A Cinderella Sequel | Teen Ink

A Cinderella Sequel

December 7, 2020
By Anonymous

“ You may kiss the bride.” The handsome prince charming, Louis, and his beautiful wife, Cinderella, take their first kiss as husband and wife in front of the whole village. On one half of the church sits all of the young women that the prince did not choose to marry. That included Cinderellas’ jealous and evil step sisters and step mother. They sat in the first pew with their arms crossed and with their unpleasant, envious faces. On the other half of the church sits Cinderellas’ Fairy Godmother surrounded by rabbits, squirrels, mice, birds, horses, you name it. The royal newlyweds step down the stairs of the altar and make their way to the outside of the church, the village roars with happiness. The birds hold Cinderella's long, sparkly, white trail while the other animals follow behind creating beautiful music. The pumpkin carriage is waiting to take the royal couple to their honeymoon spot. They slide into the carriage and it takes off, Cinderella and Louis wave and blow kisses to the crowd behind them. The birds and animals race after the pumpkin until they reach the forest. The pumpkin carries the two couples into a forest with white trees and white lights strung around all of the trees. White sparkles fall from the sky, “Snow!” Cinderella says as she turns back to Louis who lays a gentle kiss on her lips. They reach a wooden cottage surrounded with fairy lights. Snow whites seven dwarfs come out of the front door along with snow white. 

“We just had to add some finishing touches, fix the plumbing, clean up a little bit, polish the floors, and of course make sure the house was rid of those god awful red things!” Snow white exclaims as Aladdin, Jasmine, and the Genie follow behind them. 

“Rather than spending hours on building this cottage for our favorite newlyweds, we just wished for it!” pronounces Jasmine. Aurora appears from the upstairs window.

“I’ll be right out! Just making the bed for you!” she says. Belle comes out of the front door. 

Belle says, “ You should find the best utensils and roses a girl could have!” Cinderella and her Prince Charming are filled with love and joy. 

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! How can we ever repay you?” The newlywed begs of them to answer. Their friends insist that their acts of kindness are gifts and that they should get on their way to leave the new couple with peace. 

Cinderella and Prince Charming enter their honeymoon cottage. They let their eyes deceive them as they imagined a run down, country looking place, but as they stepped into the cottage and looked around they realized they thought wrong. Inside was bright and luxurious, but also comfortable and created a feeling of home. Cinderellas’ favorite flowers appear all over, and the couples favorite part is the chandelier from their first dance together that hangs over the whole cabin. Cinderella and Louis turn towards a record player and in it, appears the music that they danced to at the ball. They give each other a look and dance around the cabin under the chandelier, Cinderella is filled with tenderness, warmth, and devotion for one another. Louis on the other hand, seems to be distracted, almost nervous. Cinderella brushes her hunch away and takes in every second. They eat a beautiful diner, cuddle next to the fireplace, and make their way upstairs for their first night together as husband and wife. Louis takes the first shower and Cinderella gets ready for the night. She takes her hair out of her tight bun and lets it fall loose just under her shoulders. She wipes off her makeup and slips on a silk nightgown. She lays on the bed in wait for her husband to join her. All of a sudden, Louis’ pants begin to vibrate. His stupid phone, Cinderella says to herself. I told him to leave it at the castle. She decides to ignore it and sings to herself. All of a sudden one of Cinderella's birds fly through the window, into Louis’ pants and places his cellphone at the end of the bed then leaves the room. Don’t do it, Cinderella thinks. Just pick it up and put it away, don’t do this tonight, she continues to say to herself. Cinderella picks up the phone and unlocks it. Ten missed calls from Anastasia, what!? She immediately checks his messages and there Anastasia is! The texts read: I know I married her, but you have to know I will always love you; I miss your beautifulness; Come see me tonight when she goes to bed, we will spend the night under the stars. No, no, no. This has got to be a dream! I have to do something! 

