Prince Fernando and The Potatoes | Teen Ink

Prince Fernando and The Potatoes

October 30, 2018
By Kurtlugo BRONZE, Madelia, Minnesota
Kurtlugo BRONZE, Madelia, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a Prince named Fernando.  Fernando was a fairly plump little guy who loved to eat.  In his big castle, he would sneak down to the kitchen and eat the food that was prepared for the next day.  He was very sneaky when he did this. The cooks realized food was missing every morning, but they couldn’t figure out who is taking the food.  There were guards all around the castle who would catch Fernando whose bedroom was on the opposite side of the castle. Ronald and Carly, Frenado’s parents, were usually gone from the house so it couldn't possibly be them.  The cooks believe the guard who protects the kitchen who stealing all of this food. After doing some research the cooks found out Gabriella was the guard of the kitchen.

The next day the cooks went to Gabriella and asked her, “Have you seen anyone lately go into the kitchen in the middle of the night?”

“No,” replied Gabriella.

“Have you been taking the food?” asked the main cook.

“No, I do starve, but I swear it’s not me.”

“We’ll have to bring this up to the King and Queen,”

The cooks went to the King and Queen and told them everything.  They had no proof who was stealing the food, but they did know Gabriella wasn’t doing her job correctly.  They had to explain everything to Gabriella and dismissed her from the castle. Gabriella was furious for she now had no way to feed her kids or herself.  She did, however, know she had to get revenge on whomever got her fired. She went to her eldest son who wasn’t known around town. She told him what had happened and he immediately wanted to help her.  He went to the castle for an interview and got the job of assistant guard right on the spot. He knew he couldn’t stir trouble right away so he waited a while.

A few months later, Roberto Jr. (Gabriella’s son) went into the kitchen right after the cooks had left and looked for the food they had prepared for the next morning.  He was looking around the kitchen until he saw beef roast, carrots, and potatoes. He grabbed the potatoes and let them soak in a potion he had. He walked back out and let the victim fall into his trap.  As usual, no one saw Fernando due to the fact there was a secret underground tunnel only he and his family knew about. He ate a little of everything that was out, especially the potatoes, which he ate entirely.  He went back to his room and went back to sleep.

When he woke up Fernando felt a little different.  Everything in his room looked blurry and quite large to him.  He looked at his hands and saw they were little and furry. He crawled to the mirror and saw that he was a rat.  He had no clue what to do, but he did know that he was hungry again so he went to the kitchen. While he was in the tunnel his mother saw him and panicked.  He realized it probably wasn’t safe for him to stay in the castle. Roberto Jr. decided to go to Lonzo’s, a smart man who could figure out everything. Lonzo had this machine that animals could translate animal language into human language.  Fernando told him what had happened and Lonzo knew exactly what was wrong. He explained that a man came to his shop a few months ago for a potion to turn people into animals. He told Fernando the only way to overturn the potion was to eat whatever contained the potion, but a little differently.  Fernando returned to the castle and went right to the kitchen. He noticed there were more potatoes there, so he started to devour them. However nothing had changed. He went to the board with the menu and made sure potatoes were on the menu for the next seven days. The next day he thought maybe nothing has changed because he didn’t eat enough.  He ate more than he could and yet nothing changed. He continued different strategies until day seven. The menu read twice baked potato, his favorite type of potato. He savored it like he would as if he were human and hid like he had for the past week. While all of this was going on everyone noticed that Fernando was nowhere to be seen. As everyone was looking for Fernando, Roberto Jr. realizes that it was Fernando that got his mother fired.  Roberto Jr. still had a heart so he set up a food trap to catch Fernando. The next morning Roberto Jr. found Fernando in his trap and explained that he would help him, if his mother would not only get her job back, but be the main guard. Fernando agreed that he will do everything in his power to make that happen.

Fernando transformed back into a human and went straight to his parents.  He told them he was hiding in the private room in the tunnels, and that is why they couldn’t find him.  He admitted that he was the one taking the food, not Gabriella. He felt bad for getting Gabriella fired and wanted to repay her by making her the head guard.  Ronald agreed with Fernando and hired Gabriella as head guard. After a three weeks Fernando figured out it was Gabriella and Roberto Jr. who turned him into the rat.  He had them executed immediately for their cruel behavior.

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