Sylvia´s Bear | Teen Ink

Sylvia´s Bear

January 12, 2021
By T_bugger BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
T_bugger BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Death. Death is a respectable entity. It likes its work, especially when people die at a reasonable pace. But, when an influx of people die, it annoys Death. Recently people have been coming in almost nostop.  Mostly elves, but with some of the other races too, It was starting to exhaust Death. Every time he brought his boat to the banks of the river of souls there was more and more lining up to be ferried across. At this pace it would take years to catch up.  

Death decided enough was enough and it was going to do something about it. Eventually Death went to the Fates to see what he needed to do to stop all these pointless deaths. The Fates gave Death a message after telling Death what it needed to do, ¨The girl! The girl! Will try and survive as the world tries to see her die! So Beware Beware and Take care as one wrong step could be her end!¨ After visiting with the Fates Death went off to find a little girl and her family. There was nothing particularly special about this girl besides her and her family was about to die and also the fact that she was five so fairly easy to persuade her into doing what Death needed Death hurried and made its portal to the above a portal to a place called Lyra more specifically to the village Green Vale on the continent Corrin in Thespria the Elvin nation. Now Green Vale was a quiet and peaceful place as far as Death could see but Death knew this peace wouldn´t last long. So Death hurried to a little house in the village of Green Vale.


When Death arrived it noticed how small the village was and it saw the warm brown house with the flat red roof the one Death needed and went straight through the house and Inside was what Death expected a small family together there was a mother and a father along with three children. The mother and the father were cleaning up from after dinner while two of the children were playing with some handmade dolls. The third child, the one Death needed, was by herself dressing up her stuffed animal bear. Death knew it was almost time. Death used one of its powers to possess the little bear. Death made the bear hop out of her arms and onto the floor the little girl was shocked. While the girl was processing what was happening Death had the bear say, ¨Let's play outside!¨ The girl over ecstatic replied, ¨Of course Mr. Bear I would love to play!!!¨ ¨Can you bend down and hold my hand?¨ Death asked. ¨I can do that!¨ as the girl bent down to grab the now animate bear Death made the bear run and the little girl followed. ¨Mommy I am going to play outside with Mr. Bear!¨ ¨Have fun love and don´t wander too far!¨ ¨I won't, don't worry Mommy!¨ when they got outside Death  

asked through the bear, ¨ Want to play hide-n-seek in the woods?¨ ¨As long as we don´t go too far. And Mr. Bear when did you learn how to talk?¨ Death answered, ¨We won´t go too far and your love gave me the powers to talk and play!¨ ¨Really!?¨ the girl asked in wonder. ¨Yes! We should get playing before it gets dark.¨ ¨We should¨ she agreed and then said, ¨I hide and you count?¨ ¨sounds good!¨ Death answered as it thought this would be a piece of cake.

As Death and the girl continued to play Death slowly brought her deeper into the woods knowing it was her only chance at surival. Unfortunately once it got darker the girl decided it was time to go home. ¨Ready to go home Mr. Bear?¨ ¨No! I don´t want to go back!¨ ¨It is time to go back home!¨ So the girl bent down and picked up Death´s puppet and headed home. As they headed back the trees groaned and danced with the wind. The girl shivered and said, ¨We really went far into the woods...I think I am lost.¨ Death replied, ¨No we aren´t lost our home it this way.¨ Death had the bear jump down and grabed her hand and started to lead the little girl home.

When they arrived the whole village was quiet. They went into her house and there was not a soul around.¨Did they go to the market?¨ ¨Why is the house a mess?¨ The girl asked Death. ¨They are just playing a game and they want you to find them! And maybe the house is a mess because they were grabbing everything they needed for the game.¨ ¨Okay can you help me play the game and get home to my family?¨ ¨Yes I can.¨ Just then a piece of roof started to fall. ¨WATCH OUT!!!!¨ Death yelled as Death made the bear pull as hard as it could. With a loud bang! It hit the floor and just barely missed the girl. ¨Wow you saved me Mr. Bear!¨ as she said that she went and grabbed something red and came back and said, ¨You're my hero!¨ as she put the cape on. ¨Thank you...Now let's grab stuff for our trip.¨ ¨Okay.¨ Quick like a couple of bunnies Death and the girl packed everything they needed and headed out but right before they left the girl took the bear´s cape off and gave it an adventures outfit and went and changed herself into a copy of his outfit and they left.

They were walking out of her village and the girl asked, ¨Where are they?Do you know? If you don´t how will we find them?¨ Death answered, ¨I do not know where they are but they left clues for us to follow and find them.¨ They walked for days and weeks eating the food they packed and sleeping in hollowed  


trees or shelters they made. Death was a sly fox as he pickpocketed other elves and as Death manipulated the little girl in lying. It was true Death was using the little girl but it was also protecting the girl aswell. Along the trip Death had to save her and help her avoid dieing. The fates warned Death that keeping her alive even though she was supposed to be dead was agaisnt nature and fate with destiny would try and set it right. Even though death was so tired Death could sleep for weeks Death knew in the long run it would be worth it. They were at the edge of the elf nation Thespria and heading into the orc nation Drathdar. The girl bumped into a cart and a bottle fell off and spilt all over her. Death knew that potion was a camoflauge potion and Death used its power to make her look like an orc child. ¨That liquid smells weird. I should go wash it off.¨ ¨No!!!¨ ¨Why not?¨ ¨We are so close to your family we shouldn´t make them wait should we?¨ ¨No let's go!¨

After a day of walking and lying to people they made it into the main fortress and just like the fates told Death to do Death needed to lead the little girl into a room and Death had the bear tell her, ¨Now pull that lever and you can see your family!¨ ¨Okay!!!!¨ she went and pulled the lever and immediately said, ¨I feel sleepy. I am going to take a nap¨ The girl yawned and passed out and fell to the floor with a crash! As she fell she knocked over an explosion potion and it mixed with the gas in the air and it blew up the fortress and Death knew it was over and Death said, ¨rest in peace little girl and be happy with your family...¨

Magus was searching through the destruction of the fortress and found a bear in an adventurers costume and sewed into the bear's paw was Sylvia´s Bear.

The author's comments:

This was inspired by one of my dadś ideas. I hope you like it!

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