Louis comes out of the bathroom and rubs his towel through his hair, another towel is loosely tied right below his waist. He looks at Cinderella and says, “What, are you okay?” Cinderella looks back at him, as she pictures her heart being thrown through a paper shredder and says, “Oh everything is fine darling, come to bed.” He places his hand on her knee and slowly traces up to her neck, he then gently places her hair behind her ear. “ I can give you a massage if that would make you happy.” He whispers into her ear. “Maybe another time, I am exhausted. I am going to the kitchen to get a warm glass of milk, I will be back.” Cinderella says as she pushes the covers off her body to get up and out of the bed that her and her cheating new husband will spend the night in. She pours a tall glass of milk and puts it in the microwave to warm it. Cinderella starts to cry as she thinks to herself, What did I do to deserve this treatment? I truly believe I am better off cleaning my step mothers underwear then being cheated on with my evil step sister. She cries and cries, but all of a sudden sparkles fall from the ceiling and form a figure of Cinderellas’ Fairy Godmother. 

“Oh, how happy I am to see you!”

“Why must you be crying at this hour Cinderella, only the most hurt begin to cry after a beautiful wedding like that. Was the dress not good enough for you?” 

“No Fairy Godmother, the dress was beautiful, the wedding was everything I have ever imagined,” Cinderella begins to choke on her words. “I have found out that my charming prince has been confessing his love to Anastasia and they will meet up tonight once I fall asleep!” The tears begin to stream down Cinderella's face harder. 

“ I see, I see. Well, I have worked magic once for you before and it is not too late to ask for my help once more. Would you like Anastasia to be gone forever, but still have Louis, or would you prefer both of them were gone for good.” 

“I can never look at Louis the same. Both-” Cinderella states firmly. “ Both, gone for good!” 

“ As you wish, my love. Go on upstairs now, get some beauty sleep.” Cinderella makes her way up to bed, and the Fairy Godmother makes her way out to the garden to wait for the not so charming prince and Anastasia. 

Anastasia appears out of nowhere. The Godmother assumes that she wandered through the woods, out of sight, to ensure no eye would see her. She carefully and quietly walks over behind a great oak tree and sits in wait for Prince Charming. Back up in the newlyweds room, Cinderella fell asleep. “Cinderella,” Louis whispers. “Cinderella are you awake?” He receives no answer so he opens the window and places a rope ladder down the side of the house. He climbs out the window and down the ladder, into the garden of roses. The Godmother hides and holds her breath. He makes his way over to the oak tree and Anastasia jumps into his arms placing kisses all over his neck.  

“ Did she hear you? Was she asleep? You were quiet, there was no way she could have heard you, right?” Anastasia whispered.

“We are all set in my love, stop worrying.” The Fairy Godmother sends a cute bunny over to the two as a way to lure them into the rose garden. The bunny sits and looks up at them with his big eyes and floppy ears. When he gets their attention, he turns around and hops away. Anastsia and Louis follow the bunny into the rose garden. 

“Target secured.” The Godmother whispers to herself. 

“Did you hear that?” Louis says. Anastasia ignores him as she is in awe of this bunny. The Godmother closes her eyes and whispers her magic words. 

“Bippity.” Sparkles form on the ground and all around Louis and Anastasia.

“What is this?” Anastasia proclaims.

“Boppity.”  The roses turn into snakes and slither all around the couple. 

“S-s-nakes!” Louis yelps as he jumps into Anastasias’ arms.

“You fool! What are you doing! I am supposed to jump into your arms!”

“BOO!” The Godmother yells and the snakes wrap around their legs and all the way up to their mouths. The two cheaters are dressed head to toe with snakes. The snakes pull them down into the ground slowly. Their screams go quieter and quieter until they are fully buried alive. The snakes crawl from the whole and the bunny hops over and kicks dirt over the whole to fill it up. Louis, Anastaisa, and their affair are officially gone forever.

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