Work For Hire | Teen Ink

Work For Hire

April 11, 2019
By Anonymous

Thrilled, he stares into the luminescent sky just to be quickly overwhelmed by the amount of speeders as they woosh by. He looks back down onto the blue flickering screen in front of him. He proceeds to lightly tap the button and just as he did, large neon text pops up with the captions,

דיין סענטינעל-קלאַס שוטטלע וועט אָנקומען ין 13 וט. ביטע ווארט.

Appo pulls up his wristband and spins his finger in a clockwise motion until the text shows, “Your Sentinel-Class Shuttle will arrive within 13 UT. Please Wait.”

The screen eventually fades into the small metal globe below it, as if it dissolved into the emptiness of the void. As he loiters around, he can hear the rumbling of an engine in the distance, somewhat shaking the ground as it quickly approaches to come in for a landing. Feeling the powerful blast of air on his face as he walks towards the ship, the shuttle ramp begins to descend into a walkway, crowded with passengers as they wander off the ship and into the void of the city.

Appo swipes his wristband into the scanner as he boards the shuttle. He takes a seat on the grey metal that sticks inward from the side of the ship as a couple of people file in and take seats, spread across trying to be as far apart from others as possible. Seconds after the shuttle ramp closes, there’s this loud poof that instantly disappears into silence within his ear, as if he partially went deaf. He looks to the side to take a quick peek to see the city subsiding into darkness as the shuttle abruptly shakes; he knows the shuttle is exiting the atmosphere and entering the zero gravity zone.

Closing into the nearest planet, the shuttle dove straight towards it with incredible speed. As they start their descent into the bright, sand-filled planet, the large skyscraper structures slowly tower over them. With an ear screeching bang, the shuttle comes to a full stop. As the shuttle ramp opens, Appo gets up and walks over to the cockpit. He says, “Thanks for the ride.”

The pilot turns his head slightly and mumbles, “—eah, sure kid.” He turns towards his television and starts on it again.



Appo leaves the cockpit and walks off the ship casually. He pulls out a small piece of paper from his back pocket and starts typing in some coordinates into his wristband. It instantly lights up with a three-dimensional map of his surrounding area as a bright blue line guides him the way. As he power walks to his destination, he looks down at his wristband for it to display the time: “17:20 HOURS.” Appo starts on a light jog as he’s directed around the mysterious city, making a series of left and right turns on narrowly paved walkways. Coming to a stop, he begins heavily breathing as he stares at a light brown structure almost four times the size of himself. Taking a couple of deep breaths, he stands up straight and starts for the entrance. Slyly going through the entrance with ease, Appo takes a look around to stumble onto a counter with a droid behind it, the name plate reads,

Protocol Droid  . . .  Receptionist

As Appo approaches the counter, the droid says, “Hello and welcome to CorWorks Emporium. Do you have an appointment scheduled?”

“Yes. I believe it wa—,” says Appo.

The droid cuts him off and says, “What is your name, appointment time, and with whom?”

“My name is Appo. The appointment time I believe was 17:35 in hours with Mr. Mon Koon,” he responded.

A few seconds pass as the droid says, “Please scan your ID here.”

Appo swipes his wristband onto a barcode-like reader as it makes a quiet beep.

The droid says, “Someone will be with you shortly,” as it points to a set of chairs for him to takes a seat in.

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