The Adventure to Erf | Teen Ink

The Adventure to Erf

February 12, 2013
By Anonymous

Once there was a family called the Hamsons. They had a 13-year old boy named Carl. He had a younger 1-year old brother named Earl. Their parents were Gertrude (Mom) and Edgar (Dad). Both parents were very selfish, not smart, and paid no attention to what their kids had to say. This reminded Carl of the time when he brought Earl to church, when Earl was in the fountain for baptism. So, they didn’t care that Carl had a field trip to the WBSA, which stands for World’s Biggest Space Association. This was home to the fastest and most powerful rocket in the world, the Speedbum. Also they didn’t care one bit how Carl and Earl felt when they said to them,
“We’re going to Canada for a week, mainly because they have great bacon.”

“Do you know that Canadian bacon is just ham,” said Carl.

“No, it isn’t,” said Gertrude.

Carl knew that his parents wouldn’t listen to him. Carl knew that since they were going on a vacation, he had to drag Earl along with him wherever he may go because Earl was a baby and he couldn’t be left on his own. This made Carl upset and stressed. After Gertrude and Edgar left, the boys started to walk to school.

Once they arrived in the classroom, Carl’s friend Nick said, “Nice baby. Is he coming with us on our field trip?”

“Sadly yes,” said Carl, “My parents are on another vacation, so I have to take care of Earl for a whole week.”

“That stinks man,” said Nick.

The teacher, Mrs. Harold, said, “It’s time to get onto the bus, students.”

Once they arrived at the WBSA, they received a tour. While the tour guide was talking, Earl was bored. He crawled out of Carl’s arms while he was busy hearing what the tour guide had to say. He wandered into a room with a big rocket that was getting ready to launch. That rocket was the Speedbum. Right then, Carl noticed that Earl was not in his arms anymore, and he got worried. He left the tour and started looking for his little brother. Earl was crawling into the Speedbum. After that, there was a timer that was ticking for 10 seconds. 10, 9, then, Carl spotted him and climbed up on a ladder quickly to reach him. 8, 7, Carl pushed the astronauts that were going to be in the Speedbum. 6,5,4,3 the astronauts fell off where the platform that there was. 2, 1, IGNITION, the brothers were in the Speedbum.
“Sweeeeet,” said Carl’s classmates while they were watching the Speedbum launch on their tour.

“AAHHhhh,” screamed Carl, while Earl was giggling, “How do you drive this thing?!”

Carl and Earl were sleeping while the rocket was on autopilot. When they landed, they landed on a green planet, otherwise known as Erf. Erf is home to many human-like creatures known as flos. The only difference between flos and humans are that flos are always purple-skinned, and have red hair. Some common creatures are: whirl (squirrel), fer (deer), and a jeer (bear).

The Hamson boys landed near a forest-like area. When Carl woke up, a whirl was sniffing him and then he shouted, “UuuuAaAAHHHH!”

Then, he shook the whirl off of him, and it ran away. He looked over at Earl, and he was gone! Carl quickly got up and searched. He saw him in a flo’s arms, sleeping. “Let go of him,” yelled Carl.

Carl ripped Earl from the flo’s arms. “I was just trying to help,” said the flo.

“Sorry, thanks though,” said Carl.

“Phil, what’s yours?” asked Phil.

“Carl, Carl Hamson, and this is my brother Earl,” said Carl.

“Wait, are you from the legendary planet, Earth?” asked Phil.

“Yeah,” said Carl.

“I’ve found the legendary Carl,” said Phil.

“What do you mean?” asked Carl.

“You’re the chosen one on Erf; you slay the almighty Croc,” said Phil.

“What’s the almighty Croc?” asked Carl.

“The Croc is a flying crocodile that shoots fiery lasers out of his mouth,” said Phil. “The legend has it that you slay him with a twig.”

“This makes no sense,” said Carl.

“I’ll explain it to you when we get to New Erf City,” replied Phil.

Right now, after a couple of minutes, they were walking downtown to New Erf City; it was getting dark. Everywhere there were wind turbines that were spinning beyond the urban area. Also, there were solar panels on top of every building. There were no trash cans or dumpsters. Nothing was smoking, and the cars that were driving by had no exhaust. There was also no litter or pollution and the air was as fresh as the smell of a warm cherry pie, a very good one.

“Gosh this place is so, so, so clean Phil, how do you keep it that way?” asked Carl.

