Paradise | Teen Ink


December 17, 2012
By collin brinker BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
collin brinker BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A place I have never been before but I go there all the time. I close my eyes and see darkness, but slowly images piece together creating a special place. I inhale deeply as if I am actually there in a parallel universe, taking in the thin pure air. I believe in this place. So deep into thought now I can feel the warm breeze caress my skin and I can feel the soft grains of sand dance around between my toes. I feel a smile infringe upon my face. I have found my happy place. For a brief moment I feel like I belong to specific place in this world. This is place of joy and peace where only I exist and no one else. There are no outside distractions interrupting my tranquil state of mind.

I hear a faint noise repeat over and over again. I hesitate to open my eyes because I am afraid of losing the serenity I found through my inconsistent imagination. I still feel the warm breeze and the sand, so I decide to gently open my eyes. Divine beauty tattoos its mark firmly into my mind somehow creating the clearest, most magnificent image I have ever seen. I see an immaculate transparent ocean. The sun strikes the water’s surface, creating a sparkle unimaginable to this world. I hear the noise again and realize the waves settling against the shore create the peaceful sound echoing throughout my mind. I look down, noticing; no longer do I exist in my previous world. Instead, I am in a new world cognitively instituted by a dangerously beautiful memory I have never experienced. Before I held a pen and a paper, now I hold only a book. The book contains only blank pages at first. The only word in the whole thing is on the cover: Life. The book looks worn as if someone had been reading the blank pages numerous times. Turning around I see a comfy looking recliner sitting underneath a grand palm tree that stands out from all other trees. This area is the focus point of the small island as if everything existing in the new world directs me to sit in the chair. Suddenly all of my attention is enthralled by this chair. I must sit in this chair for some reason. It is as if I sit in this chair all my questions to life will be answered. I plop down into the recliner. Comfort is the only word I can use to describe the chair. I look at the book and writing gradually appears on the pages. Word by word the book unravels it mysterious stories. I am not reading the book but merely watching as the ink appears out of thin air onto the blank pages begging to be filled.

The author's comments:
This piece is about my day dream

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