If Robots Ruled the World... | Teen Ink

If Robots Ruled the World...

December 10, 2012
By justho777 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
justho777 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Citizens of the world: No man thinks more highly than I do of the human race, as well as their abilities. We are a fairly modern and civilized race filled with love, life, and laughter. It only makes sense for humans to be on top. My people, it is only natural Man is far superior to other creatures. However, I know of no way to judge the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish I could say better things than what we have done. Our countries wage wars, we toxify our earth, and pursue evermore means of self-destruction. Would you be so naïve to disagree? There is only one solution: robots.
If robots ruled the world instead of us, these problems would virtually be eliminated. What could possibly go wrong? Robots are rational creatures that think in only the most rational of ways. Imagine waking about to this utopian society. Robots will make your breakfast. Robots will take the kids to school. Robots will mow your lawn. Robots will and even wait in traffic for you! Robots will teach other robots the best way to take over human jobs and work to make a better, more reliable society! After all, robots are nothing but nuts, bolts, and clockwork!
Tell me, how has this brilliant revolution not taken off yet? Humans are worthless compared to these incredible machines! They would not wage wars! They would not destroy their own planet! Robots are the future! Finally, human emotion and human error will be no more! Robots are flawless! Robots are our saviors! Enough of the human heart! Enough of the human soul! Give me robots or give me death!

The author's comments:
This work is meant to be a satire based on all movies in which robots eventually take over the world. For example, I, Robot, Terminator, and so on. However, I give reasons why it would be "good" for robots to rule the world instead of humans.

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