1984 | Teen Ink


May 9, 2022
By ella_09 GOLD, Eindhoven, Other
ella_09 GOLD, Eindhoven, Other
17 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I wish you death,<br /> And yet,<br /> I wish to be the flowers that’ll bloom in your carcass.


Hello! I'm Theo Sparks, I'm 13 years old and I'm an ordinary guy. It's the first time I write in a diary so I don't know much about what to write about, I'll start with my interests. I like comics, video games (especially Pac-Man) and rollerblades (and of course Ava, the prettiest girl in my class). Also a little about myself won’t do any harm, right? I'm 4’9 feet tall and I have brown hair and blue eyes. I'm skinny and, according to my friends, I'm half a nerd and a geek of video games and comics.


Hello! Something very cool happened today, I broke my own record in Space invaders! I can't believe it, I told my friends about it and they all thought it was super cool. In the afternoon I will go skating and then I will see the movie War Games with my sister Louise.


Hello! Today something very strange happened, while I was on my way home from school a car disappeared and reappeared at the speed of light. I don't know if I'm going crazy but I swear I saw it.


Hello! If the car thing is weird, listen to this. Today, at Ava's house we were making a model for science, and while she was going to get some glue, one of her paintings disappeared and it didn't come back, like the car. When I asked Ava if she had a painting where the painting had disappeared, she told me no, that there had never been a painting there. I don't understand.


Hello! Today I was in Geography class and suddenly the little dot that marked New York on the map disappeared. These things are becoming more and more frequent. I’m afraid I’m going crazy and seeing things disappear, but the little dot of New York has been there since forever. New York exists, it does exist, the painting and the car I have no confirmation that they exist so it is not my fault that things are disappearing. I'll ask Louise if she sees the dot on the map.


Hello! Louise doesn't see the dot on the map, I'm not crazy, but then what's going on? I looked in the school library for everything I could find about disappearing objects but all there was were Sci-Fi novels or wacko books.


Hello! I can finally write! My diary disappeared two months ago and I thought I would never see it again. It's not that I lost it, I wanted to confirm the date of the first disappearance, but when I was going to grab the diary, it disappeared without a trace. Today it reappeared in the exact same place it was two months ago, on the edge of my bedside table.


Hello! I feel like every day I get more and more paranoid about things disappearing and not coming back. I’m beginning to be afraid. What if a person disappears and doesn't reappear? It occurred to me that maybe I live in a simulation or something.






Hello! What's that? It doesn't erase with anything! And the diary hasn't moved from my drawer since the last entry, what happened? Also the handwriting is not made by hand, it is from some machine or printer. I don't understand what is happening, my world is becoming more and more strange.


Hello! I can't believe it! It's over, someone disappeared and no one even confirms that he existed. It was Jack, a boy in my class. We went out for recess after history and when we came back for math, he was gone, I asked Ava and she thought that I was crazy, she said there was no Jack in our class. This is getting out of control.


Hello! Right now there is something very strange on my wall, it's like a glitch, I'm going to touch it, see what happens. If I disappear or something like that, the diary is a testimony of what happened this year.



The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the TV show "Wandavision" (Marvel studios) because it also has the feeling that it's not real, it just an illusion or a set up. And the title is a reference of the book "1984" by George Orwell, because my story also has the oppressing feeling that something, or someone, is there; making the objects disappear.

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