The Shy Bee | Teen Ink

The Shy Bee

January 24, 2022
By Anonymous

There once was a bee who was shy. This bee had to write a story for school. He struggled writing the story, fearing others wouldn't like it. The bee couldn’t handle the stress. He left the hive looking for a place to hide from his troubles. He found a mushroom to hide under. A passing fly saw the bee and asked him, “What's wrong little bee?”

 The bee told the fly about his troubles. “I see your problem,” said the fly. “But I can not help.” 

The bee’s antenna drooped. “But the wise owl might know.” The bee thanked the fly and set off to the owl. The bee's thoughts were filled with worry. He worried about what the owl would think of him when he asked for help. These thoughts slowed the bee, slower and slower the bee moved. Eventually the bee made it to the owl. 


The owl was sitting on a low branch, watching the world. The bee sits beside the owl. Shaking, the bee spoke, but it was only a whisper. The wise owl put her wing around the bee. The owl said to the bee, “You're stressed, aren't you?” 

“Yah.” said the bee in a quiet voice. 

The owl thought for a moment, then said, “Here little bee.” The owl handed the bee a small honey flower bud. “This is a magical bud, It grants it’s holder courage.” 

The bee’s antenna raised. The bee thanked the owl and flew back home. He felt brave, brave enough to write the story. The bee got to work writing. It took him some time to finish it. When the bee turned in the story he felt something was missing. Something was missing! The magic flower bud wasn’t in his backpack. 

When school was over he looked everywhere but it wasn’t in the hive. His thoughts were clouded by fear once again. He traveled his path until he came to a familiar mushroom. This time a small flower bud sat on it’s top. 

The bee picked it up and smiled, realizing that he wrote his story without the buds' help. 

The End.

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