Conspiracy Mirror | Teen Ink

Conspiracy Mirror

May 24, 2019
By Anonymous

What’s up guys it’s WokePeter674 and today I’m gonna do a whole day vlog of my school day, more like jail day haha. The American schooling system is wack! Corporate Piggies. Anyway I’m gonna go brush my teeth gamers.” Peter dropped his camera onto his dresser and filmed himself brush his teeth with nothing but water. “Toothpaste makes your teeth dirty.” “All those toothpaste companies just want the sheep to buy more.” A voice called from downstairs,“Peter! Come downstairs it's almost time for school.” Peter didn’t respond, instead he rushed to put on his spiked wristbands and his keens. “Ok, come on guys let's go downstairs.” Peter stomped down the stairs and sweeped his hair from his eyes, only to have it fall right back into place. He chowed down his breakfast and rushed out the door. The camera shook as he moved he sprinted toward the bus.

Peter sat in the back of the bus and started whispering to the camera, “Alright guys bus time, sorry about that by the way my mom is so annoying.” Peter continued to ride the bus, he only got a couple stares, better than usual. Peter stomped out of the bus and started running, he stopped once he was far enough from the other exiting passengers. “My first class is Lies, that's what I call history for you non subscribers watching this video.” “Chad sits across from me he’s a toy soldier cookie cutter sheep!” The bell rang and Peter didn’t quicken his pace.

He finally sulked into the classroom, with a small smirk on his face. Chad sat there quietly listening to the teachers rambling about the early 2000s. He adjusted his collar, and swept his hair back. Peter took his camera out from under the desk and started filming again. “Hey Chad, wake up piggy! 911 wasn’t real,” “My uncle died in it Peter, what the fuck,” Chad replied, angrily shifting his head back to the camera. “Get woke Chad I bet you don’t even believe in hollow earth theory.” Before Chad could reply a stern voice interrupted them “Peter please talk to me after class.” “We live in a society” Peter said, shoving his camera back into his lap.

“Finally got my camera back online, but it doesn't matter there are cameras everywhere.” Peter zoomed in on a corner of the hallway. Nothing was there but Peter could see a small alternating light. “I have to go talk to the principal she’s a reptilian, in fact I’ll test her today,” ”She has cameras in her room too”. Peter strolled to his bench where he ate lunch. He sat down and set his camera across from him. “I mostly sit by myself, I avoid the cookie cutter robots hypnotized by the government.” He looked away briefly, staring at the main lunch area. “Ok so I’m going to perform the Reptilian Test on the principal.” Peter took out his sandwich and started eating. “For you viewers that don’t know the test is simple, this is how we theorists test for reptiles, basically you ask if they’re a reptile and if they say no, they’re lying.” Peter threw his half eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the ground and walked towards the principal's office.

“Ah yes Peter I’ve been expecting you” Principal Peterson took a bunch of papers and aligned them. “Why do you guys care so much about me? Am I your little science experiment?.” “No Peter, we just need to talk about how you’ve been behaving lately.” Peter put the hood of his jacket on his head and slumped into the chair across from the principal. Peter tried to hide a smirk when he asked, “Hey Mrs. Peterson are you a reptile?”

“No why?” Mrs. Peterson stuck out her tongue to reveal an inhuman forked tongue. Peter jumped up from his seat. He sat there momentarily staring at the corner of the room where he had seen the cameras before, they were much bigger now. “You’re not a reptile,” WokePeter674 whispered, a sense of defeat in his voice.

The author's comments:

gamers unite bruh

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