Actions Speak louder than words | Teen Ink

Actions Speak louder than words

October 6, 2015
By Anonymous

I was standing in front of him, the guy who had showed me love over the summer. He was going back home because summer was ending and school was starting soon. "Flight 27 boarding in five minutes" sounded the intercom, that was his flight, he pulled me into a tight hug and whispered "I love you" into my ear then walked away to get on his flight. I honestly didn't know if he loved me or not but I decided to trust him, your actions speak louder then your words because people watch your actions, and your actions are the first impression you have on people.

After he had disappeared through the gate to get on his flight I started to remember the
first time we had met. I was walking through the small town that I have lived in my whole life when someone bumped into me and knocked me on the ground, when I looked up I saw a hand in front of me offering to help me up. That's when I first heard the name that would stay in my heart forever, Laine. Then I remember how he showed me how to have fun in this small town and more importantly he showed me how to love. Of course I loved my parents and my older sister, but this was a different kind of love, one that I have never felt before with any other guy. Before I could realize that I was crying I felt a tear hit my hand so I decided to get out of the airport and go home to where we had so many memories and I could cry in peace with out people looking at me like I'm weird. When I got home I immediately fell asleep, I was too tired of crying about Laine. The next few weeks I continued to live my life as if I had never met the heart throb named Laine.

It has been three months since he left me and I haven't heard a word from him since.

The last things he had said to me were still lingering in my mind, "I love you" would replay in my head over and over again. I went home that day and I got the best news of my life, that my family was taking a vacation to Florida. Maybe a vacation was just what I needed to get my mind off of him. It had been a week since I heard the news and today was the day that we were leaving, I wouldn't be back in this small town for a whole two weeks! When we got there I immediately went to the coffee shop around the corner of our hotel. When I first got there I saw a really cute guy in a nice looking truck, I walked in the shop to order myself a coffee, then I heard the bell on the door ring, signaling that someone had opened the door.

All of the sudden I heard someone say "well look, there is my best bud, Luke" that's when I froze in my place. I slowly turned around to see the same Luke that had broke my heart three months ago. When he had finally turned my way his eyes got wide and all he said was "Ashley...." Then I tried to run out of the shop but he followed me and told me to let him explain, so I did. Then he explained how he had lost his phone and lost all of his contacts and he was truly sorry. By the time he had finished we were both in tears. By the way he was crying I knew that he had loved me and now ten years later I'm proud to call him my husband. It's not just what he had said to me on that day we had met again, it's the emotion he had showed when he was explaining to me why he hadn't contacted me in those three months. His actions spoke louder than his words and that's how I knew he meant it when he said that he loved me and was sorry.

The author's comments:

I hope that people get the point that actions speak louder than words.

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