Hunters to Hunted | Teen Ink

Hunters to Hunted

October 20, 2021
By Anonymous

It was no surprise Hunter liked hunting. The sensation of shooting down your prey in one shot was unlike any other. Even though it was roughly over 1,000 years outdated, a 1970 Remington 700 sniper rifle was all Hunter needed. BANG, the buck went down in one shot like a  bag of rocks hitting the ground. “The world has changed”. “When did it all go wrong? Everyone is so plain now” he thought. “Millions of people worldwide used to go out to hunt, but now hunting is frowned upon and people seem to enjoy artificially made food more than the real deal.” “It’s a joke, but there's nothing I can do about it.” 

As Hunter walks to tag his deer, he spots a worm latched onto his lower calf. He pulls it right off and notices a small cut on his calf left by the worm. “What the hell, I never knew there were worms that could latch on to me like that and cut me up with their teeth; I didn’t even know that worms had teeth.” It was almost like the worm was a leech, he said to himself. He thought no more about the worm as Hunter was more focused on tagging the deer and cutting it up in order to store it and put it in his truck for him to take home. 

Hunter gets home and begins unloading the coolers from his truck to his house. His neighbor, Joktan, sees what Hunter is doing and is disgusted as always. “You know nobody hunts anymore right?” Joktan and his several cats look at Hunter, staring him down. Whenever Joktan speaks, Hunter’s mood goes down. “What do you gain from it?”

“I gain food, fresh food, good food… real food.”

“AMF(artificial made food) is real food and it’s certainly better than what you're hogging around.” “People used to have this pedestal, ranting on how they were the predominant species, but AMF changed that and now gives us any range of food we'd want with just the click of a button without the need of killing any species.” “People and animals are now equal, don't you realize how life-changing that is?” “It is a revolutionary technology and you should be grateful you even got it!”

They were like two tidal waves colliding except one was more like the harbor as it was not reacting to the blows heading its way. Joktan kept throwing vulgar insults at Hunter, yet Hunter just ignored him and finished unloading the coolers, “he’s so pretentious," he thought; He knew that if he responded he would've gotten into a bigger issue and might have just been tempted to shoot him dead.

While inside Hunter was surprised why he wasn’t greeted by an attack from his dog, Ptomela. Ptomela always barked and bit Hunter’s leg whenever he walked into the house. Normally Hunter would be upset whenever she did that, but this time it was different. He was yearning for it, he needed something to distract him from this boring world. He didn’t even know if she was in the house as it was extremely quiet. Hunter turned on the TV to the news channel playing it loudly to get rid of the dead noise in his house and he then began preparing the food. 

Cooking was the next best thing that brought Hunter joy after hunting. He thought of it as art as it was slices of meat that he harvested and slices of meat that he needed to prepare with the best skill in order for it to taste astounding. “If only people all around the globe could try my food, then they would see how good it is and prefere my meals over that artificial crap… if only.” Hunter heard a loud bang from Joktan’s house, “What now.” It sounded like he was being attacked as there were loud bangs followed by Joktan screaming, Hunter couldn’t even concentrate with all the noise coming from next door. However, the news stated something that would change Hunter’s life forever. “By the start of November, hunting will no longer be allowed and if anyone is caught hunting, they will be shot on the spot." 

Hunter was distraught. He tried to figure out a reason for this display but came up with nothing. “Why on earth would they do this, why now?” He was crying, remembering the past times when he and his dad used to hunt together and when he killed his first buck. Times where hunting was still pretty common. “What good times.” All these memories flooded him at once when all of a sudden Joktan started banging on Hunter's door.

“Let me in Hunter please I beg you, my cats are attacking me and I don’t know why.” Hunter was infuriated that Joktan was there to ruin his fond memories on top of what has happened already. He grabbed his rifle to shoot him down when the tv spilled some news.

“Attention citizens, there has been a virus that has affected every animal on earth; it appears that the nature of every animal species has been reversed. If an animal's nature was to be kind and friendly it is now vicious and hostile, and if the animal was vicious and hostile it is now kind and friendly.” Hunter stood there. Although he was first furious at the news, the second piece of news calmed him down. Hunter had the biggest grin on his face, he knew exactly what this meant. “It appears that now everybody in the globe is forced to hunt for real food.”

The author's comments:

I want to hunt when I'm older. 

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