“Well as you say, pollution, well we just make it very concentrated and then we put it threw a little car wash, and we recycle the trash and use it over and over again. We always reuse what we have,” said Phil, “We use wind power instead of oil on our cars. Instead of electricity, we use solar power.”

“So, if you don’t use electricity, you don’t have electricity bills, so you must have water and a water bill?” asked Carl.

“We don’t because water is actually free on our planet, because we use lots of cloners that take the molecules of water and make a hundred molecules of water per one molecule, which makes about a cup of water, but like I said we have lots of these,” said Phil.

“Amazing,” replied Carl, “Erf the name sounds like a dirty place to me, but it’s the exact opposite.”

“Yeah, it’s really dark; I should probably be going to sleep, do you guys want to come and stay with me for the night?” asked Phil.

“Totally, thanks,” replied Carl.

Once they were done riding in Phil’s car to his house, Carl said, “Nice house.”

“Yeah this is the place,” said Phil, “I live with my mom Amy.”

“Where should Earl sleep?” asked Carl.

“Um, he could sleep in my old carrier when I was a little flo,” said Phil.

“Okay, there we are,” said Carl while he was slowly putting him in the carrier, “Thanks Phil.”

“You’re welcome, let me introduce you to my mom,” said Phil.

“Hi there,” said Amy.

“So, do you have a dad or a father?” asked Carl.

“I did, but he’s gone,” said Phil while he was getting a little teary eyed.

“Why?” asked Carl.

“My dad was trying to slay the Croc, but he got burned both ways. He was set on fire, and he got owned,” said Phil.

“Oh, sorry for asking that, I’m sure that hurt you to say that,” said Carl.

“Ya, it did, but because you’re here, you have to go slay the croc tomorrow, we don’t want anyone else to die from trying to slay it,” after Phil said that he started to sob.

“Fine, I’ll do it for your dad, but Earl is staying here, so you have to take care of him while I’m gone,” said Carl.

“Great, here’s your bed,” said Phil while he was showing Carl his bed, “Okay, see you first thing in the morning, good night.”

Once they woke up, Phil was in the kitchen holding Earl in his arms giving him a cup of vanilla pudding, “Hey Carl, Earl LOVES this vanilla pudding. I couldn’t find any baby food,” said Phil.

“Well, do you have any eggs, bacon, waffles, stuff like that?” asked Carl.

“Yeah, here are some waffles,” said Phil.

“Thanks Phil,” said Carl.

After Carl finished his waffles, he set out on his journey. He grabbed a twig, and then he sharpened it so that it would be able to actually kill the Croc. It was as sharp as a crazy rock star’s mohawk. Then, he reached a mysterious looking cave, and walked inside. It was a sewer-like lair, and then this happened: “RAAAHRRRR!” roared the Croc as it sprung out of the sewage water.

“What the heck?!” said Carl while being confused, because the Croc was as small as a squirrel.

Then, it happened. The battle started; the Croc started shooting lasers out of its mouth. Somehow he reflected the lasers with his twig. He found out that the twig (as the outer coating of the twig was melting from the lasers), was actually a flame-retardant sword. Then, Carl got close to the Croc and right in his scaly chest.

“Yeah,” said Carl as he defeated the almighty Croc.

After that journey was over, he left his sword there as a memory of the Croc’s defeat in his cave that no one found ever. Carl returned to New Erf City and while he was coming back he screamed, “I have slayed the almighty Croc!” Everyone was cheering, and even one flo asked him for him to autograph his pair of Crocs (the shoes).

“Thank you all, but my brother and I have to get back to our home planet Earth, so we must leave,” said Carl.

Then all of a sudden, out of the blue, “Wait, you can’t go!”

“Why not?” asked Carl.

“Because you’re a part of my family,” said someone, and that someone was Phil.

“Phil!” yelled Carl happily.

Then, they hugged each other, “It would be an honor if you stay with us. How are you going to get back home? Plus, your brother is attached to us,
see,” said Phil while he showed to Carl that Earl was on his back.
“Fine, I’ll stay, only because it is so clean here,” said Carl, “How about another hug brother.”
“Alrighty then, we’ll adopt you right now,” said Phil.
So, then Carl and Earl stayed on Erf with Phil and Amy, and their parents didn’t care at all.
After a decade, Carl graduated college from the University of Smicksmagenneugen and majored in Zoology. He loved working with animals, so he worked in a zoo. He also got his own house and is dating his girlfriend Judy. Earl was a seventh grader who played percussion, basketball, and loved video games. His favorite game was Carl on Duty.

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