What's Wrong Marcus? | Teen Ink

What's Wrong Marcus?

September 1, 2023
By Judith123 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Judith123 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What’s Wrong Marcus? 

I hate Mondays, which is what Marcus's favorite cartoon character says all the time. Marcus would say the same this Monday morning but something didn't feel like a nominal morning, something was off.  The air was muggy and hot, not because we live in Texas during the hottest time of the year. When getting ready for school Marcus wanted to take a shower but noticed that the water looked a little green? Deciding to skip the shower and use a bottle of water to brush his teeth, Marcus proceeded to head downstairs to greet his parents. 

"Morin," Marcus said as soon he reached the dining room where his mom was cooking breakfast and his dad was scrolling through the news on his phone. " mmmorrin sonn" Weird his dad never sounded like that, he turned to look at his dad he looks a green but super green like he had paint dump onto he " uh dad you feelin' alright " marc's dad trunks up to look at him, his green skin shining in the dining room light 

" feelinngg purrfet " slurring his words as he talked. They look at over at his mom as she walked over to the table   " what'ss wrong Marcukesss, feeling a little blue hisssss " hissing as she puts down the breakfast.  Marcus' face scrunches up in confession as his mother look scaley like she had dry skin. " ok this is getting really weird, why do you guys look that way!? " Marcus yelled at his parents. His mother gave him a stern face as she said " Who do you think you're talking to, Hurry and finishhhhisss your food and go to school! "Marcus ate his breakfast fast, and when he was at the door he remembered the water " some wrong with the water maybe you should call someone to fix it " he yelled and went off to school.

The way to school wasn't any better. The kids on the bus were staring or stealing glances at Marcus like he was some freak. As soon as the bus stops the kids pile out of it and rush to meet up with their friends. " Hey guys," Marcus said, greeting his friends who were standing in the hallway waiting to go to class. Lucy and Kim faced him and had the same monster as his parents with slimy and somewhat animal-like appearances to them " Oh no, not you guys too" he whined " What are you talking about, Do I look bad, aw man I knew I shouldn't have worn a different shirt" Lucy pulled on her shirt frowning. ". No it's not that, like your guys' faces are all gross" Kim gasped with anger " How could you say that, I spent all morning doing my makeup and that's what comes to your maid as soon as you see me".

The bell rings, signaling it's time to begin the day, Kim takes Lucy by the hand " I hope you can think of an apology by lunch or I'm not buying your snacks" She sticks out her tongue and speeds off, Lucy waves a quiet goodbye. The first period was pretty banal other than the morning announcements that sounded like they were spoken in a language that wasn't even on earth but other than that the day moved on by like any other day. After lunch ( yes he did say sorry to Kim), Mrs. Something, no one remembers her name because it was long to for everyone to remember , told Marcus to go to Mr. Funny's office. Stressing why he was getting called to the principal office as he had done nothing wrong. Barge in the room Marcus noticed that Mr. Funny wasn't like an animal or slime creature like everyone else. He was more of a multi-color light being in a suit. " Have a sit Marcus, '' he gestures to the chairs in front of his desk that was filled with paperwork and little toys.

Two men, if you could say that, they look more like super buff fish guys in suits but one was blue and the other was a dark purple, walk into the room " Mr. Aguilar you will be coming with us " one of the fish men said holding up his FBI badge " what I have done nothing wrong to be criminalized" Marcus stated strongly. " that is corrected, we're not going to imprison you Mr. Aguilar just simply want to ask some questions at our data based" the purple fish said. " i have already notified your parents Marcus so if you could go head go with them" Mr.Funny lit up. Marcus and the FBI fish guys walk to a black van, The inside was a little cold with soft cushioned seats, " So ummm what are these questions you guys need me to answer?"  lend forward over the middle console. "We'll ask them once where at the base, no more questions and sit back " the blue fish said in a serious voice. The van pulled up to a highly guarded government facility, The dark purple fish gave his ID card to the gate guard, and then it opened. Marcus didn't see much of the inside as he was rushed into the interrogation room,  the two fishes stood by the wall behind him. That's when a big bear man walked into the room with another two guards, The bear man sat at the table with Marcus." Good afternoon Mr. Aguilar, I am Sergeant Corn Nuts ( everyone tries to hold in their laughs but fails) Sergeant corn nuts give a low gur, everyone stays silent after that to scard to say more," we brought you here today to discuss a very important subject" the said pulling out some paperwork" ughh okay" Marcus said awkwardly. " Have you heard that the government has recently made connections with aliens?". " Yes, I think so. Is that why everyone has been looking crazy lately?" the bear man said "Unfortunately yes but that's where you come in. You're going to give some of your DNA so we can create a cure for this alien parasite that has infected the U.S. water system.". " WAIT WHAT!? What do you mean by an alien parasite that has infected our water!" Marcus yelled in shock looking at the bear. " Yes the water of the u.s are in infected with on parasite caused by being in connection with aline but with your help we make everyone normal again, so you could think about it for a minute or two young man, You could save the world " 

Marcus thought for a little while, what if he didn't want to, what if he wanted to turn into a monster like everyone else? But what would happen to the rest of the world? How would they survive? He took a few more minutes and came to his answer. " Yes. Yes, I'll do it, I'll give you my DNA to save the world." That's what I'm talking about! Young man, you're doing god's work! " Sergeant Corn yelled ( Marcus guessed he didn't want to be a bear anymore.) The test took all day, and by the time they were over Marcus had been knocked out. The fish men, who were no longer fish men as the cure had been filtered back into the water system and had cured everyone, the men had transported him home safely. Knocking on the Augilers house, his parents answered. proud that their son has such a great act as saving the world. "Mr. and Mrs. Aguilar there's something we should tell you "They gave the guard in a confused look "Don't dawdle sir tell us what's wrong?" "Your son might go through some changes. As the cure was only able to cure everyone but him" the guards said their goodbyes to the family. Marcus' mom and dad had sorrowful look on their faces as they put him down for bed.

The next morning Marcus wakes up feeling great. There wasn't a hot muggy feeling in the air, and it was also not Monday anymore so it was even better. He rushed out of bed to the bathroom to check the water, and the water was no longer green so the cure had been a success! But as soon as glanced up into the mirror he saw a green blur, he paused and slowly looked back up. He was skin was green, and his eyes were dark black and oval-shaped with antennas on his head. " AAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Marcus screamed at the top of his lungs. His parents came running to the bathroom and yelled "What happened! What's Wrong Marcus!".

The author's comments:

This short story was inspire by a lot of sci-fi movies I watch with my mom ( ex; Arrival, Donnie Darko, 9 etc.) the main character was inspire by my baby nephew.   

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