First Love | Teen Ink

First Love

November 9, 2015
By ggreyes BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
ggreyes BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I walked into the already dirty, new gym wearing my favorite Nike sky blue outfit. This is where I first saw her. Emily Rose Jacobs. She was stunning, the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Wack! Before I knew it, I woke up in the nurse’s office with a giant bump on my head.
“What happened?” I said asking Jake. I still felt a little groggy from just waking up.
Jake my best friend, that I got hit with a soccer ball. I could tell that he was dodging the question when I asked him who hit me. That’s when I knew it was Luke. I was sure it wasn’t an accident. He was a blond hair blue eyed jerk. He hated me and I hated him. Every time we were near each other, it was like world war three but this was the first time i wasn’t in the game. I wasn’t ready for him. It was because of Emma. Whenever I was near her I couldn’t pay attention to anything but her. She distracts me and I hate it but I can’t stay away from her.She is just so, so amazing and I know one day she will be mine. Most of the time when I try to talk to her, I can’t because I am always with Jake. Jake is my best friend and I love him, but he is also Emma’s ex boyfriend, so it kinda complicates things. Sometimes I think it would be better if they didn’t know each other, but then again, I wouldn’t have even known her if it wasn’t for Jake.
Just then Jake walked beside me at my locker.
“Hey, how you feeling?” Jake said sounding caring.
“Fine I just wish it wouldn’t have happened, especially by Luke,” I said in a angry but still tired voice.
“Yeah, well at least it’s over now.” What happened, you are usually ready for him?”
“I don’t know I just wasn’t expecting it,” I said nervously.
“Well whatever it happened can you just watch out for him from now on ok?”
“Yea, alright I will,” I said sarcastically.
“Why do you hate him anyways?” “I mean what happened you guys used to be best friends?”
“He’s just a jerk, to everyone,” I said hesitating.
“You sure?” Jake asked.
Suddenly the bell rang and saved me from the truth. The real reason why I hate Luke, is because when we were friends he was dating Emma. I didn’t hate him because he was dating her but i was mad because he didn’t even like her. He just dated her because she was popular. The worst part is that he knew I liked her and he still dated her and broke her heart. Now we try to stay away from each other to keep everyone happy, to keep Emma happy.
The next few classes were a blur. I finally got to eighth period and it was math, the class i dreaded most. It was so boring. None of my friends are in math with me because they are in accelerated math. Once the bell rang I hurried to my locker to get my stuff and rushed out of school. I had a little over half a mile to get to my parents car. It was an ugly, broken down brown 1990 Chevy. I hated it so much. It was embarrassing. That’s why I asked my parents if they could pick me up away from school. Of course, they agreed because they knew how embarrassing it was to be poor and worse having everyone know it. I’ve never told anyone about me being poor and no one would guess because my mom works at a Nike store so she gets something free every week. It’s great because no one would suspect but she is always working. The only time I see her is when she picks up from school. My dad owns a restaurant so he’s always busy too. I tried to work at the restaurant with him to spend time with him, but he said I was to young.
I walked into school the next day and saw Emma alone in the hall.This was my chance to talk to her. As much as I wanted to date her I couldn’t keep thinking about how Jake still liked her and that they have dated once so why can’t they date again.
“H-hey Emma,” I said nervously. My voice started cracking. I was so embarrassed
“ Hey Wilson. “ What’s up?” Emma asked.
“Would you, um like to go out with me?”  I said in a scared voice.
“Are you serious?”
“Um, yeah,” I said in a confused voice.
“Oh my gosh, of course,” she said.
Then she hugged me. This was it. I finally did it. Emma and I were dating. Then the early bell rang, so I went to my locker to get my stuff and then I saw Jake. I wanted to tell him about Emma, but I knew it would end badly because he still liked her.
“Oh, hey Jake.” “What are you doing here?” I said in a surprised voice.
“Hey, do you know if Emma has a boyfriend, cause I was gonna ask her out tonight?”
I couldn’t do it. How could I tell my best friend that I was dating the girl he liked. After everything he had done for me this is not how to repay him. I hope he just gets over him.
“No I don’t know for sure i’ll ask her later for you.”
“You know you should go to the movies with her this weekend, that would be the perfect first date I will set it all up.”
I know this is a bad thing to do but this is the only way I
can repay him. Besides Emma won’t want to date him so her and I could date her.
Later that day I asked Emma if she wanted to go to the movies. What she didn’t know was that I wasn’t going to the movies but Jake was and he will think that they were on a date. Then when he realizes that she doesn’t like him it will be ok if I date her.
The thing I didn’t know know was that they kissed and fell in love. I found this out right after Emma came up to talk to me.
“Hey Wilson, there’s something I need to tell you,” “I think we should break up,” Emma said.
“What why?” I hope she didn’t notice that is was about to cry.
“I’m sorry but me and Jake are getting back together.”
“Ok, I understand.” But I didn’t. I didn’t understand how this could have happened.
Wilson never came back to school. Emma and Jake were together happily with three kids for the remainder of their lives.


             The End.

The author's comments:

My life.

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