such a strict boss and taking advantage of your employees. You treat them like slaves and you don’t even give them a decent wage for doing all your dirty work.” Before I got to argue he cut me off saying, “You have one day to change your ways or you’ll be a leprechaun for the rest of your life.” Before I got to say “What should I do”, he vanished before my eyes. I had no clue what to do, I tried looking up online how to be a better boss but I couldn’t find anything, on the subject. And then it hit me, I should call up my workers at the office and invite them to a couple rounds at the bar to show my gratitude. As I called up my employees, they all replied with “is this a trap?” As I told them it was a token of my appreciation for all the hard work they’ve done, they agreed. I told them to meet me at Beef O’bradys on Sunday around 9 pm if they’re interested.
The next day approached very quickly. I was nervous that my life would never go back to normal, but before I knew it, it was 8:30 pm and time to leave. Once I got there, my employees were shocked like they saw a leprechaun or something, and then I remembered that I was just that. I had to tell them I dressed up as one and I was standing on my knees. They laughed and said that I did a great job recreating one. Once we got inside, the music and the environment made me shiver as if I just saw a pot of gold. This feeling changed me inside, it made me dance uncontrollably, and everyone laughed at first but soon enough everyone was dancing. I kept my promise by buying my employees some drinks, but they were more into dancing with the rest of us. It was one hell of night, but as midnight approached, I knew lucky would be here at any moment. But as I thought about my old life and how dull I lived, it made me think that I do need to change my life. Right after that thought, lucky showed up right in front of me. He said, “Brandon, how does it feel to actually live life?”
I replied with “It changed me and how I view life, you only get one chance at life so live it up.”
He said nothing but he waved his wand and before I could blink I was back into my old body. As we ended our party, and everyone was on their way home. I thought to myself that I missed the whole night, and wanted to do the same thing every weekend, so I did just that. Every weekend I took my employees out, and I even ordered a leprechaun suit to make it feel like nothing really changed.

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